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Magic Mirror Keira & The commoners (34 cm) part 1

Sep 21, 2016

    1. Just fyi she's not a tiny. Shes actually more like a small MSD. She's pretty big, about 35cm. She wears minifee shoes, msd bottoms and yosd tops. Her hips are almost as big as a lillycat(non-cartoon body). I actually think we need to petition to have her moved to mini, because she is really not Yosd. I know other dolls of a similar size also got moved to mini in definition, and because of thinking she was a yo, I was honesty not prepared for how big she was when she arrive, but I'm still new so.
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    2. So happy to know about one more preoder for this lovely girl!
    3. Nanyalin is also making a new faceplate to go on that body which is looking pretty cute! I might wait for that one so my girls don't look totally the sane.
    4. Wow!New faceplate-sounds great!I look forward to her;)
    5. I am so, so, SO happy that I finally am able to get Keira. I've been wanting one for ages; she's a grail. And I finally ordered her T_T I'm getting her in that pretty cream color. Not sure how I'll paint her up yet, but I have awhile to decide. Either way. SO. HAPPY.
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    6. Oooooh congratulations!
    7. I ordered a sand gal myself. Just waiting on a shipping notice - but I see this thread is not very active :(
    8. @Ban Sidhe ohhhh congratulations do you have set plans for her?
      Love from Thorn♡
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    9. My girl arrived yesterday! I have nothing for her so she's wrapped in a skirt as a dress right now, lol.

      [​IMG]Amaterasu arrived! by Heather, on Flickr

      I wish the magnets for the ears were strong. They are barely strong enough to stay on with a wig on. I'll have to figure something out. These fall off if you look at them funny. The hair I want to get her is thicker so needs much stronger magnets. anyone got any tips for something that may work?
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    10. I swear I posted... oh well. My girl arrived 1-8 and at first I really thought we weren't going to get on :( She was sturdy and well sculpted but the wig I'd saved for her looked horrible and I couldn't get the eyes I'd saved to position right. Thankfully I decided NOT to give up - pulled down my wig box and got my box of eyes and fiddled around till I found something that might work. Of course she WANTED the fox ears I was going to put away so I went with a fox-like faceup and BAM!!! She told me her character and story. I designed some clothes etc. for her and now I have a little street-smart sneak-thief!
      She is going by Kit for now 'cause I can't think of a better name but that just might be what she is called by everyone... we shall see.
      [​IMG]Thief by Ban, on Flickr
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    11. I recently decided to renew my Keira's faceup, here's how she looks nowadays.

      [​IMG]Pondering by uni_inu, on Flickr
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    12. I love seeing how different everyone's girls are!

      Ammy got a new wig but otherwise still looks the same as the picture I posted. It's way too cold out to do face up and body painting on her. I've been busy with other things so I have not started on her outfit yet either. Too many things to do, not enough time in the day.
    13. Wow, she looks amazing!
    14. Snowed here so I had to bundle Kit up... I think she likes the cold as much as I do! (not at all :P )

      [​IMG]time to get bundled up... by Ban, on Flickr
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    15. i may be getting one of these girls secondhand! i know it was mentioned before that she fits yosd tops and msd bottoms but does she fit minifee clothing?
    16. She could get into a mnf top but it would be big. Her bottom is too big for slim mini clothes though, at least ones that I've tried on mine.
    17. I was able to purchase Keira in light tan from Nanyalin yesterday:D
      I'm so excited to have her!

      What size of eyes do you recommend for her?
      And what sized wig would be the best?

      Luckily I have another doll with similar body measurements so finding proper clothing isn't a problem for me:cheer
    18. Congrats Tuulen! My Keira has 12mm Makoeyes and a 6-7" wig. In glass eyes I noticed that 10mm eyes often fit better than 12mm.
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