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One outfit or more?

Mar 1, 2018

    1. Each of my dolls has a plastic tote with outfits, shoes, etc. They're about to go into their Spring/Easter outfits for a while, then they'll switch to summer clothes. The whole crew has matching holiday sweaters, too. Some things are bought, but I like to sew for them, and they seem to appreciate my efforts since they always look cute in whatever I make them.
    2. Depends on a doll. Some of my doll have a lot of clothes. Some much less.
    3. Outfits are one of my favorite parts of the hobby so my doll has many outfits for seasons , pjs, holidays etc !
    4. I have some outfits and want more (LOL). Sometimes I make some outfits myself.
    5. I used to believe that my dolls would only have one outfit to mach the character i had given them. any other clothes were unnesisary but I slowly got over it when i saw how cute and AMAZING my dolls looked in different clothes! It was very refreshing to change them up as they almost became stale and boring with the same outfit for so long.
    6. With me, one, or even a dozen, is never enough...
      So I collected a lot...
      I always believe my child have more clothing than me!
    7. I prefer that each doll has one outfit each for display. I don't 'play' with them. The only trouble I find is that I will purchase an item of clothing and find that I don't like something about it or it doesn't fit quite right. It's annoying. I'm currently having the same issue with wigs at the moment. I'm only happy with one wig I have for one of my boys. The others all need new wigs.
    8. I personally enjoy having many different outfits to change my dolls into when the mood strikes. Some dolls are more picky than others and/or odd sizes and thus not as spoiled but that just means that it takes more time and consideration to build their wardrobe up.
    9. Once upon a time I would have said the more clothes the merrier, but I am finding that I prefer less clothes. This is mainly because once I find a few outfits I really love on a doll, putting them in something that I don't like as much, makes me like the doll less. I know that probably sounds crazy, but for me the clothes on a doll can make or break it for me.
      I would buy all these cheap clothes that I thought I would like because I didn't want to spend more money on things I KNOW I like, but now that has flipped. The more I thought about it I realized all the money spend on like 10 pieces of meh clothing I could have just bought the one item I really loved. The meh stuff doesn't stick around and I have had no luck selling those pieces off, even at a huge loss. So now I will just drop the money on the stuff I love. I guess it is a mental block for me because I think wow one piece for $100 when I can have allllll these for the same amount, but it is foolish when allllll those are not things I 100% love.
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    10. I don't change Pete nearly enough for how much of a wardrobe he does have... it's not *huge* but he has a lot of nice things I never really put him in, and a couple pairs of leggings he's never worn because he doesn't have a shirt long enough to be 'decent'... though I guess he could wear shorts over the top.

      Billy has a few little outfits he never wears... Vince is the one who's gotten the most USE out of his full wardrobe, though I haven't changed him lately. But he sometimes gets an outfit change or a different wig popped on just for fun, where I don't really change the others much, and he does the most experimenting with different styles.
    11. I have very few outfits. I like to change my doll’s clothes every now and then, but I don’t need to have many. I think that happens because I like fantasy clothes and they are rarer than “casual fashion”. Also the clothes I like are much more expensive. So I just buy one I really like instead of having many.
    12. Marking outfits for a doll is my main way of "playing" with them, so I am planing a wardrobe for every doll I'll ever get, making sure it suits their style and body shape if half of the fun :)
    13. I just have one "look" (wig, clothes, shoes) per doll. I spend a bit more upfront on each doll to get high quality outfits/wigs to get them to look exactly how I want. Also, before I purchase my dolls, I liked to photoshop different oufits/eyes/wigs on them to see which ensemble I like the most. It's like a try-before-you-buy, which has saved me from experiencing buyer's remorse!
    14. I like the idea of having more than one outfit for each doll. Some of my characters have default or signature outfits in my head. Once I finish making those they might wear those more often than other random casual clothing.
    15. I love love LOVE getting clothes for my dolls. I like giving them a full wardrobe and especially like to change their clothes depending on my mood and also on the season. For instance, one of my dolls is all dressed up for Halloween right now.
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    16. I love photography, so many outfits is a must for me. A challenge of clothing can do wonders for a character :)
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    17. I love having multiple outfits...but bjd clothes are sooo expensive! There's been many a time when I've gone to buy outfits for my dolls - especially since the dress Clara (my Littlefee Ante) is wearing isn't even a bjd dress - but then I always get too taken aback by the price tag...with the exhange rate and shipping fees, they're often 1/4 of the price of a doll! It's also trickier since Clara's character is historical, and Victorian-inspired dresses seem to be harder to find in her size range. Hopefully I'll get healthier and better at sewing so I can make outfits for her.
    18. I like to have more clothes for my dolls because I love changing them monthly or seasonly according to the weather. It is very fun.
    19. My favorite thing about owning dolls is getting to change up their clothes and I've sold dolls before for not being able to find enough clothing options haha
    20. It depends upon the doll. Some of my former dolls used to share a common clothes closet. Outfits and parts thereof were swapped all the time. Some dolls had a very particular look and their own wardrobe. Usually more than one outfit but not always.
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