1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Musedoll Ciel custom heads

May 15, 2007

    1. Wow, that is great customer service. I've placed an order, but I think I'll keep it. I really want her and now I've ordered, I'll just pay her off my credit card.
    2. Very smart. There's just so much going on in the BJD world this and next month, people need more time.

      When they first released the Re-Che head they only took pre-orders for one week, that's why you don't see very many. Still, it's easier to throw caution to the wind and slap down $150. for a head than several hundred for a full doll.

      I can't wait to see owner pics!

      I know they will also be releasing seven new basic dolls in the nearish future, four girls: Leira, Ange, Evelin, Lilian and three new boys: Kailas, Ares and Enoch. It's good to see that Musedoll has so many plans. :)
    3. I'm ordering an open mouth one too! She's just too cute! She also reminds me of the Soom dolls.
    4. She is so lovely with her looooong legs<3
    5. I ordered one back on the 18th in white and now I'm just waiting on it to get here so I can find a good resin match. The musedoll body is a little too curvey to me, I'm hoping it'll be close to either CP or SOOM as I have experience with both of those types of bodies and really enjoy them. She'll be sharing on my SOOM body probably for a while until I can get her a body of her own.
    6. How long do you normally have to wait to get your musedoll?
      3 weeks? 4 weeks?
      Has anyone got open mouth Ciel yet?
    7. Still waiting on mine.
    8. Does anyone have their F-02 yet? I'd love to see pictures.
    9. Nope still waiting. Today marks the 4 week point for me so she should ship soon I hope.
    10. My standard Ciel took almost exactly 4 weeks to ship; I'm not sure precisely because it went to my parents' house, and they neglected to tell me when she arrived. XD

      I'm pretty sure that, depending on the load that month and if you got a faceup, Musedoll takes 4-6 weeks.
    11. I got a ship notice today, 5 weeks and 2 days after I ordered. Anybody else get one?
    12. I ordered on 5-15-07 (with face-up), and it still says "before shipping" . . . hopefully soon!!

      -- A :)
    13. Musedoll told me they will ship it tomorrow! I hope I'll get it soon.

      I ordered it on 17 April.
    14. Received the head today, it is a white open mouth head.

      I planned to use on a DDII but the neck hole is way too large so I have to mode it with some epoxy putty, the eye holes are pretty large too, 18mm eyes fit better then 16mm eyes but the iris may be too large depending on the eye brand.

      Wonderful cast, no defects, nice white colour and very cute, what else can I say?

      I don't have a camera right now so don't ask me for pictures : (

    15. When you get pics of it on the body please post them! I'm currently looking for a body for the same head and it's such a small head I think it may be difficult to find a proportional body.
    16. I had good luck with a "Crystal Rose White" Notdoll body (the one that came with my Aletheia White Vampire) -- it's a more petite and slender body than most SD-sized dolls, and the long neck suits the delicate Ciel head.



      (Posting links instead of images because of nudity.)

      I decided to sell my Ciel head (she's in the MP now) and keep her body -- she's lovely, but they didn't do the face-up I asked for (I wanted something closer to the old "Cute" face-up), and I've decided to go in a different direction with that character rather than strip the gorgeous face-up that they did.

      The "Glamour" style face-up really is gorgeous, though -- my photos didn't turn out terribly well, but there's a slight shimmer/iridescence around the eyes. Ciel is a beautiful sculpt, and it's been nice having her here, even if it turns out that she's just "visiting" :)

      -- A <3
    17. Looks... the DDII is really good propotions-wise but hte Ciel head cannot be attached to it without modding it, in my case is perfectly okay cause I'm going to paint the whole (heavily modded) body and head with tan paint, in this way the putty is perfectly blended with the resin.

      If I'll got the occasion I'll post some pics.

      Tomorrow I'm going to order a pair of 18mm ED eyes for my Ciel .:D
    18. Thank you soooo much for the pics, i've searching like mad and never found a no-oficial pic of the open mouth head! She's sooo gorgeous :fangirl:
    19. Does anyone know if the current status of this doll? How close are they to shipping?
    20. Anyone else got F02 Ciel? Can't wait to see more pictures!!