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Modesty with your dolls.

Sep 20, 2011

    1. I don't think it's a huge deal. People should dress the doll however they want, and especially if the doll has a personality that's definitely conservative, then...would the doll character be showing off these breasts? And conversely, one who is an exhibitionist by nature wouldn't wear baggy shirts and sweats.

      Plus, some people buy the dolls for the clothes. And some choose the body for the sculpt. And at the end of the day, if you payed this much money for the doll, you have every right to dress it however the heck you want.
    2. Well, I'm definitely the type who keeps most of my dolls covered head to toe. The style of clothes I like for them isn't very revealing. I don't see anything wrong with dressing them provocatively, but I can't imagine myself doing it. Plus, I honestly don't think their bodies look that great in person. I've seen talented photographers who take gorgeous pictures of their dolls in skimpy clothes/shirtless, but in real life, I don't care to look at half-naked dolls. They just look unfinished to me. I also like them to be covered so if I pick one up, I won't feel the bare resin -- clothes make them so much softer.
    3. Dress them however you want! :D

      I think the question is If you go into a nudist resort do you undress your doll as a courtesy? XD
    4. Agreed.

      I also dress my dolls to represent my preexisting characters. I don't think too much about what other people think about how I dress my dolls, I am aiming to match them to an image in my head. If I can achieve that I am happy. I do have one character who tends to show a lot of skin and I chose his body sculpt knowing he'd be barely clothed most of the time. I think it would be a shame to cover such beautiful sculptural details! (He is a Dollstown 15 Mui)

      I think if you have chosen a doll body for the sake of showing off a great sculpt why let others talk you into covering them up?
    5. I see what you all are saying. I guess I didn't mean to say that I thought it pointless but me, who picked his doll partly for the body sculpt, would rather not cover that beauty up.
      Lol I definitely don't do anything that creepy. I will look at her naked form but uat because she has a rather beautiful sculpt.
    6. Agreed.

      Each doll has their own personality so dress them in what they look best or fit best in.

      And IF I went to a nudist resort, and my doll(s) were naked, would I be allowed to wear gloves to protect my doll's resin from my body's oil? Or does that go against the 'dress code'? LOL
    7. Laugh out loud. Based on what you've said I would have to say it was spoken like a true man! I'm a girl and I've always loved dressing my girl dolls up like "frilly" girls whether they have ideal, perfect bodies or not.
      There's nothing wrong with being a man and having a perfect girl figure in the house that you enjoy seeing. Most men I know are not into dolls but they have all those comic book figure statue things around the house that are half naked or more so. Petite girls with perfect figures and hardly any clothes are always the IN thing for a guy. That's fine. We're all accustomed to that. I had a perfect body once and I was able to dress for the "occasion." Now I'm in my 30's and getting married as a fat bride! Big, giant frilly dress or not I can't hide it. My gown would look so much better on your Ryeon!
      Short story Long - a perfect body makes anything look good. I agree with you to an extent: if you got it - flaunt it. But not too much! Too much is sl*tty. Like comic book girls.
    8. I dress my dolls on how they would be dressed, as well as what I find appropriate - and I tend to be more on the modest end of the scale.

      Like others have said, sometimes their character needs to dress a certain way due to the time period.If people were scantily clad in a time like Victorian England, they'd most likely be shunned.
    9. I say you tell those people to go dress their own dolls in THEIR own style, and let you dress your own dolls in YOUR own style. Really, what clanging brass balls some people have when it comes to dictating how others play with their toys!

      The collection has a wide range of styles, from prim to scandalous. I think part of the fun of fashion is getting to play with a whole range of whatever looks you can assemble from your own style-box. There are boys in baggy sweaters, wild fantasy gear, uniforms, t-shirts and jeans, leather halter-tops and PVC leggings.... But I'm probably most partial to making fabulous goth outfits with lots of tight, sheer, and/or strappy garments.

      I actually keep my Soom Chalco naked, mainly because he's a naked demon spirit thing, and simply isn't a "pants" sort of guy. But I also enjoy looking at the splendid body Soom gave him. <3 I paid yea bucks for this thing, so I intend to enjoy it in the way I see fit.

      But I don't worry about "modesty" because I don't entertain a lot of prudes in my house. However, my Chalco will occasionally put on a loincloth if polite company will be coming over. ^^
    10. I've seen some pretty terrible resin yellowing "tan lines" on dolls that wore one outfit too long, so I'd rather the doll either be fully nekkid, or fully covered. I like clothes. So my dolls wear clothes. I also find it really convenient if they wear lots of clothes, because that means I can handle them every which way without having to carry gloves, since the clothes will protect them from sweat/oils/dirt/dust. I pretty much cover every inch of my current doll's body. Then again, most of my current dolls are children.

      If I were to get a mature doll, I'd want to dress them in something classy. Suits and turtlenecks for the gentlemen, classy pencil skirts and suit jackets, or boleros, dresses and blouses for the ladies. I always saw scantly clad as incredibly trashy and objectifying, (unless it's in proper context - say, for a burlesque dance, or in a harem, or something, then it's obviously fitting to the situation and the character), and I have no intention of demeaning my characters and the dolls that represent them in such a way. I mean, even my Lilith has great style, because IMO, leaving something to the imagination is much sexier and classier than dressing up in say, electric tape, spirit gum and a strip of duct tape for a skirt.

      I also think that a lot of doll companies make some really ugly joints, so there aren't a whole lot of aesthetic points to gain if you leave them uncovered. Some are of course lovely, but in general, nah. I want them out of sight.
    11. The amount of topless and chest baring male dolls I've seen... this is one of those things where people tend to focus too much on one sex and ignore what the other sex does. People would just shake their head in disdain if there's a chest baring guy walking around. But for a girl, it'll get blown out of proportion. Ugh. These sentiments then get applied to dolls! How silly! It's a doll, who cares how little she's wearing. So long as you're not showing a stripper doll to a young child, there shouldn't be a need to say that so and so's doll 'shows too much skin'.
      (Note: when I say people, I mean the general case. I am very aware and sure that there are people out there who do not follow what I've written above)

      Anyways, I don't see how it is weird with dressing a doll up in poofy, frilly clothes that cover up all skin and with how it defeats the purpose of a doll with a nice body simply because a lot of people purchase a doll with an image in mind of who they want the doll to be. You're not going to dress up a shy and modest doll in a slinky, low cut dress are yah? ;) Also, who's going to sell an unappealing doll body? We can't have scantily dressed dolls everywhere, it would get boring.
    12. I don't care what other people do with their dolls ._. for me, my dolls are an outlet for my interest in fashion design, so they wear clothes that both suit their character and are to my taste. I both dislike sexy clothes in general and can not for the life of me design them, so I'm pretty sure my dolls will never be put in anything showy XD my aesthetic is a funny mishmash of circus/lolita/cutesy. And I kind of understand putting a doll who's body you love in something that shows it off, as my planned Doll-chateau Bella (who has a gorgeous exaggerated pear body) doesn't exactly wear "sexy" clothes, but I definitely stuck to things that accentuate my favorite parts of her body while picking out her style xD

      Honestly though, so many people have their boy dolls shirtless 90% of the time, I don't see why it matters if a girl doll wears something revealing ._.
    13. Those are exactly my thoughts when it comes to my dolls. Mostly the reason why I own the few
      complete BJD that I do is because I love their body sculpts as much as I do their faces.
      I am not too keen on covering them up all the time – granted I am lazy when it comes to sewing,
      but I do sincerely enjoy taking nude shots of them. Not in a sexual or depraved manner but because
      they have gorgeously sculpted bodies. I don’t think it has to do with modesty or morality, as they are
      dolls and not people. (:

      - Enzyme
    14. Personally, I think doll lingerie sets are gorgeous, but they make me slightly uncomfortable. I can't dress my dolls that way because I don't like sitting around in my underwear and I imagine if my dolls were people, they'd feel the same.

      Also, just because a dress is 'poofy' doesn't mean it doesn't flatter a figure. As a short girl with a pear shape, who holds nearly all of her weight in her legs and arms, I've learnt to dress in a way that flatters my features - namely my small waist and larger breasts - while downplays my bad (my legs are awful. It's impossible to find a pair of jeans that fit my massive legs and skinny waist at the same time. >_>) Surprisingly, this means I have a lot of Princess line dresses at home. An Empire-line bodice, coupled with a gathered waist (at the waist) is actually the most flattering form of clothing for my body shape.

      Now, dolls are styilized, it's true, but it is possible to dress them in a way that accentuates their features, while not just having them in a bikini. (Not that there's anything against having them in a bikini if that's what you want.) I love girls in low-cut tops, or tops that have some sort of feature that emphasises their breasts, because it makes their body shape stand out. close-fitting clothing is excellent, and I'm a big fan of tight pants on male dolls, or suits, because they do accentuate the figures of the dolls.

      All I'm saying, I think, is that it is possible to dress a doll to accentuate it's features without resorting to nudity or something overly revealling. While I've seen revealling clothing done well, I've also seen it done so the doll looks downright (for lack of a better word) slutty, and that's not something I like to see on anyone.

      It's like a comparison of the way Taylor Swift dresses (I don't like her, but dayum she's got style.) to a member of the Kardashians or Paris Hilton. One is beautiful, flattering and stylish, sophisticated and still sexy and feminine. The other is... well... 'ahem'.
    15. Your doll, your business. I'd never get mad at anyone for what they wanted to do with their doll--I may not necessarily like it, but it's your prerogative.

      Now as for my situation--neither of my current dolls are showing much skin, and that's just the way their characters were designed. Some of the characters I've created show less skin than others, some more. And that'll be reflected in their doll forms also. To me it's less a case of "is this doll modest enough to show?" and more a case of "does this doll look like who he/she/xi/it is supposed to?".
    16. ^ I didn't think to mention this in my post, but I completely agree here. There's a difference between "flattering" and "showing off" your doll's curves. I've learned to dress in such a way that flatters my body type, which like Chibikahu happens to be very floofy and modest :P And not because I'm trying to hide my body.

      Honestly, if I was interested in mature ladies, I'd dress them on the classier side, in such a way that highlights their body without showing it off. But that's only me, and I don't really think there's a right or wrong way to dress a doll xD just ways that appeal to you and ways that don't. Personally, I don't think revealing clothes are very classy unless they're done right, but that's only a reason for me to not dress my dolls that way, not for somebody else to avoid it.
    17. I think it's ridiculous that someone would tell you your doll shows too much skin, it's a doll! And even more important, it's your doll. We all know what these dolls look like naked because that's the way they're presented when we buy them, so why be embarassed or think it's bad?

      Me, I'm on both ends xD I love clothing and I love dressing my dolls up, and pretty much all my dolls basically have two styles, a covered up, big dresses/fancy suits style that they would wear when they're going out(incidentally, this is also most often what they wear to meets because that's 'going out' for me), and a sexy, underwear like style they wear when they're at home. I switch between the two, and sometimes I leave them naked XD But I do see the use of a beautiful body sculpt, even if you're not displaying it all the time, the silhouette can do a lot for clothing.

      I have a modified Ariadoll D bust body, the waist is made a lot smaller so her breasts appear even bigger, and I love dressing her up and keeping her naked! She has such a beautiful body sculpt, and such a great silhouette, it works for both. I haven't taken her to a meet with her current head(a Bleu Citron)yet, but I did with her previous head(Or-doll Heye)and people were already a bit shocked at her rack, even with the very modest head and the very modest dress she was wearing XD I think in a way, some people still see all dolls as children, which is an idea I absolutely don't agree with, especially in the case of dolls like, let's say, the EID's or Mega Gem's and such. The wonderful thing about these dolls is that we can do what we want and dress them the way we want, be it childlike or adult. It's a shame people are not a bit more understanding if someone views the hobby in a different way they do, but I suppose that's human!
    18. Haha, I didn't think so from your first post ;) And I don't think anyone will put you down here if you did - there are lots of people who view their dolls in lots of different ways. Besides, I see 'objectified' boy dolls on this forum, so it's only fair for the girl dolls to be objectified too! It's not that I think it's wrong to view dolls as sexual, I just don't do it myself.

      Another reason to pick a body sculpt you love is that you, the owner, will be the one who's undressing and redressing the doll. So you'll be looking at it regardless of how fully dressed it normally is. (I admit, it sounds like a good challenge to dress a doll whose body you don't like, but for the most part, we just buy the stuff we like :XD:)
    19. I am generally very modest by modern western standards and my dolls are mostly the same, with some exceptions.
      I will do out of character shoots of my dolls in some special outfits to show off their sculpts from time to time. Elinore would never wear the Frazetta Girl getup I made for her- A tiny brass bikini and loincloth ensemble- but she looked amazing in it and I wanted to show what gorgeous thighs and curves she has in that shoot.
      Other than that, my dolls are quite modest, with the exception of some of the tinies who are too fae and innocent for it to matter, and of Siofra because she's kind of a naughty lady fae to begin with, and her outfits reflect that character.
    20. I sometimes have my dolls naked, but mostly I have them clothed. I have never thought about if theyre showing too much off! I like my dolls in layers of clothing, looking very casual. I guess I really think of them as dolls, like a painting of a naked person, I wouldnt think to take a painting down if someone came round thinking it would offend someone! (I dont have any naked paintings ;) )
      But then again I wouldnt leave pornography around if someone was coming round! The same way I wouldnt portray sexual mods or scenarios with my dolls for people to see if they came round. I have no interest in that side of the doll hobby anyway.
      If someone came round and saw my naked doll (I have no blushing or anything on them) I wouldnt remove it, short answer. Ive had a child come round and take the clothes off my dolls, same as they would do with a Barbie, there isnt anything offensive in a representation of the human form.