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Non-human dolls

Sep 28, 2009

    1. I think I've been misunderstood, then, because I did in fact state that I do not think that any sort of segregation of fantasy dolls is a good idea. I didn't say anything along the lines of "You're trying to force groups apart and you should be stopped," I said "I don't see any reason to segregate dolls based on (type)."

      Again, I really think you aren't understanding what I'm saying... one look at my signature should be proof enough that I do in fact like Anthros, I'm just not sure I like the idea of a separate forum for anthros. One that's not particularly fast-paced from what I've noticed, as well, and one that introduces questions into where certain dolls should go.

      For instance, my MSD-sized cats, or a large-size one like the new Luna sculpt. Do they go in the size-specific sections, or the anthro section where pretty much everything is classed as a "tiny"? Why does a Baha go in Anthros, but a Pukisha in Tinies? The same problem is one I see coming up with trying to impose another artificial separation onto "fantasy" dolls--Pukis have pointed ears, are they fantasy? My LittleFee is now an elf, does that kick him into the fantasy forum and out of the human one? What about if someone sands the ears off their elf, do they have to post in the human forum now? Say a person owns the one and only fantasy sculpt made by a company that specializes in humans, they can't post in the same area as those who own the same size, the same company, but their dolls don't have any unusual features?
    2. Internet in "Making it difficult to read what people are saying from plain text alone" shocker. ;) Don't worry!

      Elves are a wee bastard as far as categorisation goes. I think what Maetria is referring to are the out-and-out HELLO I AM NOT A HUMAN dolls, like the centaurs and so on. Elves make the distinction between what is and what is not difficult, because, as you say, it's just a question of ears! :lol:

      ....Are we getting off-topic? I have no idea. I love fantasy dolls! \o/
    3. Oh yeah! I was immediately interested in taking part in a raffle that featured an elf as 1st prize (worth £450), chinese clothes included with a tattooed arm, long silver hair, needless to say I didn't win it but some clothes for a doll I don't own yet.

      Twell it was worth paying £12 for 10 tickets just to take part in the chances of getting it, oh well...I recently won two mangas for £1 in our societies raffle, so I know I'm not completely unlucky, meh....just not lucky enough when it matters.
    4. I wouldn't mind a vampire one too ^^
    5. All my dolls represent metahuman characters, despite their outwardly human appearances.

      Otherwise whether I like dolls with obviously non-human parts is strictly dependent upon the sculpt. That being said, I find the Domadoll centaurs & unicorns a bit too anorexic for my taste, and I do not like Souldoll Chiron's face at all (I'd rather him have a Marlboro Man face than a pretty boy's).

      I have some non-human parts dolls planned or on the way though, with Soom Beyla and Unidoll Ark.
    6. Hehe yeah.... the ones from soom were adorable, but I wanted something a little more "wolfie". I want to make them with with one sweet face and one growling/snarling face...
    7. What's normal? Normal is a pretty subjective frame of thought.

      I don't see a reason to categorize the dolls anyway. Two of mine "look" human but are in fact half dragon. My elf is dating a human and the fox imp just getts into everyone's stuff!

      I honestly wasn't going to get an elf, I've been elfed to DEATH back when I was active in the science fiction/fantasy community. But he was so darned cute I couldn't resist! :lol:
    8. i love to mix them up...that's what makes life interesting, for them as well as for us doll people.
    9. I don't think it's off-topic at all. :D And you're right, elves are tricky... I'm sure if a categorization were put in place for them, people would argue both for and against elves being stuffed in the other category (and vampires, too)... Vampires, at least you can generally see the teeth in pictures, but with elves, depending on the wig or the angle of the photo, you might not be able to even tell the difference.

      But what about another take on it, with, like you said, the extreme fantasy dolls. I've got a Glati, who, without his fantasy parts is a normal human doll, and with them, is clearly not. So is that a doll that goes under "fantasy," "normal," or both depending on what parts are being used? Or is there a new category for "dolls that are sometimes fantasy dolls depending on how they're presented?"

      Likewise, I've seen some amazing hooves sculpted for otherwise human tinies; if a doll is customized that way, then where does it go?

      Besides, if we separate them, then I don't get to see all the amazing little human guys that, even if I don't want to buy them, I still love to look at. And I'm quite certain there are people who like to look at the fantasy dolls mixed in with the normal ones, even if they have no plans to buy one of them, either.
    10. Yes I more wanted to know if anyone did feel that way rather than suggest that anyone should. My knowledge of dolls is limited so I don't know about the kinds of dolls that might be off topic here. In my experience in every hobby there exist purists and extremeists. I just think it is interesting to hear what they think as well as hearing people agree with me

      It's fairly instinctive to try to categorise things. Maybe it is wrong. But I mean there are dolls that are modelled on humans and there are dolls that are clearly not. Having them as separate categories maybe makes it easier to find discussion about a particular type of doll in the forums?

      You make a good point, actually some are in between or could go in either metaphorical category. S'funny I wanted to start a debate and discussion but this has gone a completely different direction than I was expecting. It's all good though, getting a lot of opinions and a lot to think about. Thank you!

      Also: I'll see Lupie's excitement on baby werewolves and raise him a "squeeee!"
    11. LOL well thanx. LOL As soon as i have them done, i'll show ya. :) They won't be complete babies, but they will be very young 'pups'. I might make a full on baby tho :)

      I wish there were more adult anthros in our BJD world. It seems it's limited to hooves. I'd love seeing more cat-girls (actual feline faces, cat feet, paws, etc) or even mermaids, etc.
    12. They won't have paws (I always draw them with regular hands), but eventually, when I either get the skills or find someone to commission, my two MSD cat-girls will indeed have cat feet. :) It's something I very much want to see myself, which is why I'm working on it over here.
    13. I enjoy the idea of an anthro doll and have looked into wigs with ears but just haven't found anything that looks good to me.
    14. I love fantasy dolls, they have a lot more oomph than humans.
      This isn't to say that my first doll that I'm rubbing pennies for isn't going to be a human, because he is.. ^w^;
      I just love the look and clever detailing the fantasy dolls have.
    15. I think having non-human dolls is a great option (although sometimes they can be a bit more spendy due to parts). Seeing as some of my characters in the story I am working on arn't really human, I love looking at the elf like dolls and the (usualy limited) non humans (like Sooms monthlys) that come out. Actually, doll is a Dollzone Shoyo Cat Girl, so shes a non human doll, lol, and I love her (shes adorable). :D
      I am really interasted in Sooms newest MD Sphaler, as well as Iplehouse's new circus girl, Luna. I'll always regret not being able to get my hands on a Soom Chrome or Topaz (I loved their sculpts).
      I think it's nice to have a variety in dolls, human and non-human, as well as the option to take a human like doll and mod it to make it non-human. Yay creativity!! :)
    16. Personally I've always prefer the zoomorphs and anthros - for me a doll can be anything... and animals are awesome so my dollies get to be sort of animals! :aheartbea

      I already have way too many "human" non-bjds and there wasn't even any question to whether I'd prefer human bjds or zoomorphs/anthros but then, it's just my thing and everyone is free to their own preferences :)
    17. As a newb to BJDs, I'm finding I definitely prefer the fantasy dolls. Seems to be all about the pointy ears for me! :) That's all I've got to add for now, being a newb and all!
    18. I prefer human dolls, or human dolls with a hint of something else. I find I rarely use the hooves for my heliots. It's cool, but I just don't keep them on for very long.
    19. I'm going to add that I love the word zoomorphs (hadn't come across it or thought about it in this context before) ^_^
    20. I like both. However, what I buy depends partly on what I need for specific characters. I do have a storylines with non-humans, but they are elves or are human looking (thus far, anyway). I've seen more elaborate non-human fantasy dolls that I like, but I'm not entirely sure where they'd fit in in my group. My main storyline are all human and they make up about half my doll population. There is no reason to segregate fantasy dolls from other dolls. Really they're basically humanoid--they just have...extras, lol.

      ETA: Also about grouping them separately, many of the non-human parts on fantasy dolls are removable and/or interchangeable with human parts (horns are held on by magnets and can be removed, hooves can be swapped out for human legs, etc) so it really doesn't make sense to keep them separate when they are made so that people can change the amount of human to nonhuman characteristics as they please.