1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Luts X-mas Event 2006 Juri Head discussion

Dec 4, 2006

    1. Well, anyone interested in her/him ? I'm going to order from Luts and have no intention of keeping the head, assuming if they send me one.
    2. i thought it looked like a female elf version of the CP Dambi

      is it just me or is CP starting to sculpt more horsefaces? ;;
    3. smile - I'm really interested in obtaining the head. I think it has potential. :)
    4. If anyone is placing an order but doesn't really want the new Juri '06 head, I'd love to buy her off of them! I think the new head and face are adorable, and I'd love to have another elf! Please PM me if anyone is willing, lol. XD
    5. If someone is placing an order and receives one from luts. Id be interested in this lovely girl
    6. I've just ordered from Luts but not enough to get her, if someone doesn't want her I might be interested. I would need more pictures of her thought, the angle just doesn't show her or him that much
    7. *looks at pic...looks again* Holy crap she does! ROFL
    8. I have to buy a wig and body from luts anyways. if anyone else wants something I can do a quick group order - I don't need another floating head either....
    9. AARGH!! As I was staring at my shopping cart, the boy body went out of stock! Dernnit! that's the only thing I wanted from Luts....*hopes it comes back in stock soon*
    10. Yeah, something like it. Who knows?
    11. Well there goes my idea for turning her into a boy..I thought shed make a pretty good one too.
    12. I'm curious as well. I placed my order so we'll see what skin color I get and what she turns out to be n.n.
    13. she reminds me or nanuri and juri hybird.... :(

      ah well i dun like her :D i prefer the first juri
    14. Augh! The head I was planning on buying is OOS suddenly too! One option head goes OOS and it has to be the only one I need! :x I'm buying a full doll as well, though, so I'll still be qualified for the event, even if it doesn't come back in stock by Friday, when I'm ordering. There will be unhappiness, though. ;__;

      I would assume that they're going to work quick to get doll parts back in stock during the event, since they'll make more sales if everything is in stock.

      *pokes the odd little Juri 2006 head which is most definitely a boy* Mine.
    15. I think shes sweet. But would make a better boy for sure.

      I did my order last night, and I cant wait to see *him* now! :D

    16. Hmm, she's an interesting sculpt, but I think I'll be happy with seeing owners' pictures of this one rather than needing to own one myself. Thank goodness for that!

      *pats her 2005 mod!Juri head*
    17. Anyone else ythinks she looks like a goat lol, thats all i can think of when i look at her. I think she could be modded nicely though.
    18. very impishly faerie looking...sort of something out of a Midsummer's Night's Dream :) Maybe a fawn or something
    19. I agree... whew. :sweat I'm relieved that she isn't to my taste either. (**runs off to cuddle my Juri Fairfax**)
    20. Damn you just made me want to turn her into a Satyr!