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NotDoll Lab Lucy 19cm 18cm dolls discussion part 1

Feb 23, 2007

    1. No I hadn't, I will try that though. Thank you
    2. [​IMG]

      Frida with teeth and a different face-up... I think its to pink and I might do it over again XD
    3. Frida looks absolutely beautiful, she is so photogenic.
    4. I agree, I love her face up:D what a beautiful girl you have:aheartbea
    6. I want a Lucy so bad, but am kind of short on funds right now. Is this sale a regular thing or a one time deal?
    7. I just received my Tan Lucy... and I'm not impressed.

      The face is beautiful....


      - Her headback is ill-fitting with gaps around it instead of a smooth join and just enough bigger than the rest of the head to ridge all the way around.

      - Her legs and arms won't stay straight

      - Her body won't stay straight either

      - Her knees don't meet well at the joints

      - The quality of the sculptand finish on the hands looks, frankly, cheap and nasty (perhaps I've been spoiled by the Banji hands and feet, which are much much nicer, and the Hana Angel and devil, which are at least finished off nicely between the fingers etc....?).

      I'm thinking that the sale-price is closer to what the regular non-sale price of this doll *should* be, going by the lack of quality.

      It is such a shame when her face is so pretty.

    8. I have some of the same issues with my Lucy, too. The headcap and hands are the main things that bug me. Her face is really one of the prettiest I've seen, but the rest of her could use some improvement, IMO.

    9. I'm going to try restringing mine to see if that helps - I'll try wiring after that.

      It won't improve the quality of the hands feet and headcap sculpt or finihsing, but it might improve the poseability of the doll.

    10. I can get my lucy to stand after restringing her ^.^ she isnt sueded or wired in any way and I even can get her to stand on uneven ground.

      I did another shoot with her and I'm SO satisfied with how she looks now :D I just love her.
      *click* to see the rest of the shoot
    11. How sad that the quality is so bad. I have one of the first Lucy's and she is gorgeous. I went to look at her fingers and they are lovely and well defined. She was one of my first BJDs, and still one of my favorites, even with her wonky body.
      And Hasel, I adore your cute little Lucy, I love how you painte dher--and those teeth! My goodness, I want teeth for my Lucy so bad!
    12. Thanks Toydogz :D yes the teeth really suit her XD I'm so happy I dared to make them! It wasnt that hard as I thought.
    13. Well I gave up on restringing Emma and bought her a Barbie Wheelchair. I think it suits her really well. No pics of that yet but I made her an arrival thread :D

    14. I've put my Lucy up for adoption in case anyone is looking. She's going to take all her clothes with her.
    15. I got my Lucy(EmmaJane), back in April on sale.......always wanted her and couldn't pass up the sale. She is so beautiful!! I MUST get a Tinybear wig for her-they look amazing on her!!! I have the tan lucy.
      (sorry, I can't post pix yet)
    16. [​IMG]

      Click for a photostory :D

      Oh by the way! Lucy's fit opened back Kelly dresses as shirts (as seen above)

    17. I'm the lucky 'mom' who just adopted Lucy! Thank you LadyCrow! I'm so excited. I kept telling myself no more dolls until the bank account's recovered, but I couldn't resist. Everytime I would look on here at all of your beautiful Lucy's, it was almost painful, wanting one so badly...:love So thanks again, dear LadyCrow. I promise to take good care of her. She has a huge doll family waiting to welcome her. :)
    18. New photo's of Frida :D I bought the dress at the market today, it was only 2 euro and I love it! XD As does Frida!


    19. She looks gorgeous :D
    20. Sorry if this is a silly question, but does Lucy only come in two skin tones - white and tan?? I was looking on the website for normal skin but can't seem to find it!
