1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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OasisDoll Discussion Thread Part 2

Dec 18, 2013

    1. My Oasisdoll TianQing and ZiLan arrived yesterday!! They'll be blank for awhile due to the world. But, I'm thinking of having one artist for the regular heads, and a different artist for the holiday special sleeping heads...

      @Chobittum It really is probably a week from arriving for you then...Mine shipped on March 31. No updates since April 1, till suddenly it did...on May 8...and they were out for delivery :XD:.
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    2. Congrats @marci12!!!!
      I have Tian Qing waiting for a Loongsoul body hopefully coming in a month (my Loongsoul body with larger neck ordered the month before is now in Hong Kong moving fast with DHL, but I digress). I haven't done a faceup yet in case I need to adjust the neck hole (I can sand safely while submerged in water If I haven't done the faceup) or decide on a different body. Just another thing to wait for!

      What body will you use?
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    3. @Mahgiep Thanks!!! I opened him so late, I haven't looked at what bodies I have that I might like on him :). I'll still have to see on that front. Congrats on almost having your body! Hope he works out :).
    4. Legend asked me if I wanted to upgrade shipping on a little doll to DHL as EMS is taking 1 to 2 months.
    5. I'd ask if they could ship via SFEXPRESS. Think it's cheaper than DHL. Faithz sends my stuff via SFEXPRESS and I've never had problems with them.
    6. Alice ships DHL for no extra $.
      SartoriaJ only uses EMS. But has been getting stuff from South Korea to the US in 10 days on the average in April. I finally caved and had them send a massive order (on faith.)
      I've had good luck with SFExpress in the past but not recently.
      I also heard TNT (Fedex) is relatively fast.
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    7. I hope everyone gets their boys home safely!

      I took this photo of Leila earlier today:

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    8. @mustbemissa Oh wow, I love her look and style. I really like this companies sculpts! I'd love to get some of their girl sculpts in the future :).
    9. Great posing! Great attitude!
    10. Thank you, @marci12 & @Mahgiep!! :) Sarina's girls are gorgeous! I want to pick up a few more of them.
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    11. it's a pity to hear (( My boys arrived to my Chinese address, stayed there for a few weeks, then I've sent them to the make up artist (she's in Ukraine) and they're in progress already. But I used the other company, not EMS.
      Seems like EMS is not working here yet, only EMS Premium (which is more expensive) in some Asian countries
    12. I recently managed to acquire all four of the Oasisdoll boys, so I'm wondering what bodies people are planning to get!

      what sets your soul on fire
      by rainwaltz, on Flickr

      I snuck my Tianqing onto a SD17 body and damn, I like him on it! Why must it be so hard to find non-overly-muscular 65cm bodies??? D:

      @marci12 You should take comparison pics of all four of them blank! I'll love to see that cos my TQ came with a faceup I can't bear to wipe. :XD:
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    13. @rainwaltz Congrats on getting all 4 :). I have some pics of the blank heads in the box opening section here: https://denofangels.com/threads/pic-heavy-oasisdoll-tianqing-and-zilan.822373/

      I'll take some more with all the heads side-by-side :kitty2.
    14. My girls finally arrived!! I am very happy to see them, I was afraid I'd never see them and they'd stay a dream. Now I just have to decide what sort of body to get them.... the match for Volks and Fairyland isn't too bad, but I wonder whether it would be worth waiting for the company to re-open orders for their bodies.
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    15. @Chobittum, let me know if you need any photos! I have the following bodies: Oasisdoll ItGirl, Sadol Love60 & Honey63, Switch 57cm, and Volks SDGr. I think my Natalie heads work reasonably well on all of them.

      I got my second Natalie painted, and she's finally home! This is Gwen:
      [​IMG]Gwen by Dollish Gambino, on Flickr

      I need to do a proper photoshoot of her soon.
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    16. @mustbemissa Oh, she looks great :). The green eyes are really working with her!
    17. Thank you, I appreciate that! Tried Linglan on one of my SDGr bodies, it's a pretty good match actually. Gwen is looking spectacular, is that an Angel Toast face-up?
    18. My Alejandro got their permanent body and a name! Meet Alexandrite. They're on a Switch HD65 Attractive body and it's a perfect match IMO.
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    19. Thank you, @marci12 & @Chobittum! Good eye - she just got back from Angel Toast. :)

      @Astro, your Alejandro is gorgeous! I love the Switch 65cm bodies.
    20. Thank you! The HD65 body is so nice! I think if I take Alex out of their heels they'd be able to stand on one foot unassisted because the engineering is so solid.
      Echoing the woes of trying to find a slimmer 65cm body. I settled on the Switch body because my requirements were
      - available
      - decent resin match
      - poses well/good engineering
      - competent sculpting/proportions
      - less muscular​
      and I could only pick one that matched the first 4 qualities because everything that was less muscular completely struck out on my other requirements, lol. The abs on the body aren't as bad as they could be though! I've thought about sanding them down a bit, but for now I'm going to leave the it as-is. I really like the hand options that are sometimes available from Switch as well. I have a pair of Siestas on the body and they're incredibly expressive. FWIW Alejandro was sculpted to fit on an SD17 body. Are the new boys meant to as well? I keep looking at Zilan.
      I think even slim 60cm boy bodies are really hard to find these days too? I've been looking and am really grateful that Switch is releasing one my options are up to a whopping 3 bodies.
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