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Minimee Discussion

Sep 13, 2014

    1. I have two Minimee guys, DIM James Marsters, as Spike
      [​IMG]"A Little Less Ritual..." by sistercuervo, on Flickr

      and Simply Divine's Alec, as Rumple/Mr Gold
      [​IMG]Mr Gold by sistercuervo, on Flickr

      JM is on a DIM body and Rumple is on an old Volks SD body.

      The main reason I never posted pictures of them as there really wasn't a thread for them.
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    2. sistercuervo, I love your Spike!
    3. Thanks so much, RabbitMoon. I'm a huge James/Spike fan, so naturally, he is my very favorite. Pam SD did both Spike & Rumple/ Robert Carlyle's face ups.
    4. Gah! Incredibly jealous of your excellent take on Spike/James Marsters... :D

      My own SD Alec sits around being the perpetually grumpy Nicholas Rush, I've also got a WG Thomas - but he's currently Lord Vetinari rather than anyone Tom Hiddleston has ever played

      My currently unfinished Thin White Duke (I need to sand down the neck on his body a tad before I can put him together, it's a Dollshe DSAM35 ...and find him a decent wig!) so for now just a shot of his so/so face-up!
    5. I love seeing all the MNMs. I will be interested to see your Bowie when he is complete Vetinari. I'm in A Robert Downey Jr mnm custom order atm (Mirodoll will cast it) so I can have a Tony Stark to go with my Loki and Thor.
    6. I'm really happy I found this thread >.<
      I have a Natrume MODOLL Benedict Cumberbatch on the way and with no experience with MNMs other then one I owned a million years ago and failed with, I didn't know where to go with him. The photo ref thread is totally dead...

      I ordered a few weeks ago, and I have no idea how long the wait is, so I've been slowly collecting things like clothes and a wig for him. He'll be sharing my Dollmore Glamor Model body with my Ripley Days. I have no idea where to get eyes from, or if I'll go with two different eyes or just be cheap and buy one XD

      But anyway I've been dying to discuss, hopefully this is the place to do that!

      sistercuervo omg I love your Spike so much!! Also a huge Spike fan. Buffy is still my favorite show ever, and he was a huge reason why :D
    7. Hi! I am very glad I found this theme. I would like to also show our guys. This Bill. Tom refuses to be photographed. :)

      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

      There are still here is minimee. This image was created by Russian master Owl and cast in Russian workshop. But while I can not put an image as color casting head was too dark and not combined with the color bodies, which were created under these heads :( We want to appeal to the firm to make the personal batch.


      I really do not speak English. Sorry for the error.
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    8. Your bill looks cool!
      and also thanks for the link
      it sounds and looks very interesting
    9. He looks really great and thank you for the link, that's interesting.
    10. both of them are cool!
      I like how they are transfered to a doll!

      I took a new picture of Kyo recently:

    11. Yay I'm happy this thread is getting some use again!!

      imanka he looks great! I really love the hair! And great picture Jigarkhvar!

      I don't want to celebrate too early, but it's possible there's a Zachary Quinto/Spock head in my future :D

      Random question to you MNM owners: Do your MNMs "interact" with other dolls? If I've got a Spock I need Kirk (cause duh) but since there doesn't seem to be a Chris Pine head out there anywhere (and I don't want one enough to pay $1000+ for custom heads) I probably need to find a doll that exists that might kind of resemble him. But I'm worried about how it would look with the two realistically styled MNM heads.
      Assuming the Spock preorder happens (it should, I'm just waiting on an invoice now).

      Part of me is hoping that the sculptor will make a Chris since he did Spock....but you never know. And if that's the case it could be a while. I thought about using a pre-existing MNM of someone else and modding it to closer resemble him, and with a faceup that might be enough, or just trying to find a more realistically sculpted head and using that....but still not sure it would work out.

      Oh well, at least I have plenty of time to look around lol....
    12. VampireAngel13, Thank you so much. And who will make you the head?
    13. The MoDoll sculptor - which is awesome, since that's where my Benedict Cumberbatch head is from (though I bought him off Etsy).
      I actually just paid this morning, so it's official! I'm waiting on a Spock! :D
    14. great to hear.
      I am sorry I can't tell you how a minimee looks like next to a normal bjd which is supposed to be close to him as partner, friend etc.
      But i think it's okay if the non minimee looks not to anime.
    15. Thanks!
      It might be ok....but I have my Benedict head on my Dollmore Glamor Model Ripley Day's body....I don't think of RD as a super-stylized doll, but next to the MNM he is....yeah. It's not the greatest match. I'm afraid I'll find doll that I think looks realistic enough (like Iplehouse or an artist mold like Simply Divine) but next to Benedict it won't work. I dunno. Good news is I have plenty of time to look. I'd like to get Spock a body before deciding on a Kirk head, so I can take my time and really look.
    16. MNMs tend to be fairly large as well as realistic so it can be a challenge to find other dolls that go well with them. I went with Iplehouse for my Thor to go with my Loki (Hiddleston MNM) as they look pretty realistic and it works pretty well.
    17. The problem is Benedict is really realistic - I'm not sure Iplehouse will cut it next to him...


      [SUP]Sorry for the blank, also the temp wig and he has much better eyes now - smaller and a great color - I can't do faceups now (it's 6° today!! *freezes*) so he'll probably be blank for a while as I have a huge line of dolls that need them >.< DOOM

      And his head really is huge - I used to have a Kamau, which had roughly the same sized head Ripley Days has and Benedict is larger still. Not by a ton, but still enough that it looks odd (doesn't help that RD looks like a doll next to him lol - at least they share this body, I'll never have to see them together).

      Herm. Maybe a modded MNM is the way to go. Either way if people have pics they want to share of their "Mixed" doll families I'd still love to see them!
    18. SupiaDoll's Muriel is definitely Chloe Moretz.
      I am actually considering getting a Muriel, the sculpt is stunning!
    19. Finally got a blue body for my Jotun Loki (DIM Tom Hiddleston MNM). It is the Resinsoul 70cm and the head fits the neck perfectly. He is very tall and skinny but that suits fine for my frost giant :)


      VampireAngel your Benedict looks great! Can't wait to see him face upped :) For comparison this is my Asgard Loki with Thor who is an Iplehouse Claude. I think they go together pretty well. I didn't really want a Chris Hemsworth MNM for my Thor. I see Natrume is doing one atm though.


      I am also waiting on a Robert Downey Jr MNM that is currently being cast by Mirodoll and he will become my Tony Stark.
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