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Nabarro’s Boys discussion thread - Part 2

May 11, 2019

    1. Ideally as some young blond man from the Regency period, I have always wanted to sew some men's clothes from the period. But first I have to decide what body he will get.
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    2. Ok...so I need some help. Pretty please! :eusa_pray
      To those of you that have a Cyril: What eye size do you have in him?
      I have tried and tried to get 10mm to work from different makers but they never reach the front of his eye well and I'm going a bit crazy. Do 8mm eyes fit him? I don't own any eyes in that size, so I haven't been able to try any. I'm so lost and I have 2 beautiful Cyrils that I've been trying to get eyes into for ages now. :atremblin

      I give an offering of cake :cake::cake::cake:
    3. Well, I managed to find some dead-stock glass eyes in 10mm a bit ago and they came today. They have a very high dome (yay, just what I was hoping for) and fit my Cyril a bit better. The iris hits the front of the eye, but it's still a bit off. I'm going to see if I can try out some 8mm in one of the Cyrils and hope that works better so I can get a pair in a color I need more. Hehe. I'd still be interested to hear what other people use! :)

      And in other news, my Kalan arrived today!!!

      His scale is bigger than I had guessed, so I'm glad I held off on a body till he was in hand. I think I'm gonna go for a Dollstown 18 body, which I have always loved and would be happy to own. He's going to have a sugary pink theme. Like a candy prince.
      Hehe, right now he's chilling on one of my Mecha Angel lady bodies (I was checking scale with it) and he looks pretty great to be honest.

      Hope all the other Kalans arrive soon! Can't wait to see what people are doing with them. :)
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    4. @Lady Ravenswood that's great! A candy prince sounds so interesting XD My head should be coming in tomorrow. I can't wait!
    5. uh-oh. I kept passing on Nabarro boys, partly because of timing and partly size. big guys are too much for me. if he needs a really big body, I might
      have to let him go, or just display his head, and that's no fun.
      I have 3 fabulous Dollmore Glamor Model guys, though. if he's close to the normal color and fits the shoulders, I'm ok with them. they're very big but not heavier than my SD17.
      I'd love to see pics of K shirtless to see how he fits a body.

      (scientific purposes)
    6. @KiwiNinamori
      Hehe, I've been wanting a really pink boy for a while now. I blame Prince Gumball.
      He's not going to be that character, but I just like the theme. I got some fiber in a gorgeous pink and cream swirl color so wig experiments are in my future! :chocoberry

      Oh, I hope he's ok for you! In the photos it looks like Nabarro has Kalan on the 5th motif body.
      I would take photos for you of my head...but I only just ordered the body...so I'm sure I have quite a wait till it arrives.
      The Mecha Angel body I put the head on is a female body and she's wearing like 2 layers and shoulder armor. :sweat
    7. @Lady Ravenswood that sounds exciting. I think a pink cream swirl sounds cute XD

      My Kalan head came in today. I put him on my Demiurge body and I think it looks pretty great. The resin match is just a little off since the head is fresh skin and the body is normal

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    8. Hi, everyone! I just got parcel with my Kalan head and I am very exited about it ^__^
      This is new for me, because I usually collect girl-dolls, so I am frustrated about what body to look for this head.
      First I will try him on bodies I own or my friend's dolls, but not sure, that some of them will fit.
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    9. @KiwiNinamori
      He looks great! :dance
      That body has a really similar shoulder width and neck size to the Dollstown 18 body I ordered, so thank you so much for posting this photo!! It's making me excited that I chose a good body for my head too.

      Congrats on your Kalan head! :cheer
    10. The more I see, the more impatient I become. <smiling> This will be my first Nabarro - and I've paid for a faceup. Who better to do it than the artist?
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    11. [​IMG]

      My Kalan snatched himself a different body yesterday: the Dollshe Arsene body. That neck fits his head better than the Mystic body I had him on before. He seems hapy with it! (He is still smiling)

      @Julie M I agree! Nabarro does the most beautiful face-ups! I am very curiosu to which one will be yours.
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    12. Nabarro just sent me a shipping notice for Kalan. My guy has a faceup and I can't wait to see it! He should be here by the end of the week.
      My first Nabarro guy. :sumomo:
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    13. Ah - heard from Nabarro this morning. The young man identified as faceup #8 will evidently be coming home to me very soon now. :)
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    14. Yay, so many shipping notices! :celebrate
      Can't wait to see all the faceups.
    15. Congrats on your shipping notices :D can’t wait to see your guys.
    16. Julie, that's so exciting! I didn't think to ask which was mine. didn't even think about them being customer faceups. have to go back to flickr
      and drool and dream.
    17. Oh! I missed that connection! I saw the numbers but somehow didn't guess they were photos for customers. That's really neat actually!!! You get your own photo shoot. :love

      On that note, I'm IN LOVE with the photos for Kalan #9. <3:nosebleed<3
    18. Fresh out of the box: John Hero


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