1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Obitsu General Discussion - Part Three (60cm, 55cm, 50cm and 47cm)

Oct 14, 2016

    1. Obitsu's fleshtone was only made in 60cm bodies and has been discontinued for some time (years). Your best bet is to find a used one on the secondary market or use the head on a tan (Yamato/Angel Philia) 50cm body.
      Hyatt is a fleshtone Haruka on a 50cm AP tan body.

      More Hyatt: Dollieh Sanctuary • View topic - 356 Escape from Tatsukura
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    2. Actually, doll profiles are only for on-topic dolls (or grandfathered lines such as those which use the Obitsu skeleton and meet other topicality requirements). So if you see one where the doll has painted on eyes, rooted hair, or is otherwise not on topic it's not supposed to be posted. Sometimes it just takes a little while for off topic profiles to be reported and removed.

      If you have a question about whether a specific doll is allowed, you can always post in Ask the Moderators.
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    3. Thankyou K-2, I was wondering about that, having only seen flesh tone in the smaller dolls. She's lovely btw.
      Thosebodies seem hard or expensive to get hold of, maybe I can find a resin body to put her on? I know Mirodoll will colour match, it's just a case of making sure the neck size fits.
    4. Finally I found the courage to try my hand at a faceup again - far from perfect, but she has grown on me in the process ;)
      Here the Obitsu 40 body proudly presenting its new DDH01 head ;)
      (In her hand, she holds the collar part of the neck adapter which I just did not get screwed in again - the screw was too short. With just the spring and pen part, it holds - yet ;) )
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    5. So cute! Anime face ups are deceptively hard to do. I think you did a great job!
    6. What ever works. Just save those parts in case you need them later.
    7. Question to all the customizers: there are these dolls called Ye Luoli (Night Lolita). I cannot find pictures of the bodies without head, but taken from pictures of the head opening, might someone know whether Obitsu or DD heads might fit these...? :-)
    8. I wasn't really into vinyl dolls for the longest time (I had an MDD once but quickly lost interest) but recently I started toying with the idea of putting together a vinyl anime-styled version of my fave OC... I was in Japan last week and Azone had the 55cm boy body and a cute pre-painted head by a company called Dollcedoll. So now I have this cute boy!


      This Volks SD size outfit works pretty well on him.
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    9. Just ordered my first vinyl from parabox. I ordered the 47cm body because it was recommended for the head I bought, but I can't find anywhere that sells clothes ,other than parabox, for this size... What clothes fit this size doll?
    10. Your 47cm girl should be able to wear MSD sized clothing.
      That's what my 50cm girl wears.
    11. Will msd pants fit? From what I've heard, the 47cm body has larger hips than the 50 cm body...
    12. I don't think MSD pants would work on a 47cm Obitsu.

      Obitsus have longer and thicker legs than resin dolls.
      Mine mostly wear dresses and they work fine. Pant's
      would be a whole different kettle of fish.
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    13. The C4 Girls

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    14. Hi! I got my first angel philia today! She is a honoka! Please be warned there is a doll nipple.

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    15. Love seeing all the vinyl pictures! Thought I'd take one of mine, she is a Gretel 60cm. [​IMG]
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    16. Great pics everyone! I've been trying to come up with some new outfits for my gal. Might have something soon to post.

      vvnem- congrats on your angela philia. Love the piercing. Wanted to do that if I ever got one!
    17. I didn't know there's an Obitsu thread!!! How fun!

      I think my 3rd(4th??) BJD was an Obitsu 60cm with Gretel head. She has since been sold but I loved her so much that I had to get another. So here's Morgan a 50cm Obitsu with a Gretel head. (kind of an old pic but it's one of my favorites cause it shows her personality pretty well. Also, she has different eyes now)

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    18. If anyone can give me suggestions that would be appreciated-
      I accidentally snapped my 60cm Obitsu leg in half at the knee. The thigh and shin "skin" is still intact; it's just that the actual ball at the knee is broken. I ordered a new pair of knee joints from Obitsu.
      I've never had an Obitsu and I'm worried I won't be able to take the old knee joint out of the thigh. I can't find many 60cm Obitsu tutorials. :/ I'm stressed about my ability to fix this once my new knee joint arrives.
    19. I can walk you through the replacement procedure. It's not very hard. Having a hair dryer REALLY helps. If you could post a picture of the broken knee joint (both halves) that would help me to know where to start the process.
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