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Luts Senior Delf 65 Discussion Part 1

Dec 29, 2014

    1. Oh!!! He doesn’t do the sitting thing that I was worried about (because my other two Luts dolls do it lol). Thank you so much, I am totally getting this body when I get another SDF65!!!
    2. It truly is a beautiful body :blushI compared the image of the Muse body you showed, to a SDF65 slender body image, and the Muse body is more beautifully sculpted!

      I can see now why it is called a Muse body XD I'm tempted to get my Diez on a Muse body instead, based on the way I am thinking of styling my Diez. I could make his character a genderless shapeshifter. He wouldn't be the first genderless shapeshifter I got. I do have a Rainman Su modded genderless, they are my Zodiac sign in a humanoid doll form.

      There's another thing that makes me tempted to get a Muse body over a SDF65 slender body, and that is it is 1cm shorter. I know it's not all that much :lol:, but I don't really want another SDF65 body. At the moment, besides not wanting my dolls having duplicate, same body types, I want to have as much differences in height as I can between my different doll characters. Every cm counts, even it it's just one cm shorter :3nodding:

      I won't be able to order a body for my Deiz head during this event, because of my Delf Dan order. But I'm glad I got some time to think this through. I thought I wanted the SDF65 slender body, but that 1 cm matters to me :lol:

      Edit: Wait, now I got a bit confused about the measurements. It says on Luts site 64cm (head included), but right underneat it says 67cm. No matter what it is, I do like the idea of a tall, slender, genderless, shapeshifter elf character :)
      #802 manabusama, Jun 29, 2023
      Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
    3. @Ashel I'm glad you like it! I got this specific muse body: Senior Delf MUSE Body Type 2 Neck compatible version. I wanted to make sure the neck would be compatible with the event heads which can fit the Super Senior or Senior Delf bodies.

      @manabusama The idea of a genderless elf is totally why I got this body! I wanted to be able to dress them up however they wanted - boy clothes, girl clothes, no clothes since there is no genitalia on display. My Elf Diez head is currently on the Muse body but I also have an Elf Carmine head who will share it with him.
    4. I guess I should call my Diez "them" instead of he, since he have no gender. Or maybe he is a he, only that his sex is hidden, much like with some animals. Or maybe his species are genderless from birth, but they all have a sense of gender and freely can shapeshift into whatever gender they feel like at the moment. There's so many options XD

      But I also want him to be able to have a wolf self. Like Timmain from Elfquest, she's one of the high ones. For so long she wandered the earth as a wolf, so she got lost in that shape for quite some time!

      I still call him "he" although he is a genderless being, but his sense of self is that he's a he. I just have to go with that he's an elf and a wolf, just like Timmain is :)

      Yes, genderless definitely gives a lot of opportunities when it comes to clothing, I love that as well :3nodding:
      • x 1
    5. @manabusama You can call him a he! I was trying to be respectful of the body but I think mine is a he too. I love Elfquest! That would be a cool concept for your Diez!
    6. Don't worry, it wasn't anything you said. I were just thinking out loud, because the opportunities are many with a body like that. Just trying to figure him out :) I'm very excited about creating this character, so I just blurt out any thought that came to mind :lol:

      Long time Elquest fan here. But back when I first discovered the comic, finding their books weren't as easy as it is now. I used to borrow the books from the library when I were younger. I currently have an art book, but I'm thinking of buying the books now that I easily can find them in any online bookstore, including in my own country.
      #806 manabusama, Jun 29, 2023
      Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
    7. @manabusama Oh okay! Glad to help you create!

      I used to get them from the library too! I also read it on their website - recently I bought them all digitally from Humble Bundle. I even met the creators at a recent comic convention! But I can tell you more about that in messages if you like haha!
    8. I had many of the comics on Comixology, but then they sold their site to Amazon and it's just not the same anymore :| Cool :) Were Wendy and Richard both there? Well, you can tell me in a PM, it'll be fun to hear :3nodding:

      And seeing some images of the Muse body really helped deciding. I have been into the idea of getting a Muse Jean before, but after a while I weren't so sure if a full Muse doll (head and body) were meant to be. But I'm glad I at least get the experience of having a Muse body to use with the event head, that'll be real cool!
    9. @manabusama They were! Your inbox is full so I can't tell you more just yet haha.

      I'm glad my photos were able to help you!
    10. I didn't realize :sweatI've been longtime chatting through PM with someone, so that's what filled up the inbox XD But I fixed it now :)
      #810 manabusama, Jul 1, 2023
      Last edited: Jul 1, 2023
    11. @manabusama I've done that too! Thank goodness for Discord or other messaging avenues these days!
    12. Sorry if this is a silly question, but I tried to find videos or info online, and I was unsuccessful. :sweat

      How do you change the hands? I never had a doll whose hands weren't attached with a very obvious hook, but my SDF65 boy's hands seem have the cord looped right through them...

      Like so: Photo link.

      Tips? Advice? Am I missing something very obvious? :...(
    13. Pull the hand away while keeping the wrist [half]ball against the wrist socket. The hand has a built-in resin hook around which the elastic is looped.
      • x 2
    14. Oh, I see it now! Thank you!

      The hook is very thick compared to my other dolls'. Is changing hands somewhat difficult...? I was considering blushing these hands and buying other ones, but I usually rely on the hooks being thin and easy to slip into the loop.
    15. I have very poor hand strength and I haven't had any trouble changing the hands. I poke a little retainer made from plastic- coasted wire into the elastic loop so it doesn't shoot up into the arm while I remove the hand.
      • x 3
    16. That's good to know! Thanks for your help! :aheartbea
    17. My large Luts order shipped after just two and a half months. I'm shocked! I got a boy in the Rosy brown and a looot of extras and I haven't seen Luts ship that fast in a while. Definitely beats my dealer time with Divas (almost a year ><, but I know it's different). Last time I ordered direct they took longer than this too. Very excited
      • x 5
    18. Hi! I was wondering, does anyone have Volks Bronze (like SD17 Regulus) to compare with any of the Luts tan resin colors (brown, light tan, or tan)? Thank you in advance!