1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Oh no! I did what I said I wouldn't!

Jul 22, 2009

    1. When I was originally saving, I knew for sure I wanted a DOT Shall, straight from the factory. But then an E-an popped up in the marketplace, and the combination of a shorter wait and less money definitely broke my resolve. I couldn't be happier. :)
    2. Yeeaaaa... after my second, I thought I was done. When the third came home, he brought everyone else with him it seems. >.>; I have yet to figure out how that happens. :lol:
    3. Hehe, yeah....
      I never had a dollie limit...but I live in a very small apartment, and I am going to have 3 SDs shortly. I think they may take over the couches!
      The funny thing is, I got my first doll, an Iplehouse Silvia, and I was very happy with just her for a whole year. (Though I did have a growing list of other dolls I wanted at some point. I think the list got to 10.) I was thinking all that time that the next doll I would get would be Iplehouse's Aaron, to be her love....and then Soom came out with Amber, who I just had to have for some unknown, but undeniable reason...and there was a Jeremy Brett MnM! (What were the chances of that, I thought...) so all the dolls on my list went out the window. Hehe.
      I am quite happy with those three at this moment, and have no desire to get any others for some time to come. But I'm sure at some point the bug will bite again. -_^
    4. *points to sig*

      ALL of those dolls are taking money away from my planned purchases >.>;; I should not be allowed in the MP :sweat Or... anywhere with dolls to buy... >.>;; Especially Soom... >.>;;
    5. Yes~ my goodness, I told myself I'd never even get a bjd...and now I have 5 and another on its way!

      /sigh..my hubby spoils me
    6. Lol pretty much says it all. xD
    7. I'd been saving up for other dolls, planning on other things... But then I saw Migidoll Jina, and bought her the same day I found out she existed!

      I also just started paying for a CP Soony, a doll I NEVER thought I would like... but now I can't get her off my mind!

      Sometimes you just can't help what you fall in love with, especially if you had other plans!
    8. XD it happens all the time. I was never one of those "one is enough for me" people, but I have been saving up for one, told myself I was going to get THIS ONE RIGHT HERE, and ten went around and bought something totally different at the last second!
    9. I knew that I was going to have more than one doll from the beginning, but I thought that two would be enough. Two months after I got my second doll and had decided that I was going to focus on clothes and props, I changed my mind and ordered a Rosette Camellia. After ordering her, I promised my husband that I wasn't going to order any more dolls until Christmas. Then I was blindsided by the Pipos Mad Hatter and went into total OMGgottahaveit! mode. Even with the specter of Comic-Con looming on the horizon, my husband relented. He's now my favorite.
    10. Yes this happens. I still havent gotten the doll I wanted at first. Not due to not trying though. Like the first poster said, 'welcome to the hobby'
    11. Same happened to me, I've a doll different from the one i first decided to buy, i need to complete two (face up) and one on her way, but i still trying to buy the first one i fall in love with!!!
    12. One will definitely lead to another if you don't rein yourself in. Especially when companies release new doll sculpts, and it'll be love all over again~!
    13. I said i wouldn't ever buy a BJD... and now i have 2 SD, 1 MSD, 1 tiny, 1 MSD ordered and saving for another MSD xDDD

      I said i wouldn't buy clothes for my dolls in Dollmore... ahem... I'm waiting for a group order to arrive... x.x I just wanted to avoid the temptation T_T everything in Dollmore is so cute xD
    14. Geishacookie, my wallet is really sad too lol. It's got cobwebs in it from all my bills :P
      Wooow, there are a lot of good stories in here *o* I am still going to try my hardest to own just one doll lol. My heart is pretty set on KD Ani...but I love MNF Shushu...and DOT E-An...and BBB Mei... @o@ and recently I've been liking the 27cm dollies...oh goodness...(RS Bei no no no!)
      But just one for now ^_^ We'll see where it goes...hopefully NO WHERE lol.
    15. I told myself not to get a Bobobie Ariel and get an EB Beauty, but here I am saving up for both.
    16. A friend has a BBB Mei and she is really beautiful *___* She's so sweet >.<

      27cm dolls are sooo cute *___* I love the boys from Luts! Maybe one day i could have one...
    17. I thought I wouldn't get one. Now I have the exact body I fell in love with from the MP and a brand new head hopefully on the way.

      Maybe I'll be fine with just one- but three other mysterious doll characters I've never met before have recently been clamoring for bodies too...

      The count has gone up to four, provided I can avoid any of the anthros or such ¬.¬

      All I can say is thank god I'm not BASING the dolls off of anything pre-existing. I see a lot of people doing their own OC/ RPG characters as dolls. If I did that, I'd die. I don't think I'd ever have enough money.
    18. I planned on getting two from the beginning, but the problem now is whether I want a mini or a super..I was set on a mini and have saved up for him, but then I caught sight of a super that keeps tugging me, taunting me with it's beauty..so now I'm at a loss. Because whatever size the first one is, the second one has to be too! -curses indescision and the lures of pretty dolls-

      Edit:// and I'm an idiot. I didn't realize my dream head sculpt came in msd size :doh
    19. I know, she sniped my heart too! I was planning on a Dollfie Dream, but then I saw her, and basically had my character Stratosphere staring me in the face. Considering that I had expected to doll-ify a completely different OC entirely, it was a double shock.

      But she's got that cute tsundere thing going, and her default wig practically IS Stratosphere's hair, and she could totally cosplay Hatsune Miku and pull it off. . . Aaaargh, my plans are getting COMPLETELY derailed!
    20. Yes its so addictive, and whats almost as bad is the eternal search for *exactly* the right outfit/hair/eyes/shoes/props/jewellery/furniture for your darlings. I am obsessed with developing the diorama that will suit my lovlies (now that I have 5 msds and 6 sds and one tiny...somehow)