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OrientDoll Joongs?

Jan 14, 2007

    1. Bump! I'd still like to know what other clothes I can get for my cutie! ^^
    2. Joongs should fit some Tiny Betsy/Ann Estelle and Riley/DJ clothes. Neither is an exact fit, and most of them will be girl's clothes, but the Riley size DJ boy ought to be good for something.
    3. I'm wondering if these dolls will fit the older Madeline 8" doll clothes? They are similar to Riley's size, but much cheaper. These dolls are discontinued, but you can always find their clothes/furniture on eBay.

    4. I've been wanting an 8 inch BJD as there's so many clothes options out there, but I don't like Lucy, Hana etc. I didn't realise the Joongs came in that size too! Ha would make a lovely girl. Oh dear, and I fell in love with a So at the doll meet today too (he could be her little brother, lol!)

    5. Hi guys im thinking of getting a Cheon from orient doll in a few months or so. Im just doing some digging for info right now. Does anyone have any pics of this chap?
    6. :) I'm wating for my Cheon to get here and l'm also looking for some infor as will.
    7. i've adopted a Wol from the marketplace...i figure she can share some of my Blythe things....does anyone else still have one?
    8. I have 2! I'm not sure if one is Ha but the other is definitely Cheon. I have yet to post pics 'cause I'm waiting for tinybear wigs but I do love them! I love their size and they're faceups are a bit more mature (which I like) :)

      Can't wait to see your Wol! Is she one coming from Hamilton, Canada?
    9. Yes she is! I want to get her a orange-red wig and I commissioned my friend to redo her faceup.

      Her name is Ivy...She's going to be Nuri's friend and they can share some of the same clothes which is going to be great!

      I can't wait to see your girls! I'm sad Orientdoll closed :(

      But after Puki...it's really hard to go back to So's...
    10. Oh, Ivy is a fantastic name! And I can't wait to see pics of her makeover!

      A couple of months ago, I contacted Leekeworld and they said that they would be re-releasing the Joong dolls but they weren't sure of exactly when!
    11. Oooooh friends :)

      Yeah I got Ivy because my friend DraconicMaiden is selling her So-Ji ivy dryad and I almost got her and wanted to put her on the Puki body...

      Then I saw a Bisou Ai...but settled on Joong because I knew I had clothes she could wear...and also she was a great deal and I knew once she got the proper faceup (OD default eeeew) she'd be stunning
    12. Congrats on your new Joong! I had one and sold her, and I still miss her. Would love to see them released again!
    13. Yeah I read that somewhere...how would they be released if OD no longer exists???? Is Leekeworld buying Orientdoll?

      I'm happy to see there are some people that will follow my Joong adventures...I have a PpoPpo which aren't around here often so I'm usually the only one posting in there besides the creator :)
    14. I have a Cherishdoll head on Orientdoll body, and other than the kicky factor, it is a really nice little body. I've made Tiny Betsy McCall clothes for her too and they fit pretty well. I was sad to see they'd stopped making the Joong size, I reckon I would try other hybrids if they re-release her.
    15. I think OrientDoll was a sort of off-shoot of Leekeworld - at least, they always said they were a sister site, as I remember. And Leekeworld is carrying the Dae and So lines that OrientDoll used to carry. It would be great if they went back to carrying the Joong size.
    16. I still have my Choo, she's a great little girlie :)
    17. I'm glad to see more Joong fans - I have 4 - they are my current favorites. I had a Cheon, and when I saw the OD site was going to stop, I ordered all the other 3 so I wouldn't miss out and I'm glad I did (even though I went broke for a long time!). They also fit some old Stacie (Barbies younger sister) clothes, and my boys are wearing the Harry Potter doll clothes that came out a few years ago. Both styles fit really well - there might still be some on ebay.