1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Luts Senior Delf Discussion Part IV

Apr 26, 2016

    1. I don't have bronze but here is my terracotta girl! She arrived yesterday, and I love her so much :D
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    2. OMG she is my wish girl and beautiful!!!
      Wellcome to world~~
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    3. I got my very first Luts doll yesterday - she’s a Senior Delf Muse Bory (real skin brown). Her name is Elena and I’m so excited about her!

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    4. She’s so beautiful! I’ve always loved this particular sculpt, and seeing it presented as female is really amazing. Your muse is gorgeous!
    5. Thank you so much! This was my first time trying a male presenting sculpt as female presenting (inspired by the concept of the muse body which I really like btw!) and I’m so happy with how she’s turned out. :)
    6. Hello! I just got my my choice Muse/Dian hybrid yesterday, and I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on what clothing sizes fit the muse body best. It seems to be between the standard Volks sizes.
    7. I've had some luck with some POPO68 sized pieces, but they're often a bit too big/baggy in the waist. Curious about this as well.
    8. So far, it seems like maybe SD17 pants and SD16/SD13/SDGR everything else? SD13 pants are definitely too short, and SD17 tops are too big based on the limited options I have on hand. I don’t have infinite money to throw at this but I also have a very naked doll to dress.
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    9. The senior delf muse remi is so dang pretty.I don't need another kiddo right now. I'm so tempted. :...(:...(
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    10. Thank god I’m not into the muse body, or I’d definitely get a Remi… If they release Remi on a girl body in the future, it’ll be dangerous… :nosebleed
    11. I absolutely love the Remi sculpt but I really don't need a new doll right now :sweat Their face-up is gorgeous too though, and I'm really tempted...
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    12. I love Remi too, but won't be getting them right now. I really hope to see a bunch of owner's photos next year!! :chibi

      @dolleigh your Elena is looking soooo amazing. the way that you styled her really brings out the beauty in her make up. :love Did you request changes to it? It looks somehow enhanced and so flattering.
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    13. Thank you so much! So no actually, I didn’t request any changes to her makeup, but I did purchase her wig through Luts at the same time, so I’m not sure if maybe that influenced the makeup leaning a bit more soft/romantic than the stock photos? She actually has some glitter highlight on the top of her cheekbones and I was kind of surprised in person how much pinker around her eyes ended up being but I really like it for her character. The photo I posted was also color treated in photoshop so that may be a part of it as well, though I didn’t do anything in particular to edit her face/makeup.

      Also I’m very much fighting the urge to order a Remi as well! What a pretty sculpt!!!
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    14. Does anyone know what skin colour this girl is? lutsdoll co.,ltd.

      Is it 'white' or 'normal'? I saw the photo comparisons of the colours on the site on blank spheres, but like a goof, I can't tell when it comes to these photos lol. Also, does anyone know any resources for the body types and/or have a recommendation? I know DoA has measurements up to Type 7, but I'd love to see comparison photos too. Thank you!
    15. It looks like Normal. Luts White is paper-white.
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    16. Snow / Zuzu White is the paper white option. Honestly it is hard to tell sometimes with Luts whether they are using White or Normal skin. The resin colors are paler in person than the headcap samples most of the time. Just looking at her I thought normal, but comparing her to the head caps makes me wonder if she is white skin. Might want to check with Luts if you are dead set on getting the same color as the photos.

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    17. Thanks so much for your advice and investigation skills, Niel and Tonboko! I'm not really interested in 'paper white' but I thought the doll photo looked alright. If luts is known to answer questions like that, then I might reach out to them, yeah. I'm a little relieved I'm not the only one having a time trying to figure it out though, haha.

      also if anyone knows any answers to my other questions, that'd be helpful too!

      "Does anyone know any resources for the body types and/or have a recommendation? I know DoA has measurements up to Type 7, but I'd love to see comparison photos too. Thank you!"
    18. I mean yes, but their White is also super white. If you look at the photos of their dolls in white clothes, their Normal skin looks beige/yellowish compared to the white of the clothes, but on their White skin dolls, their skin looks as white as the clothes. Here is a good example of a White skin doll in white clothes. Now look at Irene's legs especially, they're very beige compared to the white skirt of her dress. That's why I think she's in Normal skin on her promos ^^

      But I do agree, it's best to ask Luts directly.

      P.S.: Thank god Luts actually state what colour the dolls on their promos are nowadays. It's so hard to figure out sometimes :sweat
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    19. [​IMG]

      Miriam my SDF Jean got her wig the other day, i need to do her another faceup - it was my first time properly color matching and there was alot of texture :sweat

      Also yeah, RSW is still very paper white in person - both my Jean and my Dan are super pale compared to my RSN Flora.
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    20. Purchased Remi via layaway! The temptation was too much to pass.:XD:

      I can't wait to have them. May the wait begin.:...(
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