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Luts Senior Delf Discussion Part IV

Apr 26, 2016

    1. Hello, Luts Senior Delf owners! I have one Senior Delf Type 5 female body, and it is my first. I plead for knowledge of the group.

      In transferring her (Iplehouse Luna head/hybrid) from one room to another, the body did something that has never happened to me before: it just... fell apart. One leg fell off and landed on the floor (she has heel legs).
      Luna, in pieces

      I looked at the body to try to figure out what was going on, and, well, have a peek in the spoiler and please let me know if this is standard on these dolls, or a mod:

      It's definitely a hex nut, and that might be milliput or Apoxie Sculpt? So I think it may be a mod.
      This isn't standard on Luts bodies, right?
    2. @MaleficentMrsofEvil
      Not standard at all! Typically the newer style of Luts bodies have a "bar" in between the legs that each individual leg elastic loops onto. You can see a pic of the bar on this blog post. The leg elastic doesn't go up to the neck on them. Yours looks like the bar either fell out or was removed on purpose by a prior owner. I don't believe the bar is cast in place, but I believe Luts glues it in. I once had one of the bars fall out of one of my bodies so had to glued it back in place. Mine fell out as one full piece though, not broken. Looks like someone tried to put the leg elastic though the hole where that bar once was and possibly used a hex nut as a place to knot the elastic to make it stay? The putty (almost looks like hot glue in the pics) seems to have filled in the remainder of the hole. As to why they did this, no idea. I assume the bar was accidentally broke off so could not be used. So prior owner may have come up with this as a solution.

      Edit: Also the long hook is for the knee of the lower leg. I have a couple type 5 bodies and can get you specific pics of anything if ya need.
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    3. Bless you, @Cap'n - that was very helpful!
      I have one more question:
      What keeps the head on?
      If the legs have a peg, and the arms have each other... Where head elastic go?

      I would very much prefer to disassemble her and avoid another Fairyland moment (released neck elastic - arms shot off in 2 different directions, lol). :lol:
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    4. OK, I went on a deep-dive on Luts' website.
      So the type 5 body is the "multi-part body"? And you need... 4 strings of elastic?
      If I'm looking at the pictures and reading the instructions correctly, one string of elastic goes from hip knob, through the chest, up the neck, and back down to the other hip knob.
      Elastic 2 attaches the arms.
      Elastic 3 and 4 are for each leg.

      If I'm right, I have one more (probably really dumb) question: has anyone ever removed the hip knobs and just strung the doll in the traditional manner? One long piece of elastic from head to legs?
    5. Of that page, pics 1-2 show how the neck elastic attaches if 1 piece torso, pics 5-7 show how the neck elastic attaches if 2 piece torso. A short piece of elastic is looped around a piece in the lower torso. Either at the very bottom (for 1 piece torso) or at the top of the lower torso below the joint (for 2 piece torso). Both ends go up through the neck to hook onto the S hook.
      There's 4 pieces of elastic total:
      1 piece for arms
      2 pieces for leg (1 each)
      1 piece for torso-neck

      You actually can string them in the traditional manner! Sometimes without needing to remove the peg depending on which body. (Some work better than others around the peg.) But they're not as sturdy and will most likely require additional sueding/hot gluing. The legs are more likely to go kinda wonky (out of place) too. You also have to be very careful if you break out the peg because they might be glued in with resin. I've broke out the inner chest piece (where the elastic loops around the 2 part torso types) for one of my bodies and a piece of the top of the torso itself broke off with it. It was very glued in there. :sigh
      #505 Cap'n, Mar 11, 2024
      Last edited: Mar 11, 2024
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    6. I’ve actually done this! My type 5 female had a factory defect which I didn’t discover during the first 6 months after her arrival…until her leg suddenly fell off one day while I was just moving her from place to place.:horror: A close inspection showed that the peg was seriously defective and they had gone ahead and used it anyway (and just glued the pieces of it in at an odd angle.) Since I’d ordered her in lavender skin and I’d had her for so long, I didn’t even bother notifying the company and instead removed the post entirely and strung her normally. It was all I could think of doing at the time, but it worked…no problem, and I still thoroughly adore her to this day.:)
      #506 PoeticSoul, Mar 11, 2024
      Last edited: Mar 11, 2024
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    7. @PoeticSoul Seems like I'm not the only one who had a factory defect that you had to break out. My story in the post above yours was in regards to a factory defect as well. It caused her torso to not stand straight since that piece was glued in askew. Mine was on the Delf type 5 girl body.
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    8. Oops! I never posted my Remi here! I got him around the end of April.:chibi
      Meet Gemini!
      He is based on the sign thus has two different appearances. But here is one side of him. He's so dang cute.

      #508 Majorshay, May 19, 2024
      Last edited: May 19, 2024
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    9. Just saw the Luts announcements.
      Luts makes pretty boys. Very pretty boys...
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    10. I am tempted by the ssd Diez head. Does someone know if they resculpted it for the ssd body or if it's the same as previous released 1/3 size of him?
      It will probably look good on a 65/68cm body too? I think the ssd is far too big for me
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    11. The SSD Diez looks like it has more realistic facial proportions than the existing SD65 Diez sculpt, which has a larger mouth and larger eyes.
      Luts gives the head circumference for the new head as 8.7 inches, which is the same as SD65 Diez Romance, so it probably won't look weird on an SD65 or 68cm body. Luts offers SSDF heads on SDF bodies in their MyChoice section, so you're probably fine (they wouldn't let you do it if it wasn't mechanically compatible.)
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    12. Thank you.
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    13. Gorgeous!! What sculpt is he?
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