1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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NEW Narae & Narin Urethane resin discussion

Apr 19, 2008

    1. According to Dollfair website about shipping:
      I think early on the wait was something like 4-6 weeks, but lately it's been a lot longer, so be prepared to wait.

      Order updates located here:
      It states that there is a French resin shortage, but from my understanding (perhaps misunderstanding) the French resin shortage occurred in 1st orders of the new knee system and now Narin did get their shipment of French resin, so no shortage for now.

      You can find people's wait experiences in Dollfair/Narindoll feedback thread:

      I hope that helps some folks. I own two gorgeous French Resin Narae girls (old knee) and they are simply spectacular. (see my avatar :aheartbea)
    2. Ah, hope it's alright to revive this. Has anyone ordered and received their snow white urethane Narae's yet? I'm very interested to see how she'll look like. I like the Volks snow skin because they glow even if it's urethane. :) I'm hoping to see some owner photos of the snow white Narae if possible!
      Oh yes, does anyone know if Dollfair is willing to mark down the value of their dolly packages they send out?
    3. I am thinking about getting a tan urethane open eye, but really want to see one before I commit. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Julie
    4. As soon as I get my Pinky White Narae in Urethane I'll post pics of her, I have a long wait ahead tho*_*
    5. Got my pinky white urethane narae. Will post pics as soon as her mohair wigs are in. Interested to see if anyone thinks that the urethane pinky white is maybe more "white" than the french version.
    6. :sumomo:Evie is coming I just got my tracking numbers and when she gets here she can share clothes with Tisa, will post pics of her too. She is Pinky White Urethane and painted by KKY before she left Narin Doll.

    7. Here is my Tanned Urethane Classic Narae from order 71 (shown with my new tanned Limhwa's for comparison).


      Hope this helps:)
    8. Can't comment on the pinky white however my new tanned urethane is less tanned and paler than my previous french resin tanned (see post above for a pic!)
    9. My Pinky White Urethane Narae is here, and she is so lovely, KKY did a AWESOME job on her faceup, I'm so happy with her:fangirl:
    10. Here is Tisa with Evie

      I am really happy with her, she is just perfect in everyway.....and is learning about the rest of my doll family quickly, I have no sunlight now so I will take more pics on my next day off instead....KKY is amazing I love this faceup! Catrina thanks for sending her to me so quickly.....I'm so happy! Must send you a Christmas card will all the dolls I have got from you and your company;)
    11. derilan85: Oh wow, she's really, really gorgeous! :aheartbea

    12. Thanks Annefia, I am really enjoying having her with me, she is so different from Tisa it's like night and day with them, I took some more of her today. This urethane resin is really a treat to have.

    13. derilan85: Stunning!

      How's the touch/feel of the urethane compared to the French Resin?

    14. I like her face up derilan85, she looks very delicate!:daisy
    15. Annefia- There is a big difference with the urethane resin verses the french resin. Urethane feels so rough and smooth at the same time while Tisa that is French resin feels smooth as silk since I have had her for a long time. It's very difficult to explain unless you have one there with you. She has some weight to her just like Tisa, but if I were to sand her she would probably be smooth like her too.

      gelfling9uk- She has a very delicate face and I like how different she is from my first Narae....now to find her a male friend amoung the many I have here*_*
    16. Here's a quick pic of my pale princess! The pinky/white matte urethane is very, very pale, but I'm loving this beauty! Face-up by *MEEE* here at DoA!
    17. derilan85: Yeah, I can see that it must be hard to explain the difference. Now when I think about it I don't how I would describe the touch of French resin. But it's interesting to know that it's not just the look that differs but also the touch.
