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Napidoll Discussion Part 2

May 8, 2014

    1. AlmySidaKay Wow...Very cool eyes!

      Temp Amazing wig, pretty and sweet girl :D
    2. Thank you, Mistress and SugarFirefly!^^

      My Naya also sports anime eyes so I thought Rogebell might as well have a pair too. ^^
    3. Congrats on getting your Naya AlmySidaKay! She makes a great selkie, and her dress is really beautiful too~:aheartbea

      Your Rogebell is adorable Temp! You did a great job on her faceup! She looks so soft and sweet! :whee:

      Well Mistress_Of_Burden, if you think you're going to be happy with Makos then I say go for it! Margo has 14mm Makos and I love them!:D But, if there's even a tiny chance that you'd look at them and rather have gotten the EDs for your girls, then I think you should get the eyes you really want, instead of settling for something you won't be happy with! ^^; But that's just me, it's up to you in the end! :3

      It's been a while since I last took a photo of my girls together~ ^^;
    4. She got a new pair of eyes, and as much as I like the blind selkie idea, she seems to want to be more of a comfy pop kind of girl, and wants to be called Selena.

    5. Almy: What size eyes are those? I would try the next size up or something. They look sort of small. Either way the color is great and she looks super cute xp

      Bander: Yeah, I decided to go with ED. After looking at Mako's eyes again I couldn't find the exact colors I wanted, and realized I was only gravitating toward them due to the price (and the fact that they look good for that price). But ED had the exact colors, as far as the preview pictures, so lets hope they turn out that way.

      Just bought 5 pairs of ED eyes for all my ladies, Napi and non Napi. Milky 15 for Bubble Gum, Milky 41 for Cotton Candy and Milky 56 with 23 pupil for Myth!~ ^^ I should have them by January, I hope!~ ^^
    6. They are 18mm and they worked once I actually figured out how to position them in her.

    7. XD okay! Yeah the positioning looks a lot better now!
    8. Hi!

      I have a bit of a request. Does anyone remember when Napidoll had a wig pre-order that included this long wig with full bangs that was 3/4 blonde and had a 1/4 streak of pink on the right? I've desperately been trying to track down stock photos of it. Grr, Napi, I wish you archived your lovely stuff! Does anyone have anything of the sort saved? It'd be really appreciated. Thank you so, so much!
    9. Selena is so adorable AlmySidaKay! I really love her sense of style and I think her eyes are very pretty! :aheartbea

      Hmm! I've done a bit of searching for you delgadina. I found this page on Napidoll's blog with a bunch of their old wigs! http://s.ameblo.jp/dolk/entry-11503943748.html I but I don't know if your style is in there! I'll keep an eye out in case I see something like that in my travels!

      And because I can't leave without a picture, here's some Rogebell spam!

    10. Bandersnatch - Your girls are just adorable. I love all the soft colors! :D

      AlmySidaKay She's a cutie! I love her innocent expression :)
    11. bandersnatch your girls are amazing!! :aheartbea

      almysidakay your naya has suuuch a sweet face!

      i was wondering if i could ask a favour of someone who has an agabell or rogebell head - could anyone tell me the width of the neck hole? also, napidoll just says the head circumference is 8", is that accurate? thank you! (and apologies if this info is on their website somewhere, i haven't managed to find it :sweat)
    12. I usually put a 8-9in wig on my Roge. ^^
    13. Thanks for the compliments on Aubrey.

      I wish I knew unless Naya has a matching neck size to Agabell or Rogebell.

    14. Thank you, that helps me! ^^
    15. Just dropped by to say hi and catch up with the napidoll spam. I must say the are some gorgeous gals and guys here. :)

      I still haven't had my faceup done on my Roge, but the poor faceless sweetie is getting lots of new clothes designed and made for her! :)

      Now I have a question, what length skirts do you prefer for your girls? Some accompnying spam would be great, if you can manage it okay.
    16. I need cloths for my ladies, but I like skirts that are just above the knee. I'm very lazy about buying cloths, but that's probably bc I recently dropped $300 on ED eyes that will hopefully be here soon!
    17. Aaah, the wig I was looking for is here! Thank you so, so much, that was so helpful! :aheartbea

      And your Rogebell is gorgeous! One of my favorite sculpts. What body is she on, if I may ask? :sweat
    18. I'm not sure about AlmySidaKay or delgadina but I like to use Little Monica Harmony B bodies for my NS Napidoll heads. I have two right now and I'm saving up for a third. They match really well and all my pictures are of them with those bodies, and there are a bunch more on my Flickr. ^^
    19. Mine is on an older Volks body, and matches great. I also wanted a more immature body for my girl since Naya has in my opinion a very childlike face.
    20. Bander: Oooooh can't have enough of your Rogebell twins!!! :D
      AlmySidaKay: I've always wanted a Naya ... came across one once too, but did not have the funds to adopt her back then! it makes me happy to see your pretty girl!!

      My Chesi is on a AoD girl body, the resin match is just perfect!!
