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Notdoll Naripon discussion Part 1

May 25, 2006

    1. I've just discovered these dolls, and think their faces are histerical. The only thing that puts me off is the childs body. If they had a mature body I would be tempted.
    2. I always try and photograph my Violet getting into trouble - just suits her personality.

      Congratulations on your purchase, my naripon is adorable, just love her.

    3. well everybody's taste is different, and I think the naripons are JUST adorable. Part of their charm is their size; I don't think I'd want a big doll with that face, it just wouldn't "work", you know? Juniper cracks me up, literally, every time I look at her, so I think she's worth every bit of that $200 I spent on her. None of my other dolls have given me as much JOY as Juniper Snowpea.

      she's so fun to play with because she fits into all that kelly stuff, so it's easy to find clothing and props for her. Her faceup is amazingly detailed for a doll that tiny, and I love that she's a little kid, she's a little chubby grumpy toddler who, at all costs, must have her way.

      i love the pons.
    4. Whatever it is about Naripons, I've got the bug! My Pansy will be sent tomorrow. I never used to like grumpy or sad faces, but now have both, or will do when Pfft! arrives. I know, daft name, but P, as we shall call her, is a proper little madam!!! In my mind, anyway.

      Oooh I forgot to say, the very first ones I saw were the pink and blue wigged pair that Gothiclibrarian had. I didn't know what they were called and spent a year trying to find out. Now, 18 months of resistance has resulted in a Pansy coming to live here! That is the pull of the Pon. (That's what I call it. They just keep on pulling at your heart and mind and dreams and imagination... they are tiny magnets of grumpy cuteness.)
    5. Honorine and .... blanking on the second one. Honorine is the reason why I have joonie at all.

      Personally I don't like sad dolls. Joonie has a lot of expressions... most of the time she looks fairly pissed off, but sometimes she looks worried or concerned. LOL. It just all works cuz she's so freaking tiny.:D
    6. I am so happy for you--you will absolutely LOVE her!! From the minute I held my first Nari in my hand, it was like I was bewitched. Yes they can be grumpy--or sad--or a million other things. My friends who have them all say the same thing--they DO have personalities and they can change their moods.

      I too kept thinking about getting one--then somehow I found Junipers web page, and I knew I HAD to have one! (By the way, will Juniper be having any nbew adventures soon?)

      Be sure to let us know when she comes!! I can just see you now opening the box--and---:love
    7. hopefully before halloween joonie will make an appearance or two.... i wish i could quit my job and just play all day. lol.
    8. Thanks Jenny. I'm rather excited and haven't been sleeping very well since I knew she was flying. It's the new dolly delights!

      More Joonie!! Yes, please Sher. btw where is Gothiclibrarian? Is she all right?
    9. The clothes on the NotDoll Lab site for Naripons are always sold out. At least when I go on they seem to be. How often do they get new outfits in and how quickly do they sell out? TIA.
    10. Laura, Notdoll had a Naripon sale, and all the outfits sold out. I asked them about it, and they said the lady who makes them hurt her hand, and they would not be restocked. I hate that they keep the sold out items on their site!! I have also been told by Notdoll that they will not be restocking the sold out Naripon wigs, so I am suspecting they are phasing out the Pons. JUST MY OPINION! But if anyone wants one, they should order soon.

    11. I know a lady here on DoA who is making crocheted clothes specifically for NariPons. She used to make them for me when I had a Pon. She just got her own and is putting together dresses and such. Here is a post she did about some that she just made.
      She even made little boots :D I know her prices will be very reasonable. You should shoot her a pm to ask her what she plans on making available :daisy
    12. Thanks Jenny. That's a shame about the naripons. I hope they don't stop making them. I can't get one now but maybe someday.

      Fairy, I'll check out that link. Thank you.
    13. Those clothes on the Naripon site are incredible! I have tried to duplicate a few, but there is NO WAY I can crochet as tiny as that lady does.

      If you can get your hands on some they are well worth the money. Don't think I would do those for that price with hats and boots and all.

    14. :...( :...( :...( :...( OH MY GOD if this is true... HOW COULD THEY???? :...(
    15. Sher--I don't know this is FACT. I asked if they were restocking clothes and wigs, they said NO. I asked if any NEW Naripons were in the works for the future, and again, they said NO. Now I see on their site they have places for new dolls--a princess, prince, and Bjd Friends--so I am just guessing at this point. Maybe because the lady can no longer make dresses, they have no one to make clothes for them, and don't want to offer dolls they can't supply clothes for?

      I guess a straightforward question on their Q&A board would maybe get the answer.
    16. it will really be a shame if they give up on the nari-pon line because they are wonderful little dolls, with so much personality.

      several of my friends and i have been crocheting clothes for them ourselves, but the aren't as fine or as detailed as the ones on the doll site.
    17. It's very difficult to achieve the scale and detail that they use. I used 12 and 16 perle cotton on the ones I did, but still wasn't able to achieve what they do. Not sure what they use to make the ones they sell, but it is almost like a heavy sewing thread. I'm not ready to take that plunge yet!

    18. Hmmm, thinking of getting a sibling for Miss Snowpea? Better hurry!
    19. No more Naripons? NO NEVER!!!

      As to the thread they use, try working with one strand of embroidery cotton and a very fine hook. Just a thought. I'm not really into crochet, but I have been working on things a bit behind the scenes, knitting. Life is hectic.