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Mature-looking Mini discussion

Apr 20, 2006

    1. I personally think the Limhwa Limho Mono poses extremely well. However, I've only had the chance to compare them to Mini Fee's before, so I can't speak for most other companies.
    2. I have a mnf, a limho, a dollmore kid and a flexi fashion, all mature MSD's and I'd have to put the mnf over all the rest by a country mile tbh :)
    3. Trips has a MD Yue body. She can comparatively easily stand on one leg and with her feet/legs at weird angles (including leaning forward and back), kneel naturally with no support and with her legs crossed, stand on her head... well she cant stand on her head now shes not sueded :sweat need to redo that... it's a shame you can't really get it any more, the body colour doesn't match her head at all but i'd never trade it :) (plus the body is UV resistant, guh...)
    4. There is a fairly rare Serendipity I.S.M.Y. in the marketplace - search there for Serendipity. She was one of the best posers ever. But I think she may be a bit slimmer than most minis and possibly a 6-inch head.

      I see that you sew. The most popular size for mature mini clothing is Unoa/Narae/Minifee size.

      They have 1-cm differences in height but their torso measurements are very similar.

      Narae: 43 tall, 17-13.2-19
      Unoa: 42 tall, 18-12.7-19 (real measurements, not the wrong ones floating around)
      Minifee: 41 tall, 17-12.5-19.5

      Those may also be the three most popular mature minis though the inexpensive Chinese dolls (Dollzone and others) are gaining in numbers.

    5. If you're into some pouty poses I recommend a DoD Too. He stands 43cm tall.
    6. I love the posing of my Unoa. I've also had a chance to play with SDC (Super Dollfie Cute) boys and they pose wonderfully!
    7. I have a Mythdoll Yue,(see avatar <--,) and though her joints don't allow for some of the crazier posing, (she's not double-jointed or anything,) she stands very firmly with ease. I leave her standing on my nightstand for weeks and months and she's never once fallen.
      Here are some of the more fun poses she's done for me. :kitty1
      On the bedpost
      One foot
      I have no clue what this is
      More pics in my Photobucket
      Unfortunately I don't have much of a basis for comparison. All I know is that she poses circles around Lati girls and DIM minis.
    8. BTW - you can see many photos here of Unoas posing for fashion photos (the ones with double-jointed elbows are Unoa 1.5).

      Re posing in general, I think it depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking to a doll with many sitting poses - then look for one that can sit up straight and has thighs that can rotate and double-jointed knees. If you are looking for a girl who stands nicely and has a large variety of arm poses, look for girls with double-jointed elbows.

    9. Thanks everyone for your input! I love Unoa's but they are very expensive. I was looking at the DOC new girl and wondering about her. She is in my price range. I wish Narie had a bigger chest, I would buy her (and 2-3 heads) in a second if she did. Same for the Supia dolls.

      The souldoll new girl body, it's double jointed? I saw one for sale in the marketplace the other day. The souldoll web site does not show her posing ablility very well.

      Any thoughts on the souldolls or DOC new girls?
      What about mythdoll?
    10. Serendipity's Mini 14yrs body is fairly mature and has great articulation.
    11. Some of the Soulkid girls come with what they call the "double" body (Min Ji, Ahee, Mirebyeol), and it can be requested for 2 others (I think Apple and Linn). I believe the others (Miryu and Yewon) can not use it. It has some double joints..
      The double body is shown in the Mirebyol sales page:
      The bodies in the top 3/4 of the page here are the original bodies of the discontinued Soulkids. About 3/4 of the way down the page is the Miryu/Yewon body which is not double jointed. I believe that by default, Apple and Linn come with a body similar but not identical to this one.

      And BTW - Unoa costs about the same as Narae if you get your Unoa kit at retail price (there is a preorder about once per year). In summer 2007 they were $420+$40 for large bust+$35 shipping. And the faceplates (a sale of those is coming soon) usually cost $40-45 apiece unlike the full Narae heads which cost $150 apiece.

      And this may be useful to you - in the Unoa Hybrids thread Meredith compared a bunch of mature minis bodies side by side. You can see the differences in the bodies and resin tones.

    12. Soulkids on the new double jointed body can wear Narae/Unoa clothes and shoes and wigs. I understand she can also wear some Ellowyne Wild clothes.
    13. AODs have mature features and mine pose well. I had to restring them when I got them, but they are great now. And, they are pretty affordable as far as BJDs go ($175 for a whole doll, $120 for just a body)
    14. good to know since I have some left over from my last mini. I think I found one I like but its not settled yet. I'd love to hear more from everyone!
      Thanks again. :chocoberry:chocoheart:truffle:whitetruffle
    15. I think you can buy mythdoll's on the market place Yue is their mature msd. they were 125 to 180 retail but I haven't seen a whole doll for less than 200. The angel body Leroi (asexual) fit minifee boys clothes, I think that Yue would fit minifee girls or unoa but not sure. They were a slim mini doll.
    16. I have a Souldoll Apple that is due to arrive here Friday. I could take pictures of her for you them if you would like. I only have a Goodreau and DIM MSDs besides Apple. I wouldn't recommend DIM at all. The Goodreau poses beautifully.

      The reason I purchased Apple is because I wanted a doll that posed the best. Out of all the ones I looked at, the Souldolls with the double jointed body seemed the best to me. I looked at a lot of owner pictures to help decide as well so maybe looking at different pics of MSDs posing would help.
    17. Carolyn, at Denver Doll, they are showing all the Soulkids, Yewon, Apple, Linn, Ahee, Miribyeol and Miryu, are available with the new double jointed body. Apple and Linn are the only two they show as having the option of the 2nd type body.
    18. I second the new DOC body, it poses like a dream and the hands are elegant and slender, not pudgy child hands &#9829;
      The body is quite mature, though the face depends on which sculpt you choose.
    19. what size clothes do they fit?