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Sep 10, 2011

    1. One of the reasons I like BJDs is the fact that so many of them have that "anime look". I am a fan of CLAMP and other manga/anime artists. I find the tall, willowy bodies and simple, slender noses to be very appealing. Perhaps it is due to the fact that I am a portrait artist and enjoy the fantasy aspect of manga/anime art as the yin to yang. The elegance and simplicity of the faces in conjunction with unusual or highly ornamented hair and clothing resonates with me.
    2. The nose can make or break a sculpt. I fell in love with my Unidoll Jace's very masculine nose........

      Songeur by DominiqueBB, on Flickr

      But for sheer perfection nothing beats Bermann's nose ....

      Alexei by DominiqueBB, on Flickr

      Nice and straight with the faintest upswing on the tip and those slender nostrils...perfect.
    3. I love noses of all shapes and sizes, but just as long as it is distinctive in some way.

      My Soom Bazael, for me has a most beautiful nose, a really nice gentle curve to it - so pretty!

      I also love Chrom (incoming soon...) for his distinctively shaped nose and Chalco has a nice, thicker kind of nose too.

      One of the best noses EVERRRR though on a doll, imo, is Dollshe Rosen - pure class!^^
    4. i like the kind of structure but not too sharp noses,and a good nose really make them look much perfect on the side like most of RD &soom nose~i really want myself have nose like that too XD
    5. I like my Buddy Doll Raphael's nose. ^_^ Re: photo here.
    6. I love the realistic wide bridge of the nose. Especially accompanied by a wide-set eyes.:aheartbea
    7. Aesthetically, I can't choose favorites. But noses play a central role in how I perceive a doll and what character it becomes to me. I am a portrait artist and from my viewpoint, tiny changes make huge differences. Even on the same nose *.*
      How the light hits, the exact angle from side, above,,,little tilt this way or that.

      I just made an ATC card [2.5 X 3.5 inch hand-made] for swap here, with assignment to make the subject your partner's doll. I had a Resinsoul Mu for my subject -- hefty nose on that boy. But as I drew it, I became a new admirer of the talent of the sculpt. And getting it just right was key to having the "soul" of that doll. Maybe it is like the the word for snow...Eskimos are said to have MANY different words for all the different kinds of snow. A portrait artist is going to see an unusually huge number of differences.

      I write all that because someone said they don't see much variety in bjd noses. I perceive all kinds of noses, and I enjoy looking at, and owning =^.^= all kinds. I have Supia Rosy and love her realistic nose. I just bought a Dollstown Seola's head, and I love her profile with size and placement of her lips and nose together, and how her little face is dominated by her nose in front view.

      I got a Raphael Dollzone because he is "all nose" [Haaa] and his homeliness is adorable to me.
      It is when I begin to sketch
      that I can really notice how
      distinct they are. GuEsS I've said this enough different ways ;)

      I ordered the OR-doll Phoenix BECAUSE of her tiny nose, together with face shape and wide apart eyes. I bought Tiah of Resinsoul x2 as twins and she has a very pointy, unrealistic nose. Pointy and sharp. They are grand! Recently I faved about 100 male dolls in my flickr account. I thought maybe I could give up some of my guys as a place to start the thinning out process of my rather huge doll collection. I meant it when I said I like variety!! Now my favorites are the artistry that has been put into the guy faces. Saint, Bernard DollsHE ^.^ -- hundreds of incredible faces, once I started looking more carefully.
    8. Don't forget the Elfdoll noses! When I first saw Elfdoll Wu, I fell in love with his straight beautiful nose. There weren't many BJDs at that time (2006) that had realistic male noses. I also like aquiline noses, like Chrom or IslandDoll Vivian. Angelsdoll has a lot of interesting noses on their sculpts.
    9. I honestly don't really pay much attention to the noses on dolls unless they are unusually huge and then I'm just going "Uhm..... No. Just, no." I really only have one point of dislike and that's for really big noses. I actually almost passed up on my RS An because I thought his nose looked huge in photos. But when I saw him in person it wasn't so bad and so I have him. I really like my DollFamily Wind's nose, it's a pretty good nose, nothing too remarkable, not to tiny or pointed like my DZ Mo's nose, but not enormous to the point of distraction.

      I mostly don't pay attention to the nose when I choose a doll because I'm more interested in the shape of the eyes and the mouth. Noses are just sort of there. I think they look awkward and slap-dash on humans as it is, so I don't really pay them much mind on dolls either.
    10. My old Volks Chris had the perfect nose; pointy and not too small, simply adorable! Gosh, I miss that doll... :'(
    11. I love noses... it's one of my favorite part to sculpt or draw.

      I wish more dolls had aquiline noses. that's one of my favorite shapes. Especially when they're a little wide at the bottom.
    12. I like DOD nose)
    13. I like DOD nose)
    14. Now that I have read everybody's posts here I will simply phrase it like this:

      There is not as much nose variety in BJD sculpts as I would personally like to see.

      I am absolutely obsessed with noses. They are a crucial factor in deciding to whom I'm attracted, and similarly, which dolls I'm really crazy about. Unfortunately for me I have honestly never seen a doll with a nose I loved from all angles. There are many acceptable doll noses out there (because he was mentioned earlier Dollzone Cosmo comes to mind now) to satisfy my desire for realism, and I don't even get offended when I see the anime inspired pixie noses (provided they don't disobey my fundamental nose preference rules). But I've found that because of my particular pet peeves about noses, I am hard to satisfy.
      For example, I absolutely cannot stand a nose that is:
      1 Dished/ Ski Sloped (any nose with a concave bridge)
      2 Too high on the face/too small/ has too much space between the tip and the top of the mouth
      3 In the "greek" style, meaning there is almost no indentation where the nose meets the forehead. That drives me absolutely nuts.

      And things like that are what drive me to attempt additive nose jobs on dolls. I find it amazing how a nose can look great from the front and terrible from the side. Right now my AngelHeim Ryan is falling victim to my nose standards. I had never seen a nose so long and dished! However he is looking much much better now that I have given him a bridge. :)
    15. I love Resinsoul Gang's nose, I also think Soom Chrom has a good nose , I'm sure there's more I like but can't think of them right now....but I hate little pointy ski slope noses too, a nose has a very important role to play on a sculpt and should be given some thought as it is big part of the face's character.
      Edit..I also love Elfdoll K's nose ! :)
    16. Ahhhh the nose, I have fallen and love and fallen out of love over a nose. I actually prefer the bigger noses (some how odd that I own four Els..... with their pointy needle noses) but my all time favorite nose... has to be the K-doll nose big round things that make me want to smooch the tips. of my hord of littles, my favorite nose is the Pipi button and slightly pushed up.

      I agree Iple has some of the best noses out there, a really beautiful base dexter and tedros wone me over.
    17. it really depends on the company's style.
      if you got more toward "stylised" sculpts, of course you'll see more little pointy noses.
      but if you go for more realistic sculpts, you will find all kind of noses :3

      here are my two favourite doll noses (both from iplehouse)

      I also really like soom Chrom's nose ;)
    18. Rainman sculpts beautiful noses, so perfect and straight and nicely balanced.

      I like big, arched noses -- at least on guys, real life or doll life.

      Iplehouse's noses look real but I'm not a fan of the tip-tilted look they do so often (but less often with the last few guys).

      The doll nose I love the best is on my Takeshi Kaneshiro Minimee. Now THAT'S a nose!! :aheartbea

    19. Thought I would share with you guys here in the nose thread the modification I made to my AngelHeim Ryan's nose!


      On the right is his old nose, and on the left is his new nose. The old nose was just too alien for me. But I am completely in love with him now that his nose is to my taste. :aheartbea
    20. I'm kind of a fan of the small, pointy nose. It's what I call the "anime nose". Lol. My girl, Li Jiang, has a pretty pronounced, though. For some reason it doesn't bother me. I think it gives her character.