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Minimee Discussion

Sep 13, 2014

    1. Don't forget DiM Chii and Freya (Chobits) ^-^ Oh and Ryuk (Deathnote) too!
    2. If you want to add some molds to the list, please reply with quote and update the list, I will copy it later on in the first post :).

      A first picture of my Die- he will get another face-up, wig and body, but nevertheless I want to share him :)

    3. Ereskigal he looks so real :D love this wig on him!
    4. Great pics everyone, just with to add about characters that has been done that there's also Keanu Reeves casted by AngelsDoll, and Jake Gyllenhaal casted by DIM:
      [​IMG]Noah Rowell-Here we go! by $avageII, on Flickr
    5. hi
      you guy's minimees are awesome.
      I am sorry I was away for such a long time but real life happens V_V

      here is my Kyo (Dir en Grey) Minimee from Nobility Doll


      he has a new face up now but this is the best pic I have from him
    6. Gorgeous and i love his tattooes!:D
    7. There were at least 3 different orders for Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki which means, each was one sculpted again. I think they did 10 of each, each time. I know the second time, was harder to fill the group and I skipped buying on the third go round.

      The James Marster head was an order of 20 since so many wanted him. I think half the batch had half closed eyes?

      There was also an Ian Somerhalder head, but there were only like 2 of us and I don’t remember if the person opted to get a couple extra for herself or not. So there’s like 4 of less of that head out there.

      I admit I haven’t really gone beyond getting them face-ups as I’m can’t figure out what bodies to get. I did get them face-ups though, all by the awesome Lyn Raftis.

      All the DIM group orders I participated in opted for 80% likeness, which means, they sculpted to look as close to the person as possible.

      First version of Jared Padalecki, unpainted Perfect likeness


      First version of Jensen Ackles, unpainted not perfect


      First version of Jared Padlecki face-up by Lyn Raftis, wig Dollmore, eyes by Eyeco size 11


      First version of Jensen Ackles face-up by Lyn Rafits, eyes by Eyeco size 11


      More in next post.

      Stacy in IL

      Nathan Fillion Minimee head, unpainted



      Ian Somerhalder Minimee head, unpainted, arrived 12/3/2009



      I have to go look at my Shuttefly albums to find my pics of the heads with face-ups, including Misha Collins and James Marsters. I'll see if I can post today, if not tomorrow.

      Stacy in IL

      Well, that didn't take me long to find them. I'll have to see if I have one of Misha's head with a face-up.

      Group shot, Misha Collins unpainted, Jared and Jensen face-ups by Lyn Raftis


      Group shot, Nathan Fillion, Ian Somerhalder, James Marsters, face-ups by Lyn Raftis


      Stacy in IL

      Sorry for the quality of this one. It was taken out in a dimly lit convention hall. Alas, I didn't think to take a single close-up of Misha's head.

      Yet another group shot of the Supernatural head, this time with Misha's face-up by Lyn Raftis.


      Stacy in IL
    8. I have a Gerard Way head :) The likeness isn't the best tbh-I've done some sanding on his nose as it was very off, (I've heard a few people did this actually lol), and his eyes are a bit too closely set, but he's still G-esque. I actually just gave him his face-up a couple of weeks ago. I'm currently on the hunt for some eyes and a wig for him-I'll probably be making him into Party Poison for now, though I'm flirting with Black Parade era as well if I can find the right hair.

      I can post some pics if you'd like :)
    9. I've received my Junsu head and I'm super happy with him! He'll need a faceup to match the era I'm going to design him after (specificaly his role as Death in the Elisabeth musical) and it'll be a while before I can get him a body, but I'm still so pleased to have him!

      Pictures once he's on a body that doesn't make me cringe with its poor proportions, haha.
    10. yes i want to see your gerard *w*
      do you plan to do the black parade clothing aswell?
      that would be sooo awesome ^-^
    11. He looks great. That face-up really suits him.

      Oh, I can't wait to see him finished. So curious how he will look like then.
      Yesterday I got my Reita head- it's such a beautiful head- I've never known. :aheartbea
    12. Thanks everyone for posting your fascinating dolls.
      Thanks for the links, Stacy, those heads look pretty good.I don't think I ever saw one of them painted …
      Cool work on your Kyo, Jigarkhvar
      $abbatha and manabusama, you are very lucky to get those cool guys before the companies stopped taking orders.
      Ereskigal, grats on your Die. It'd be cool to have a dollmeet soon.

      I had a hard time taking out my guys for photos today. I wanted to go to a certain place, but when I arrived at the station, all trains were cancelled. I tried to find a small spot in the park nearby, but every space was either crowded or totally littered … *sigh* Went home and took a few shots on my sloping roof. Scary … :sweat

      Eloy - Minimee Shou of Alice Nine
      [​IMG]Can I come in? by eviexm, on Flickr

      Risha - Minimee Kamijo mod
      Can I come in? by eviexm, on Flickr
      • x 1
    13. @arrowchild Omfg YES I would love to see some pics of the G-Way head, I haven't seen this sculpt at all yet :D
    14. wow your shou and kamijo head look awesome painted like this *w*
      i really like them
      and oh gosh - that's train in germany
    15. If I go BP with him, yes-I'll be doing the parade uniform :D

      Here you go!
      I've modded the nose to make it a bit smaller, less bulbous/down turned-I still think it's far too big to look like Gerard's, but it's a little bit closer (he has such a distinctive/delicate nose-I keep wondering what photo they were referencing when they sculpted him...because it's pretty off lol). I think with the right wig and eyes, he could look pretty cool :D


    16. he's totally awesome
      can't wait to see him with the outfit and stuff *q*
    17. Jay Searle did the face-up on my Angelina Jolie head. It's on a Super Gem body but still a little too big. I also need some help! Anyone know where I can get an Elvis Presley head for a project????
    18. I have 2 Minmees from DIM. Kamenashi Kazuya I got from the Marketplace in 2008 and I hosted the GO for Akanishi Jin in 2010 (6 heads were made). Both are off for their face-ups at the moment. I'll post pictures when they get back. I don't have a body for Jin yet, his head is bigger than Kame's, and I'm thinking of getting a Dollzone 65cm pink body.
    19. Wow. I just came back into the hobby and I use to run a crap load of Minimee GOs back in the day. I'm kind of sad that DIM doesn't have the service anymore. I'll see what Minimee heads I have in my floating head box and take a picture or two when I have the time and post here, I sort of forgot what I have XP.

      But I will say running that Leon Kennedy order was a pain.