1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Moments of Ridiculous Happiness

Mar 9, 2010

    1. Mine was when the pillows of the LUTS box fit perfectly in the bed my dad made for my long ago dolls.

      He slept well last night ;D

      ...And the fact his eyes are brown.
    2. I have various giddy moments. Box openings are always exciting (although I've done so many now that I'm calmer *L*). Getting a nice new wig or set of eyes can bring on giddiness when they make the doll jump into life. One of my favourite giddy moments though is those times when I look at one of my crew and something about them in that moment makes them really, really look like the character they represent.
    3. Whenever I get my girl to hold a 'difficult' pose, I get so excited that I have to take pictures xD So far my greatest achievement was to make her stand on one foot , which is probably not that much of an achievement but it just made me so happy to see her hold on one foot for 15 mins before I moved her.
    4. All my life I tended to intellectualize everything, and although it made me a successful survivor, it didn't make me a happier person. Since my mid-thirties though I made a conscious effort to feel deeper. These days, I'm very indulgent when it comes to snatching/cultivating moments of happiness. Dolls are very generous at providing those. When I look at them I feel quite giddy, very much in love. I hope the day never comes when it just gets old.
    5. I get these moments a lot~ It's odd for me, since I don't usually giggle, but when something to do with BJDs makes me happy it just comes out :sweat
    6. When I found an 'even deadlier pink' wig xD My girl had a pink wig and I thought that was serious painful pink, until the moment I found the deadliest pink wig ever and held them next to eachother :p

      Receiving mail, especially packages xD

      Trying a corset on my boy and afterwards deciding to buy it :p

      The moment I bought an outfit for another boy :p I was soo happy xD
    7. One of the best things in every hobby is it bringing you happiness!:)
    8. I have one of those moments of ridiculous happiness when I dress them up and they look so good and how I want them to look that I start giggling and feeling immensely happy!! :)
    9. Mine was when I ordered my first ever BJD and even now I get random spurts of happiness at the thought of him on his way to me.
    10. The first time I felt ridiculously happy was when I got an email confirmation that my doll was coming the next day, I was physically doing cartwheels in the living room (much to my family's dismay). I also tend to get really happy when I try different wigs and clothes on her, though it doesn't quite match my doll's arrival happiness levels.
    11. The perfect eyes that fit perfectly. :D

      I own a Glorydoll Louis and he is supposed to take 14mm - 16mm eyes. However, I am fussy about eyes and I hate gapping. What I needed was an eye with slightly more white and slightly less pupil/iris area than usual, so that the eyeball fills his eye socket but the iris doesn't fill too much of his eye space. And I needed it to be a pretty color. And to catch the light well.

      By then I was at the point of debating which urethane eye company to choose to order a custom pair of eyes made to my specifications, when I happened to find the perfect eyes on the marketplace for a fraction of that price. I still wasn't holding my breath because I thought, ok, I might not like it in person but when I put those new eyes in - absolute perfection! I love, love, love them. It wasn't only the fact that they were perfect, but that I had expected this to take much longer and be more expensive and so this unexpected shortcut gave me a feeling of "what amazing luck!" when it all came together like that.
    12. I was ridiculous happy when I bought my first BJD, Toivo. It was an impulse buy and I was in love with LTF Ante and Leah by that time (I still am), but knowing that I would get my first jointed doll was - yippidayayippiyippiyay! Second time was last week when I decided to ask an ebay seller if she would make a private layaway and she said yes. I was sneaking around that LTF Ante for some weeks, always thinking that someone else would get her, because I hadn't the money. I couldn't sleep well that night. :lol:
    13. I would say my moments of ridiculous happiness come from building a character. I.e, finding the right eyes that bring the character to life. The wig (or wigs) that suit them perfectly and the style of clothing that they just look right in.
      Then it is the ever evolving process of developing them as characters.

      Sometimes seeing them just finished and sitting there makes me stupidly happy too
    14. I have moments of ridiculous happiness when my dolls have perfect faceups for what I was envisioning. It's amazing to see something in real life that was just a piece of my imagination. Opening the box when a new doll comes home is a close second :)
    15. My first moment ridiculous happiness comes with the opening of the box. Yeah, unexpected. :lol:
    16. Me hopping out of customs office exclaiming "Yay! Finally!,..." while hugging the package. Then discovered some clerk having a smoke outside, next to my car, giving me these bewildered looks.
    17. I get ridiculously happy just sitting with my doll. ^^ Also seeing that big ol' package on the porch after months of waiting.
    18. LOL i get those ridiculous happy moments all the time. I mean i atmost fainted the first time i held my first bjd. I am sure i was staring at it for a good 10 mins or so.

      Also i find myself giggeling like that when i find an outfit or acessorie that i really like for one of my dolls and order it. In my mind i start thinking how it will look once my doll wears it and how i can mix match it

      I got to admit as well that i am the kind of person that giggles and takes pics every time my doll looks cute or i pose it in a new complete way

      I guess overall its a natural reaction of anyone that really loves their dolls and has lots of fun in this hobby :D
    19. I recently got a floral-print suitcase to carry my dolls when I go to meets. I had outgrown my carrier, and the suitcase allows me to take everybody out at once. I was ecstatic about it for days. It even rolls and has a little room left to spare. :fangirl:
    20. I got my dream doll on my birthday. I filmed the box opening with a bunch of friends and they were just sort of fawning over him and I looked at his face and he was like, the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. It was like an out of body experience.
      I washed out that boy's wig a year later and it looked all nice and new and I combed it and made him look nice and I just looked at him and just had this wave of "OH MY GOD MY SON MY BABY BOY COME HERE COME SNUGGLE WITH MAMA"