1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Nakana Workshop Discussion

Dec 7, 2022

    1. I ordered Yvonne on the old body (really wanted it before it gets discontinued. If I understand it correctly, Nakana is not yet sure if they'll discontinue it or not and if they do then it's still months/years away, but I love the proportions too much to wait any longer ^^")
      it should be shipped this month or next month. Once she arrives I'll be able to take more pictures of my Panya and her and will post them on instagram :3nodding:

      I'm kind of confused by the tags on instagram tho, since some write #nakanabjd, some #nakanaworkshop and some #nakanadoll. Does anyone know which the tags are the most current/active?
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    2. I always tag “Nakanaworkshop” since they have most posts. But many are my posts because I really love to spread info about what I genuinely love so other people can discover. :XD:
      Congratulations on the new body order! I’m on the same boat about the aesthetics and future possibility. I really need body for my floating head because the head is my mini me. I’m thinking ordering a full Panya or Sisca to share body with.
      I love your creativity on IG. I can’t wait to see what you do when the body is there!:love
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    3. Has anyone had their Sisca arrive? I would love to see photos. Has anyone ordered the gray skin tone? that would be interesting to see also! On her insta it looks more normal skin tone lovely tone, almost a pinky gray...
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    4. Then I'll try to remember to tag with "nakanaworkshop" too!! :3nodding: and thank you!! I'll probably finally bring out all the outfits that I couldn't put on my other doll XD oh and I'll try manicure with longer nails on one pair of hands ^^

      That's a great idea with the body! Your mini me is really well done, right now you have her sometimes on the 56cm body, right? Panya and Sisca are both so cute, but I would love to see open-eyed Panya next to Sisca to get a better grasp on their differences and similarities, maybe Nakana will photograph them next to each other at some point ^^ are you considering the open-eyed or half-open Panya?
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    5. Does anyone else wish for more hands? I hope they make the 1/4 scale hands at some point also in 1/3, they look cool :XD:
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    6. I am thinking about half-open eye Panya and Sisca. I like to have variety of facial expression :)
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    7. Who else is on a boat for Black Friday sale?? 15% is a lot to me! I was hoping they run another sale this winter. I still cannot afford both a body in white and full doll in tan:sweat So maybe get Panya full doll in Light tan which is lesser possibility to afford at regular price... Invest in other heads another time (or Black Friday next year. lol)
    8. Meeee. I ordered Sisca. She’s so so beautiful. I can’t wait to get her.
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    9. FYI to those who were waiting for orders and don't go to the waiting thread. I got a reply to an inquiry I sent to them that read:

      "Sorry for the delay because I was hospitalized last month." and then details about my order.

      So sending good wishes for better health their way.
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    10. My Sisca head arrived! I'm not good at photos so none at the moment but I determined a few things quickly:
      • She definitely takes 14mm eyes (other sizes were poor fit or cause gaps), but seems to need a 6mm iris (so 14mm "small iris" in typical ordering). That's opinion of course. Other people might like bigger or smaller iris, but 14/6 mm seems to be the magic size for me.
      • I got her in the light white and she's just about perfect on the DFH 58cm Volks white girl body I had lying around, so she'll be getting one of those bodies soonish (so the light white does indeed match Volks white)
      • Her resin is really smooth/slippery! Her wig popped right off immediately. She has to have a silicone wig cap or similar.
      She goes off to get painted in late March. I'm really pleased with her so far though.
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    11. @vermaxen - Oh, congratulations! Sisca is beautiful!

      And that's great news about the resin color actually matching Volks white! I'd like to get one of the lovely heads (Yvonne is high on my list) for my Maskcat body. I believe Maskcat said their white is also meant to match Volks white, so that gives me a lot of hope that they will be compatible.
    12. That's assuring to hear about the resin colour! I got new white body for my Erato head in Volks White! I regret not getting sisca with the body during the sale! I would love to see any photo of her soon regardless how good the photo itself might be!:love
    13. Whelp, a crummy picture as requested...


      She's on the borrowed body in Volks white I mentioned. The lighting isn't great but I swear it's a good match. She has in 12mm eyes (hence the gap). I tried the 14/7mm I have and they are fine too, actually. I have time to think on what I want as she gets painted.
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    14. My Nakana doll head is a self portrait but alas, I think she will be at the bottom fo the list when it comes to getting her faceup, as I have prior commitments on my dolly-time. So it might be a while before I can show y'all how she looks.
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    15. @vermaxen I see her eyes are much smaller to compare to older scalps. It's interesting they kept the eye socket as big as bigger eyed heads. And I love your picture of Sisca. It is raw and real. I love promotional photos but yours shows more of what I wanted to see:whee:
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    16. I know this is a very (very) long shot, but any chance anyone has a resin comparison for Nakana's new tan and Fairyland's tan? :') I know they mention them as a comparison, but sometimes its hard to tell what color a tan actually is in company photos!
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    17. I wish I could help you on that!

      Have you tried to purchase spare parts from both companies?? That’s what I’m thinking about doing pretty soon with Maskcat and Nakana. It’s a little investment but I’m thinking that’s going to be the most reliable way to compare :)
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    18. I’ve been dreaming of owning SD size elder doll. And I’ve been thinking turning Panya older with faceup…. (Potentially add some sagging around her checks and eyes. But I’ll first try with just faceup) Has anyone got any experience with Nakana or any other company? (I’ve only seen Antique Lilac with iplehouse.)
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    19. Hooray!! I received 56 body in light white today!!
      I got this for Zee's Doll Erato in Volks White. Despite the head being close to a year old, the matching is lovely!! I wish I had the head in NS tho...I am not a big fun of white skin when it comes to dolls but the sculpt makes it lovely. I received SartorialJ flat shoes at the same time. It is tiny bit tight but fits great! Not saggy like in iplehouse flat shoes! I will be posing unasked photo update soon :D LOL
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    20. Looking forward to pictures! My Sisca head gets painted within the next couple months, and the DFH body I ordered for her should come shortly, 1-2 months, after painting finishes (if my estimates are roughly correct).

      So I'm hoping to post my own pictures eventually.