1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Migidoll General Discussion, Pt. 4

Jun 1, 2015

    1. @Mariemisu what a handsome Mu! The match is great. I hope you like the body for him. I liked mine so much I had to buy a second :thumbup
    2. Oh wow that is a great match!!
    3. Just a head's up that Migidoll has a few heads in stock for the Style65 guys through Nov. 6th! I snagged another St. Vicente in Cream Brown and I'm thrilled.
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    4. @mustbemissa - Thanks for the info! I would have been tempted to get Via in cream brown, but it doesn't seem to be an option. It would also be nice if they had blank pics of Enzo.

      Edit. Found this post at least...
      #804 Sianserais, Oct 31, 2023
      Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
    5. Migidoll just announced on their IG that they acquired Aileen dolls Omega body. They only had two pictures, but I was able to find the body on Aileen's website with extra pictures. Migidoll might make some changes, but I imagine the overall aesthetic will stay the same.

      Mentioning @Constance since I saw you were also interested in the body.

      엑사 65 - 오메가

      I'm going to buy this body for my Enzo, to replace the Aesome65 one I bought when Migidoll was having their sale. This is the type of body I really wanted for his head, but was to lazy to try and hybrid with other companies bodies.:sweat
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    6. @Cloudedmind - Interesting. Thanks for pointing that out! Have to say I'm a bit surprised, after they discontinued their own smaller 1/3 bodies, AND removed most of their older sculpts from the site. I see now the notice says they'll be rereleasing Jina with it, so maybe some of the others will return too.
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    7. Joining this thread, I’m interested in getting the Exa Omega body for a floating head (Kdoll Keikei). Does anyone know if the current Migidoll Meringue Beige skin a match to Volks Pureskin normal? I tried looking for more comparisons but only found matches back to early 2000s.
    8. @krystina Migi no longer matches to Volks and the colors are closer to Switch resin tones

      I am curious if Migi resins match the Volks Disney Princess tones though if anyone has them
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    9. @krystina In general Volks PS Fair is yellower then Migidoll Meringue Beige which is on the peach side, but newer Volks PS Fair is a closer match then older PS Fair.

      A picture I took. From left to right MD 2022, Volks 2017, Volks 2022, and MD 2022.
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    10. Thank you @nyaaain for your input! I was also looking at Switch as a body possibility for my Kdoll Keikei - it’s nice to know that Migidoll and Swich are much more of a match than Volks.

      @Cloudedmind thanks for the photo comparisons! The resin doesn’t look too bad of a match- I think definitely a faceup can help hide the difference.
    11. I'm eyeing this body as a hybrid candidate for a head as well. Aesthetics are nice -- nowadays it's not easy to find a boy body with lighter muscle definition. But some of the joint designs are not to my taste, and others I have some doubt about the engineering. So I'd be interested to know how this body poses, when people receive it!
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    12. Jina looks pretty good on the new body. Already have mine, though, so I'll be waiting to see who else gets rereleased.
    13. The assembly kit was announced just as my tax return came in. It was meant to be, and now my Enzo head will no longer float.
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    14. Hi all, I would love to know if the milk white skin has yellow undertone or is it paperwhite? Does sugar white have peach undertone? Thanks.
    15. I put the body on layaway XD I hope my request went through lol.
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    16. @dds27 I would say sugar white is more of a cream white.

      I just put in my order for the Omega body. Bought the unassembled kit.
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    17. Thank you !