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Naming dolls and keeping sculpt names

Feb 10, 2019

    1. That would never have worked for me - several of mine only have sculpt numbers, not sculpt names (and I have duplicates of them too).

      Some of them took a while for their names to come, and one never actually got named. She was referred to as, "my elfie girl," for so long that "Elfie" became her name by habit more than by actual decision.

    2. Some of my sculpts keep their names as I got my ringdoll Dracula to be Dracula his name stays but my saint was bought for an oc so his name changes. I think it depends who you bought your doll to be.
    3. I usually have a character ready for my dolls before I buy them, so they often have a personal name from the beginning. Some however have arrived before their character has fully formed, so it might take some time before I decide on a name.

      My dolls definitely need to have their own names, sculpt names are too generic and not "mine". Also I get to pick the names I like the most.

      I go back to referring to a doll by its sculpt name when I've decided to sell it and want to distance myself from the character it embodied, so it comes back to being just a doll and not my character.
    4. I only have four at the moment and changed all their names. However if I bought a BJD and loved the name I would keep it as I am terrible at thinking up names for my little beauties
    5. I keep the name of the sculpt. Unless I 1. don't know that sculpts' name for whatever reason, 2. can't pronounce the sculpt name , or 3. bought the doll 2nd hand and the previous owner gave the doll a name and told me what the name was.
      I'm just terrible at naming things.
    6. I usually rename my dolls but i tried to keep them in theme or use the same alphabet as their original!
    7. I've only named one so far, but I changed it from the sculpt because the name didn't work for me, but I tried to use the sculpt name as inspiration, I have plans to leave some future dolls with their sculpt name (unless when I meet them the name doesn't really fit for them in person) and others I plan on changing
    8. I usually try to name my dolls. Some dolls I know their name immediately as soon as I meet them. Usually I have a list of possible names and then the decision is made once the doll arrives. Other times, like with my tiny Yuli, I knew her name before she arrived and in fact had her for about 3 days before I realised that her sculpt name 'Yu' was part of her actual name...but she is actually named after an imaginary friend from childhood.

      The only doll that has kept his actual sculpt name is my Bluefairy Pocket Fairy Peter. Nothing else suited him, and until I finished his faceup yesterday, I didn't even know if I'd keep him as his factory faceup freaked me right out. Now I think he's a cute little thing that I quite love :)

      Personally, I find that naming a doll is a very personal thing. I think it can demonstrate an understanding betweening owner and doll...and an attachment. I guess I'm a bit funny like that :/
    9. I have two additional Bambicrony Emilys not currently listed in my signature/profile page, as I'm deciding what to do with them. One is a fullset who I previously just referred to as Emily.

      Emie, despite being an Emily, was actually a character long before she was shelled so is not an example. I did change the character's appearance to fit the doll I fell in love with, though!
    10. All but one of mine have thier sculpt names so far. The one that doesn’t was purchased to be a particular character so he was alway “Spark” in my head from day one.
    11. I loved naming my dolls. It felt special to receive them and begin looking for a name that fit them.
    12. I currently have only one full doll, and two heads on the way.
      And I did just keep the sculpt name for my doll, and the floating head would be exactly the same as the sculpt name as well. It's just simpler and easier.
      I think if I start giving them custom names, I'd get confused very fast...especially I'm bad at naming things..
      To be fair, I didn't really think of giving my doll names until I created my first doll profile. XD

      @Teddy what you said made me smile! :)
      Because at one point I was thinking of the same thing. if I get two of the same sculpt, I'd number them, Like..if I get another Alice head, she'd be Alice2.....
    13. Names are so fun and important! I am so used to naming characters for writing, though...but I have no shame, I will happily change the name of a fullset doll if the company name doesn't suit.
    14. I had planned to name my first doll something else, but when I finished her face up the sculpt name just...fit. However my second doll has a different name and my recently ordered doll will also have a different name. I'm not sure of the name for my new doll, but I don't care for the sculpt name.
    15. Same! My DDs kept their names since they were fullsets.

      If I were to customize a doll I would try to come up with a name that fits the character. I'm bad with naming as many of you mentioned but I would do my best. I feel like some sculpt names suit the doll though.
      • x 1
    16. There have been sculpt names that I've REALLY been tempted to keep... But I try and create my own names for my dolls. (Although sometimes the names will be similar to the sculpt names!) :sweat
    17. If I buy a Doll chateau Evangeline, I keep her name because I always liked that name. But I like to change their name for something more personal. It's part of the bonding process for me.
    18. I never keep the sculpt names for my dolls; in almost every case I knew who I wanted them to be and what I would name them before I ordered them. If by some coincidence a sculpt I wanted happened to already have the exact name I wanted to use, I would be fine with keeping it though.
    19. Normally I keep my sculpt's names until I can't think of a name for them. :lol:
    20. For a while, a couple of my dolls have reverted to being referred to by their sculpt names. It was while I was struggling to bond with them. But, for the most part, they usually have a name before they arrive. It's the ones that I wasn't quite sure on characters for prior to purchasing that have given me difficulty with names. Hence why I don't have too many impulse dolls.