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MSD dolls in name only?

Feb 6, 2008

    1. I definately prefer the more mature minis. I've actually had a lot of trouble trying to find mini sized face sculpts that look *actually* mature. There are plenty of mature shaped bodies out there, but the faces still look to be from about 9-16 to me...

      Its totally impossible to find a mini sized male doll that actually *looks* like he's supposed to be 25. If only iplehouse would make mature minis... imagine that! *sigh* i can dream can't I?
    2. I second you dream! Can we add Dollshe to our dreams too?

    3. I guess I make mine look mature looking by the personality I choose, their faceup styles and the choice in clothes.
      I think the size of them compared to an SD makes them look childlike but I personaly don't see them as being childish looking...
    4. Mine don't actually look all that mature. Less immature, but not very mature. However, I'm used to anime styling, so the fact that they have big eyes and big heads does not automatically lead me to think they are children.
    5. My Owen [DOC Homme Kirill] Looks more mature in my eyes, he doesn't look TO mature, but he definitely seems a bit older than most.. but I don't have him in childrens' clothing, or what a child would wear. I see him as anywhere between the ages of 15-17ish. xD
      I think it's mainly the eye shape, and thinness of his lips, instead of being large eyed and pout.
    6. I second femaleichigo.

      I really do not look at my MSD's as children. Their clothes and attitude are too mature for being 10-11 year olds :lol:
      I guess it's all in the mold. Some dolls just look more childish than other.
    7. I like more mature looking MSDs. I hate it when they look all childish. Even my Mistral (with her childish DOC body) is 18 and just highly flat chested. I mean, nothing against children or anything, but I definately prefer the teen to young adult look over the childish one. If I wanted kids I'd go for tinies...
    8. I prefer mature looking MSD`s as well! Kids are cute, but not really my thing. All my characters are adult, some are very young looking, but I`m usually dealing with supernatural creatures here, so that`s normal! LOL
    9. I like that MSD's looks like thy are about 14 - 20 years old ^^
    10. Definitely more mature. I like tinies for childlike sculpts. It all comes down to the fact that I could never own a doll as big as an SD size- it would kind of wig me out, I think, having a doll half my height. o__O So MSD is the biggest size I'll ever get, and if I want adult characters (which I do, of course) I have to get mature sculpt MSDs.
    11. I have an MSD and I like that she looks more mature because the character that she is is more mature. She's a girl that appears to be 16 or 17 but is actually older than she looks.
    12. I don't have him yet, but I love the Chiwoo, mini sized. I wanted a big one, but always thought of him with a boyish appearance. So when they came out with the MiniFee's, it was perfect.

      He will be ordered in april. :3 After I get my Ren (Yder)

    13. I also have to agree with this. I have searched high and low for a truly mature looking mini. Many of them can successfully pull off "teenager" instead of "child" but I haven't found many that can pull off "man" (in the face, not just the body). The Orientdoll Tae and Il sculpts are the best I've found so far, though they're on the shorter end of the mini scale... 40cm I think. I would love it if there were more 25-year-old-looking male sculpts. Just think, Unireal 43cm dolls! :aheartbea

      I do prefer mature minis myself, mostly because the storyline I have going for my dolls really only involves teens and adults at the moment. I don't personally have a problem with the fact that the dolls are "out of scale" (some minis, some 60cms), since I treat the minis like they're just short adults. Though I know some people like a uniform look and prefer their minis to be in-scale children compared to the adult 60cm dolls, I'm just not interested in adding children to the storyline quite yet. =P
    14. My first BJD is going to be a MSD, and also an adult. Though, to be fair, his character is quite short in height, so it all works out fine. :)
    15. I prefer mature looking minis myself as I don't have the space for a 60cm. Plus there are smaller sizes than mini for child dolls if I would ever want one that would work with the mini size.
    16. I see them as teenagers ^^ about 15-18 years old...60cm SD to me are like ...gigantic teenagers, and 70cm are fullgrown adults ^^
    17. I think it depends on the doll. I want two MSDs. One I want to look like a child, the other an adolescent. It's just the difference in personality.
      Some call 45-ish cm "Mini"...I personally lean towards "MSD". Don't know why =/
    18. I prefer 43-45 cm dolls. And I don't think of them as having age.
    19. I prefeer mature looking dolls regardles of size. I have one mature MSD, (Lati Blue) one mature Barbie sized tiny, (Soom Mini Gem) and one small mature tiny (Tinybear Moona) and I'm waiting for a DZ Feilian.

      If I should ever get a child doll it would be around 20 - 25cm - perhaps Lati Yellow Special or something. But I'll probably stick to the mature dolls.

      I really liked the comparing them to dog breeds - like a Fox Terrier can be older than a Great Dane. That's the way I think of their size difference as well.

    20. I need my dolls to look mature. I can't carry SDs because of their size and weight added to my tiny arms and how weak I am. I really like them to have more mature faces which is probably why I'm so picky.