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New Customhouse Event AIs

Feb 5, 2005

    1. Rosemary makes me think of Ai Takahashi fro Morning Musume ^^;;

    2. i love nyll love the lips!
    3. :cry: I think Rosemary is cute too, but I can't buy anymore BJD's. I am tapped out of funds and I promised my hubby that after I got Isao he was the last I would get ever of this type :crushed .
    4. Pardon of OT but does anyone know what size those The Ai dolls at CH are? Are they all SDs?
    5. sher - I think they mean "the faceup MAY be different", as in ..."these are hand painted, expect some variations".

      I love CH lip paints, so much finer and more detailed than the monoblock glop that many repainters seem to choose. They do look better in real life though.
    6. I for one LOVE their lips... at least many of them... Some of the heavier colors that obscure the sculpting bug me but I like the lips, for example, on the Jr Ai Irang basic.
      I never thought anything of St Demian (I have StMina1) until I saw the "unique" models. OMG. His reg lips: Not appealing. Other face-ups? Great! I wanna see the doll... not paint!
      But I'm kind of weird that way. I sculpt my own dolls so I wanna wanna see!
      Anyway Thanks for the link!
    7. No, you're not the only one. I hate the way they paint their lips! It always makes me think they have chapped lips or something. I can't stand it. Bleck!
    8. I love Customhouse lips. Nyll is cute, but I think he'd look better with a dark wig to match his lips more. The blond isn't doing anything for me.

      Note: I've adored 'Rock' forever, and I still say they should release him as a Basic doll. Any hope of that? *sweat*

    9. I like the way Customhouse paints some of the lips, but not all. I absolutely adore every Cebee that they've done. Rosemary reminds me of Cebee, but without the $900+ pricetag.

      I have to agree about Nyll's lips, though. He'd be gorgeous if they didn't make the center of his lips so dark.
    10. One possible reason for the lower price is that their seam lines have not been removed. The basic CH dolls do have their seam lines removed. And also, this is a limited event price.

      I agree that Rosemary (& Nyll's) have tons of potential!

      Some CH lips are awesome, and some seem overdone to me. But as already mentioned, they are much more detailed in person than shows on the screen. They have very fine lip lines.

      A the_soul_within member discovered that this style is very similar to the historic way a geisha lips are made up, so it is possible that is the style that some CH painters are going for.

      And, NO, HeavyBomb does not paint all the lips for CH. She usually only paints special limited editions (as does Rolling Pumpkin), and it is specifically mentioned when either of them does the face-up, since they are both highly sought after face-up artists.

      BTW, I think some of the unique CH doll prices are getting ridiculously high, but thats just me :)