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New Pipos doll - fennec fox

Dec 26, 2007

    1. You know it bothered me that everyone was like 'DZ bunny looks like Curo' but DZ released a fennec looking fox first! But I doubt anyone will say that they copied DZ!

      That said, I love foxes, so I may get one! Looks like they will have a tail, which is awesome!
    2. If it bothered you, why repeat it here???

      I hadn't heard it before and personally would prefer not to hear things like this. Can we try to just discuss the foxes, please?
    3. MareOfTheNight: Alot of people have been requesting Pipos to make a fox doll ever since Curo came out, if not earlier. So don't worry about copying. ^^
    4. I can't wait to see what this fox will look like. I'm hoping I'm immune to it because I'm broke, LOL.
    5. Supposedly the people at Pipos are toying around with the idea of making the next tails magnetic.
    6. I think that would be the best option, since there would be no hooks to break or lose.
    7. Heero just arrived home to me yesterday and I adore him. I think I won't be able to resist this little fennec foxie!
    8. I'm really interested to see pictures...
    9. I'm actually really interested in seeing pictures too! I'm excited that Pipos is doing a wider range of animals!

      I loveeeee fennecs, but I think I'd wait for a panda. :D
    10. Ooooh with those big ears I wonder if it could pass as a Chihuahua??!!
    11. Oooooh, they just said a dreaming Curo would be available too - I'm not crazy about Curo, but I have a friend who may not be able to resist. XD

      *still wants foxy pictures* ;o;
    12. Oh, a fox....!
      I already got a Pipos Baha and that little pig that elfdoll made (can't remember the name right now ^^')
      Looks like I'm gonna get me a little Noah's ark on my own here. XD
    13. Oh my, another fox. XD

      Why can't companies be a bit more original? (I want a wolf dangit!)

      Anyways, I bet he'll be uber adorable and irresistible. :)
    14. I'll bet one of the foxes would make a good wolf. ^_^ Same type of ears and snout, maybe?
    15. does anyone know the date that the new fox will be released?
    16. That's what I was just looking for, too! Have they released the actual date yet?
    17. I love Foxes too, but I didn't pay enough to DZ to get one T__T So this can be my second oportunity!!!!
      I am waiting for pictures
    18. Darn, well my prediction wasn't right. Thought they'd do a Panda first then a fox. Still he looks very foxy :P
    19. Ohhhh geee. =D A fennec fox is a REALLY cute animal. I can't wait to see.
    20. I am going off prerelease teasers as the actual product seem to be such a long wait!!