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NotDollLab Belladonna? Opinions?

May 13, 2008

    1. My Notdoll body (Aletheia) doesn't stand, but she hasn't been wired or sueded yet. Her sisters are on DD2 bodies.
    2. I would work on her stringing a bit, they really can stand.
    3. well...i love them...but the lips...i can't stand those lips,and those extra long fangs, gah get on my nerves....-.--
    4. Well that is what makes the world go around because the lips are my most favorite part!
    5. I LOVE my Belladonna, and i just adore the lips!!!

      She is a perfect queen!
    6. Stella! Your Belladonna is just splendid!
    7. ooooooooo....I :aheartbea your Belladonna, Stella di Carta! She is just perfect!
    8. They're worth getting if you like them and think they are. Personally, I've heard good things about them and I think that the regular Belladonnas can be quite pretty with a good faceup, as can the other Notdoll girls (Ligaya, especially. I love her lips!). I didn't like them AT ALL at first, but they're growing on me. Even the vampire sculpts, which I wasn't overly fond of when I first saw them. I think I'm finally getting used to those strange teeth. To be perfectly honest, they *are* sort of strange looking dolls (I once described one of the vampire girls as looking like she got hit in the face with a frying pan XD) but I think that's part of the appeal. At least, that's why I'm beginning to like them.
    9. This is exactly how it starts; you may end up with several if you don't watch out. lol
    10. Umm, yeah, I started out with one.
    11. I sure hope not. My wallet couldn't handle it! XD I'll just have to keep telling myself that I do *not* need more dolls. Hasn't worked so far, but a girl can hope, right?
    12. Well..I don't exactly need them either, but they seem to arrive with alarming regularity to my house. *sigh* I never have any money anymore. Just dolls.
    13. Heh heh, the dorries have taken all my monies too.
    14. 2 here now and one more on the way! :aheartbea Notdolls :aheartbea :)
    15. Yeah, sometimes, it's a bit of a struggle to get them to stand. But, after I got both my girls boots that fit over the ankle, it seems much easier. I think it's that wonky ankle joint that causes standing issues. I also hot glue sueded both my girls and wired one of them (just the legs).

      I like the "slouchy" posture, too, Stella Maris :)

      As you can see, those of us who love Notdolls could go on and on and on and on....about them!
    16. yes, it's definitely the ankles.
    17. OMG, I am such a dope. Of course, my girls wear boots all the time. No wonder they can stand so well!
      Eh, Love them anyways.
    18. I go back and forth with my opinion of these doll. Then someone posts a great picture...Wow she's fantastic Stella!

      Guess the sale has ended :blush......
    19. I like them. They can be a great characters for a story about little, shy, good girl who begin to make really bad things with a little smile on her face.
    20. The first time I saw Belladonna, she really freaked me out. I appreciated how different she was, but I wasn't into it. Then I saw some different Belladonnas around... and I saw this photo shoot: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/s...tdoll-Belladonna&highlight=notdoll+belladonna After a while, I really got into her strange beauty. NotDolls really have something special and distinctive about them. She became one of my favorite sculpts, but by then she was sold out, and I didn't think I'd ever get her.
      Then, today I scored my own Belladonna on Ebay! I'm looking forward to getting her home and checking her out. I am not so bothered if she can't stand--what I want is that crazy flexibility. I think she's going to be a sullen Victorian girl.
      I think Ligaya is the most accessible-looking one, and Aemaeth the least--but I like them all.
      • x 1