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Luts X-mas Event 2006 Juri Head discussion

Dec 4, 2006

    1. She's not sold out, she's promotional, you have to buy other stuff to get her.
    2. Has anyone thought of modding his/her lower lip to be less pouty?
    3. yea, i have thought about sanding her nose and lip- in case noone wants to buy her, that is. im sure theres people out there who will mod their juris- i saw someone in the picture request' that had modded theirs, looked lovely :)
    4. You know, i think my Juri is going to be a boy. Unpainted, eyeless, rolling around my room, i popped a wig on "it" and suddenly it seemed to say "Hello--my name is Owl" It was a bit unnerving, but that means HE is a SHE!

      My point is that for all Luts posed her on the website as a HER, she really does make a lovely boy elf :)

      But, real quick, what's the deal with the Spanish (?) inside the headcap? It says "Happy New Year," i know, but it was kind of odd to spot it in there. I'm just kind of curious :)
    5. I'm not partial to Luts, but I actually really like Juri - she looks so... elfin. Ha -how appropriate... (Fear my redundant adjective prowess!) And one of the nicest things about BJDs is that you can make them into whatever you want - boy/girl/whatever. I love it. ^_^
    6. Apparently they all have it, in many different languages
    7. I've got a Juri head coming and I'm mostly going to be using her for face-up practice - I'll probably paint her as a girl first then paint her as a boy - I was thinking about sanding the lower lip down a bit but only after I've messed with him/her a bit first.
    8. i think he/she is beautiful and i really want one for a boy elf!
    9. Here is my 2nd juri.Share with you^_^
    10. I'm not sure how I feel about the new Juri head, but I am in love with the dress she's wearing in the promo pics!!!
    11. hi, i have a new 2006 juri head, but i am unsure whether to get the girl or boy body for her. i really wanted the smaller breasted body but i dont think luts make that in the new type system. any ideas, or is it easy to sand and reshape the breasts? i want a very pixie type look for her or maybe get a boy and sand his bits down. hehe. elisabeth
    12. Has anyone received a Juri with the Luts faceup?
    13. I'll be getting mine in the next few days actually. :) It was a Christmas present to me, so I thought, 'Hey, why not get a faceup?' :sweat
    14. the juri boy has grown on me, i tottally want a BW one now >:
      if i manage to get one ( it would mean getting it before enj, though, i think, but enj really is supposed to come later t__t' )
      i plan to sand down the lip, definately

      elisa: check out belladonna's Kotaru and Kess, they're both on modded type 1 girl bodies, that have had the breasts sanded off :3
    15. It appears that I will be the proud new owner of a BW Juri 06 soon, and I have a very stupid question. What size wig and eyes should I be looking for? I only have an Obitsu head at this point, and I'm still trying to figure out all these sizes. :D

      Thanks a lot~

    16. 18mm eyes and size 8-9 wigs, according to Luts.
    17. Wow, speedy response! Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it! This will be my first resin head, so I'm rather excited. :)

      EDIT: Wait, last silly question. Do you think 20mm eyes would fit? I found a lovely set in the exact color I'm looking for in the marketplace, but they are 20mm, not 18mm. I suppose this is more of a opinion question. ^^

      Okay, enough going OT for me!
    18. If I get one with my elf el order, I will do a drawing for her. I will include eyes as well!
    19. I think they mentioned you aren't getting juri 2006 with Elf El? I could be wrong though...

      i'd love another juri 2006 just to mod around with ^^;;
    20. I have... Actually a custom one, since I requested it before they put that "Default face-ups only" notice on the page. He was painted to match my Nanuri, Sparrow.

      Here's my fellow, Rin. (Pics are fast and flash-tastic, so excuse their very poor quality)

