1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Mori 9 Dolls

Apr 29, 2021

    1. Got my Lyra's yesterday as well!

      Have some photos and resin comparisons/info with comparing to previous Mori 9 heads.


      From LEFT to RIGHT:

      WS Hayato > WS Lyra > WS Austaras

      You can tell a bit by the headcaps (should have taken a pic of the heads) Lyra is much smaller a head than Hayato or Austaras. Probably at least by a half inch. The neck hole is smaller too. For reference the The Voice body Sun is a 13cm neck and Hayato can fit on The Voice Eagle which is 13.5cm. (Sun body below!)


      WS Lyra is a different resin batch but should be easier to match bodies tbh than the others! It is a very good match for 2021 Cream Soom resin which is pretty common for independent artist bodies and what most who match Soom go by. My Amor headcap is from 2021 and I am not his first owner so its definitely yellowed but you can tell the tone is pretty much the same, Amor is just yellowed.


      You can see its not a great fit from the side even though it looks good from the front.



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    2. I've seen a few more box openings for Lyras, including a grey one, and the grey head was much, much lighter-looking than mine. It's possible it's a lighting difference, but @Astro also told me their WS Lyra doesn't have the green undertone mine has.

      Could there be color variation within the batch? Oof :...(
    3. My Lyra arrived today! :D I always scribble on my dolls' faces the moment they arrive so he has some tentative eyebrows, etc. But I'm really loving this withering expression :XD:


      He's wearing an 8-9" wig (21.5cm-22.5cm) and it fits him perfectly. The eyes are 16/6mm by SecretArtStudio, and they are little too snug. I suspect that once he has eyelashes glued in, they won't fit as well. 12mm eyes had significant gaps by the edges, and I didn't try any 14mm yet. It was raining today, but when the sun comes back I'll compare him to other white resins I have in the house. He doesn't seem like an unusual color to me, just more yellow toned rather than pinky.

      I got the new covid vaccine today and am starting to feel it, so I think now I'm gonna sit back, relax, and play with a digital mockup of his faceup!! :evilplot:
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    4. @overlordu oooh I love the eyebrows on him suits him really well!

      Good to know about the wigs, I didn't try any on mine yet but I suspected as much given how much smaller the head was from the others. Also a bit disappointed cause I ordered him a 9-10 wig thinking he would be 9-10 like the previous Mori heads. 14mm eyes would probably work best, my hayato has 14mm, only my Austaras has 16s although, I am changing his character so he will get 14mm (havent tried them on him yet tho).
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    5. He is just so incredibly gorgeous! Congratulations to everyone who got him! :love
    6. Notice: If you see Dollshe trying to reissue Mori9s sculpts Doma and Luke please don't buy them as he does not have her permission to do so.
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    7. Thanks for spreading information, V chan! I'm very glad Mori opened up about her experience with Dollshe.

      People who own Lyra: what bodies have you bought for him? <3 My Lyra just arrived last week and he's simply stunning. My mission is to find him a good body later this year. (Currently my budget simply says no...)
    8. I would also be interested – I managed to get a Lyra in NS from the lottery Mori just had. Felt like supporting her because her sculpts are beautiful and no doubt the whole Dollshe situation has been awful for her
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    9. Any NEW orders of Doma or Luke placed through dollshe are banned here.
      Older unshipped orders are not banned. Orders made through other services are not banned as long as dollshe was not involved in the order.
      Any dolls (Doma or Luke) ordered through club coco or on the Dollstown site are banned on Den of Angels.
      Mori9 has made it clear she is not authorizing Dollshe to take orders or produce her work beyond the few already ordered.
      Unauthorized production of Mori9 dolls is a very real possibility and any dolls produced due to this are banned here.
      Please let the moderation team know if you see any orders being taken.
      We support Mori9 and will do what we can to protect her rights to her own products.
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    10. I ordered the Story of the Seventh Day silver general's body for my Lyra. :chocoheart
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    11. I don't own one of my own for him yet, but I'm gunning for the first release of Naiko's Prometheus 75 body, unless something newer and scrawnier comes out before I find one, as I've seen Lyra on it and he's a good fit and decent color match. I'm hoping one in NS shows up on Xianyu sometime soon.
      (the upcoming Prometheus 2.0 body that she's working on is an entirely different shape)

      I think @Constance is planning to put one of their Lyras on an LLT Ballerino body. It's also a good fit and a decent color match with a faceup if people are looking for something in a smaller size class.

      I'm really curious about the Seventh Day body that Lady Ravenswood mentioned! It's probably my favorite looking/is probably the best engineered 75cm~ish body that I've seen, and I think the price is fair, but too expensive for me to take a color match gamble on since Mori's colors don't particularly match Soom well. But I keep thinking about it and am afraid to see if it's still up for order >w< I almost never like 75 cm bodies, but looking at it has me wishing I had something that was a perfect resin match for it.

      Several doll makers seem to be working on slimmer 75~ish class bodies though, so I'm down to wait. Vings should still be working on a slim 76 (I think! might be 77) cm body and I'm really hoping I'll like it. I have two Lyras and I'm trying to convince myself I only need to keep one, but if there were multiple body options I'd be in danger.
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    12. I was originally gonna go with ID75 for my Lyra, but now I'm eyeing the Yicen 76 body. I've found 2 people in instagram who own both a Lyra head and the body in question. Would it be rude to ask someone I don't know if they're willing to try the head on the body? Even though we are complete strangers? :sweat Obviously I would be polite about it and not be pushy, but it still feels a little presumptuous! However I absolutely cannot afford to buy a body only to find out Lyra looks bad on it lol :abambi:
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    13. Maybe you could just ask them if they'd ever happened to try it out? Maybe that'd spark some curiosity and they'd be willing to test it if they hadn't already done so For Science >w<
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    14. I've definitely done that before for various things like body types or head measurements. I am extra nice about it too (especially asking them to do it at their own convenience) and everyone has been pretty receptive who've I asked. I even had some great convos and made some friends from it so I definitely think you should go ahead. Most are happy to talk about it I think especially if they are on here or insta.
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    15. I just bought a Hayato with a Luts body from Instagram. I lucked out that the seller is also a professional faceup artist too so I will be getting his faceup done too. Very excited!
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    16. How can I take part on lottery for Mori 9 head? I can not find any info on her instagram page about when lotteries for her sculpts start and how to take part in them except for her contact email... i would really like to try for Octans.
    17. You've just got to keep an eye on Mori9, @Rayme. Once she gets an idea of when a preorder will be, she will start mentioning it, and as the time gets closer, she will give an actual date. I follow her on Instagram only and I have never missed any information about preorders. As far as I know, she only does preorder via email. It's not perfect, but I think she does it so she can manually screen all the applicants (to make sure they are not recasters).
    18. Usually Mori9 will update their IG when lottery opens. I find the best thing to do is to turn on notifications for her posts and wait for them to pop up!
    19. i'm not familiar with Mori9 selling system, do you guys mean she will open a preorder but it's a lottery preorder?? if i try to buy a head do i have no guarantee to be able to actually buy it?
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    20. For the last "lottery", I think everyone on the international side was able to buy. I guess it only becomes lottery in case there are more orders than she can handle.
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