1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Luts Senior Delf Discussion Part IV

Apr 26, 2016

    1. Finally opened my new (to me) Howl on the type 4 male body. I know @laquaza was asking about this body before and he seems to pose just fine. I personally have a love/hate relationship with the type of hip setup Luts uses on this body (as well as many others) but otherwise I like it much better than the very old type 1 body I had long ago.

      Lyle is a reshell back into a Howl after thinking he should be a different sculpt but his first shell was perfect all along. :XD:
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    2. Darn, Luts is discontinuing the Senior Delf Type 3 body, I literally just made plans for an Amy in their Real Skin Tan but I'm nowhere near having the money. Does anyone know if Senior Delf heads fit on taller 1/3 bodies? I'm going to have to hope to get in on a head choice event and hybrid her, now.
      #462 MonochromeNocturne, Feb 27, 2023
      Last edited: Feb 27, 2023
    3. I just got the email too x_X I freaked when I saw the subject preview thinking they were saying goodbye for good altogether.

      Have a question though. Does anyone know how cross-compatible Dream of Doll DOT Heads are with Senior Delf bodies? I’ve had a DOT event head from like 9 years ago, that I never got to get a Body for before Dream of Doll went under. The Senior Delf 1 is pretty similar to what the Body I’d wanted looked like, but I don’t know if the head will fit ‍
    4. :] Hello!! I wanted to ask if anyone has any opinions on the Senior Delf high heel legs (type 8) vs the basic flat feet? The high heel legs look double jointed so I'm thinking it should be good but wanted to know if anyone's experienced any difficulty standing in shoes or anything like that.

      Also wanted to ask for people's experiences with the type 8 glam body in general!
    5. I bought a Luts event head in realskin normal off the marketplace here made in 2021, and was curious if anyone here knew how much normal resin mellows over time. I'd like to get him admittedly the superior ssdf body and I'm just wondering how different those two will be for like face-up purposes.
    6. My first Luts doll from 2017 still matches my newer dolls. I haven’t noticed any mellowing and I’ve switched bodies around my kdelfs a few times. They’re all from 2017-2021 with no noticeable color difference.
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    7. Excellent :evilplot:
    8. Nvm my message wasn't showing and I got confused
    9. In my experience, Luts resin colors hold up really well. (Except for Real Skin Tan imo.) Here's most of my 2011-2021 Luts NS compared.
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    10. I do think new resins hold up much better. It felt like my RS normal yellowed fairly quickly, but mine are from 2008-2015ish
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    11. I wasn't sure where to ask this, but does anyone know how long it takes Luts to do the shipping payback they were offering during the event? :huh?: My order says confirmed but the shipping hasn't been deducted or anything yet.

      I'm looking forward to owning a senior delf Raina, though! :]
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    12. It is applied as points. If you're doing a layaway the points will be applied once it is paid in full. If they forget just post on q&a and they will process and give you the points~
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    13. Ohhh, I see! Thanks so much.
    14. Last summer Ramon (SDF Howl) fell down and broke his nose. He has been repaired and recently got a gorgeous new faceup from Ms Stein :D.

      I hindsight it might not have been the worst thing to happe.. Because I probably wouldn't have wiped his old company faceup. And now he looks better than ever :love. But I do not wish to experience the anguish of seeing him smashed ever again.
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    15. @Cap'n, @laquaza, your Howl boys are both so cute! I love how their faceups are so different, and yet they both have a sweet, wistful look.
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    16. Apparently I'm double-posting, but almost 3 months apart :sweat

      I wanted to ask, does anyone have Volks Bronze (like SD17 Regulus) to compare with any of the Luts tan resin colors (brown, light tan, or tan)? Thank you in advance!
    17. Couple Luts girls hangin' out~
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    18. @Cap'n These are both sculpts I haven't seen a lot of! They're both so pretty and I think I have jean envy for both of their clothes! Really like how you've styled them. :D
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    19. Sooo pretty! Ugh, looking through this thread is making me look forward to unpacking my girls again. Right now they're all stored away for our house renovations.
    20. @laquaza : Wow!!! I'm so sorry your Howl had to get a makeover such a drastic way... but popped into this thread and it totally reignited my desire for a beautiful Howl boy again. Ms. Stein did a fantastic job on his repairs. I cannot see anything to would allude to damage, just a very beautiful faceup to enjoy~

      @Cap'n : Beautiful and very underrated girlies! <3 Love your gorgeous tan Noelia lots!
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