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Maskcat 57cm Dolls - part 2

May 2, 2017

    1. My Frances arrived with similar sloppy finishing. Disappointing, for sure, but I like to believe I would have received a much nicer doll if I had agreed to wait longer. Ah well. She is lovely, still, in particular the new Frances face mold! Gorgeous, gorgeous sculpting on this girl. There are a few more pictures of her on my Flickr. I have named her Margot.

      #221 rykaan, Apr 22, 2018
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
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    2. The first France in this thread I supposed?! I am sorry to hear that your girl has some issues but she still looks very beautiful ! I really hope Maskcatdoll would overcome the difficulty in producing Tan soon...
    3. Dear @-T2P-,
      I've just seen your post and I'm still looking for pics so if it is not a trouble for you, I would like to see the comparison :) Thank you
    4. I received two tan maskcat girls recently and think that they are beautifully finished.
      One with a face up - still have to work on clothing and wig
      [​IMG]maskcat tan by Martha David, on Flickr
      and the other with no face up
      [​IMG]maskcat tiny - tan by Martha David, on Flickr
      Certainly as well as any tan dolls are.
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    5. I received my Frances and had some concerns about wanting to keep her, but she is beautifully finished, even more that the earlier ones I had. She doesn't have a gap in her elbow peanuts and her ankles don't turn in like my first ones did. I will try to take her pic later.
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    6. Hello! Yesterday I received my first head of Maskcat, in pink skin, I would like to know, what bodies are going well? some hybrids? thank you very much ^^
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    7. @xibita so cute!

      Also, has anyone seen the new girl? I think she's really cute! She's added to the list of maskcat dolls I need to buy.
    8. I too would like to know some hybrids otherwise I end up buying the body My wallet cry
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    9. It's a pity that Maskcat stop Xilv and Xuolan production. Here is my own Xilv that I take outside today:

      by Follow-the-Wind, on Flickr

      @xibita I have no pink skin, I cannot help you, sorry!
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    10. @Follow-the-Wind Your Xilv is georgeous. Seriously she is even a first dolls of Maskcat after which I start to notice to the Maskcat bjds.

      About hybrids - I am also looking around for body foк 'possibily-be-with-me' Frances(or Lisette) head. I suppose that DT elf body can work well, but i haven't seen any pics with this head on that body. Stylistic of DT could be pretty good for maskcats.
      And at first pages of the thread there is doll on Volks SDGr body.
      The third working version is Luts model delf/delf/junior delf. but it is also my thought)
      #230 Feliz, May 28, 2018
      Last edited: May 28, 2018
    11. @Follow-the-Wind Your Xilv is beautiful.

      As for things changing, I do like the new Bruna doll....
    12. @Feliz Thank you! The first Maskcat I've seen and love was Lisette. That's why it was my first doll from Maskcat :)
      @dollhausen Thanks! I like the new doll too, but not to the point I'd bought her. But she is beautiful.
    13. I've been thinking about Lisette but Bruna is quite lovely. I'm not so stoked about the body though...that presents a quandry...
    14. I got this dress from Mandarake for like USD 30 but it is prettier than I expected XD
      Unfortunately its sleeves were a bit short..I guess it was a SD size inside of SD13 size? Not really matter though.
    15. Does anyone know anything about a good body to hybrid the tan skin tone? I have a tan Ronia head that needs a body. I might just order the Maskcat Doll one, but I would like to explore other options too. Tan is hard sometimes though...
    16. @Hollytastic I took a comparison picture with all my tan, does it interest you? I've nothing very close to maskcat tan, but at least it may show you what doesn't work...

      A picture of my Lisette in a little wood:
      by Follow-the-Wind, on Flickr
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    17. I want to make a big order with Maskcat. Buy 2 or 3 heads and a outfit: my problem is the body. I have ody that kinda resembles Maskcat's but the neck is sadly a little too big to fit their heads (8.8 vs 9,3 but I will try anyway in case). Which bodies can fit Maskcat heads?
    18. Hello! I will be getting a Maskcat... recommendations for socks/stockings/shoes? I don't own any SD dolls.
    19. So far I've been dressing my maskcat girl in lots of Rrabbit brand clothes and shoes. With shoes and what not you should always be looking for things labled as fitting SD13. SD16 stuff is generally too big but the nice thing about maskcat girls is I find them very easy to dress. They have a very 'old school' body so anything made for the standard SD size has a good chance of fitting.
    20. Demiurgo asked pictures of Maskcat head on Dollzone body, I think it may interested others so I repost one here:
      by Follow-the-Wind, on Flickr
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