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Moonlit Wonder merman

May 17, 2023

    1. I thought about that question too before ordering him. In my personal opinion I highly doubt you'll find him second hand due to his price and size as of right now and if you do see him in the MB the person might sell him for more because not a lot of people ordered him or he might not be the one you're looking for, ie transparent tail or 6cm. On the flip side if you do find him second hand hopefully the shipping will be cheaper? 4'5" tall dolly, yeah *_*

      Either way good luck deciding!
    2. Hmm, I'm tempted to get the blank doll, so I could customize him, but the fullset looks really amazing too.
      Soom has a line of 75cm dolls called Idealians! They're really nice. They also release fullsets that are limited-- those go for 2-4K ish. Dollmore also has their trinity line, which are like girls who are 110cm tall. They run like 2.5k ish?

      That's a really good point! I agree, I don't think he might will show up in the marketplace often, if at all.
    3. I recently checked out the artist's official page and while I used a translation app, I think I got the gist of the message. Sorry for any inconsistencies. I urge you to visit the page yourself to double check.

      According to the artist, the 75cm mermaid's back fin cannot be supported by the magnet structure (probably) used by his smaller 53cm counter part.
      Because they're cast in resin and thus solid, in contrast to the 3D printed ones for the smaller mermaid that are hollow, they're too heavy for magnets.

      So, a complete redesign was apparently neccessary which means the delivery time will be extended.

      There is no change in shipping time for the 53cm doll.

      I think he's still expected to arrive somewhere past this September, but there is no delivery time for the big one anymore.

      Has anyone who has bought the big doll tried to check via their dealers? I didn't get him, so I can't really ask.
      #43 Phoenix-Aeterna, Jul 22, 2023
      Last edited: Jul 22, 2023
      • x 3
    4. I just asked my dealer, Stacy's Pink Ocean. I'll let you guys know.
      Also since it's October and the 53cm should be shipping out now. Has anyone gotten him yet? I'm dying to see what he looks like.
      Oh and if people didn't see. She's making a dreaming/sleeping head of the Merman doll!

      Say has anyone seen the Fatemoons Mermaid? She looks beautiful. She's just a huge as the this Merman! I would like to get her but as far as a character, I wouldn't have a clue as to what I would shell her as! I'll oogle from afar~
    5. I got a reply from Stacy's Pink Ocean.

      "... We didn't informed about the delivery time because the artist always has so many ideas to create some new things to match the doll.^^She creates a mermaid cloesed eyes heads,so elegant.^^"

      So I'm guessing that they haven't asked her about the delivery time for the 75cm? It's not the first time I've had to wait a whole year for a doll :sweat
      Oh well, I can wait! I'll bug them again once I pay him off which will be in February of 2024. [Wow, speaking about 2024 already?:aeyepop:]
    6. I would love to see the large merman moonlit wonder when someone receives him.
      I just could not afford him so I would really love to see him.
      I just bought the DollFamily-A merman but I feel kind of hollow about that. its just not the same...sadness:sorry:atremblin:...(
      my heart hurts
    7. When I get the 75cm merman from moonlit wonder, I'll try to remember to post his box opening. I just hope the images work on DoA :sigh
      Maybe I'll post a link to my images?

      I'm also debating on getting a PO BOX because that box is going to be huge.

      I thought the Doll Family -A merman was handsome. I just hope you're going to be happy with your merman from Doll Family- A when you get him!
      • x 1
    8. YAY I cant wait to see your merman Haruka. I will be waiting.
      the tail of the DF-A boy is too short but I will try to adjust him. maybe some kind of a spacer?? make his tail longer more visualy appealing ..to me anyway.
      but I will always want moonlit wonder merman most.
      maybe later I can find him ..pay crazy high price ..its a dream.
      thank you so much Haruka
    9. Looks like the Akheilos 2.0 head (optionally with face-up) is now being sold.
      It comes in three different versions: normal / romantic / sleep.
      At first glance I don't see any difference between normal and romantic head. :sweatOr are the eyelids slightly different? :?
      I think the head shown with the mask is the most beautiful. :D
      Is that the normal head version? :blush
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    10. I think it's the normal version tbh. The other one has more of the eyelids showing. But if I were you I'd just ask the company that's selling him to see which one is which.
      • x 1
    11. Thank you so much for your answer! :kitty2
      You're right, I should ask directly and I sent my request to Moonlight BJD. :blush:)

      I got a reply from Moonlight BJD. And you were right. :kitty2

      The photo that I think is the most beautiful so far shows the normal head. They confirmed that to me too. :kitty2
      #51 dragoneye1300, Nov 30, 2023
      Last edited: Dec 1, 2023
    12. OMG! The artist just got their prototype cast of the 1.4m mermaid according to her weibo page at the beginning of this month! It's a box.... A very large box. My husband looked at that then asked, when? Me thinks I'll need a hand truck for this :...(
      I kinda of wonder after I'm done with his layaway when is he going to ship so I can prepare.

      Also for those that are wondering like myself. 75cm it seems the artist recommends to place Akheilos 2.0 head on, or at least that's what she demoed the head on. Especially a Soom or Ringdoll. Ringdoll has 75cm bodies? I thought that they are 70cm. It's also on her Weibo page too.
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    13. Even though I unfortunately couldn't afford the large Mermaid doll, I'm very excited to see the owners' later photos. :kitty2
      Since I still really want to have an Akheilos, I recently pre-ordered at least a normal Akheilos 2.0 head with face make-up. I can then put it on a Loongsoul body. ;):kitty2
    14. has anyone gotten their large merman yet?
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    15. I was wondering the same, as it has been a long time since they started to rework the tail fins.
    16. I'm curious as well. I didn't order the doll but I did order the merman ear parts and I was told it would take 9 months just for the ears alone.
    17. Whoa, that's a long time.

      I ordered him but nada. I'm seriously expecting him in 2025 at this point. But hey! I finally paid off the layaway just need the shipping price :sweat
      • x 1
    18. @Haruka Yay for paid layaway! :cheer And yeah, I imagine the shipping cost will be quite something :XD: He do be a hefty boy!
    19. I got an update from Stacy's Pink Ocean. They've asked the artist if the full set can be shipped out in June and they will ask when I will be getting my merman. They will let me know with an update when they get a reply from the artist. Yay for progress! :cheer
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    20. and yay for the companies that are kind enough to let people know about shipping and other items.
      some can just leave you guessing.
      then one day a doll appears on your porch. soooo scary