1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Maskcat 57cm Dolls - part 2

May 2, 2017

    1. WOW those jointed hands are incredible. will definitely be saving up for when they release.
    2. Aren't they lovely? They are master hand sculptors! That's one of the things that drew me to the company in the first place, as I am very picky about hand sculpting. The feet are beautiful, too - high heels, ballet - the options are so comprehensive!
    3. @lyaam12 yeah, I almost bought a fullset Yaël last year :sweat couldn't really afford it though. So let's see!
    4. Chiming in to say that while I think the new sculpts are both beautiful, I don't get the same :D reaction to them that I have to some of the other sculpts, so they won't be added to my wishlist. Fleur's eyes are especially pretty though. Re: head size, I personally prefer larger sizes, though there's been that trend towards smaller head sizes going around with other companies too? It's probably for the best the new sculpts aren't needs though, I still have so many dolls I need to finish *_*
    5. @StellaMarigold : I have a Frances, and I didn't really notice anything different about her forehead. She wears the same wigs that my Yaël, Astrid and Willow. Though perhaps I messed up and didn't notice it. XD Of course, I can take some pictures if anyone needs it.

      @elsie_f : I think that I saw some dresses by D.Lace (under the name yogusauce or some variant) on Dolladore, if you are interested. For example: 【瑜瑜酱】BJD/SD/MSD 娃衣 泡泡袖白裙/连衣裙 *A小姐*Looking for BJD dolls and wigs? Bhiner is your bjd paradise
      【瑜瑜酱】BJD/SD真蚕丝娃衣 3分4分女/男 定制*Frances的黑西装*Looking for BJD dolls and wigs? Bhiner is your bjd paradise
      It does not seem to be limited in time, if it can help.

      @Ruinscathedral : I would love to see a head to toes comparison of Fleur and another big-headed doll, just to see if Fleur looks more "adult" with the new proportions. But if I wanted a more adult body, I think it would be easier to hybrid the head. I, too, am relieved not to have fallen in love with the new heads, I still have so much to do with my current doll family! XD
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    6. I tend to like the bigger heads. I have Francis in normal skin and would like to get Astrid next in tan skin. I like Astrid's sulk! Anyway, I did not have trouble with finding Francis a wig I liked. It was just a random wig from Etsy. I actually think she is the most beautiful doll I have. Her hands and her feet (I ordered all that were available) are exquisite! I agree with @StellaMarigold - They are truly hand and feet masters!
      My Francis:
      [​IMG]IMG_5601 by Jane K, on Flickr

      [​IMG]IMG_5508 by Jane K, on Flickr

      I can't get over the detail in the veining in the foot bottom!
      [​IMG]IMG_5509 by Jane K, on Flickr

      [​IMG]IMG_5510 by Jane K, on Flickr
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    7. Wow, those are beautiful, and your Francis is so pretty! I need to order more hands for my girl, I'm really bad about changing them out haha.

      Having a very Maskcat day, as I've finally taken photos of Judit (my Bruna) in her newish dress set! I ordered it back in December 2021 through Dolly Planet, and it took like 7 months to ship. But it was worth the wait, as it fits her perfectly and is made with very pretty (albeit hard to steam) silk.

      New Dress!
      by Dreadromantic, on Flickr

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    8. @lyaam12 and @Dollquest - thank you for your thoughts on Frances’ head shape! (Your Frances is beautiful, Dollquest!). She may go back on my wishlist X)

      @Ruinscathedral - your Bruna is beautiful, and what a lovely dress! The skirt shape and the collar and lace additions are so nicely done. I was tempted by that one, too, as it is just the style I’d like for my Maskcat Juni, but I had to wait due to budget considerations. That’s okay - I’m hoping to make some dresses like it!
    9. wanted to share a faceup i just got for my lisette floating head from alatexin on instagram. i'm so happy!
      considering hybriding the head with a dollstown 18yrs body. does anyone know if that might be a good match? any info is appreciated. :^)
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    10. @ava_bjd : What a lovely faceup! Unfortunately, I have no idea for the hybrid.
    11. Updated pictures of the jointed hands are on Maskcats IG page, and they look great.
      Has pushed me over the edge into making a Maskcat SD a priority purchase next year.
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    12. Apologies for the double post but there are free jointed hands with every purchase from the 57cm line in December. This now means I have to decide which sculpt to order :roll:
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    13. Right? I might order the new Lisette or Astrid.
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    14. I'm tempted by Lisette too @MariSunshade.
      Decisions, decisions ....
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    15. I wonder if the joined hands are included when you order only body:chibi
    16. Hi there, that new Lisette looks perfect for a shell I have been thinking of making, does anyone here by chance have a comparison between Doll family H's white and the Maskcat white?