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Pathos Tale

Jun 8, 2016

    1. @Lady Ravenswood At least you took the time to take a beautiful picture!
      She looks really nice in white skin. I like the name you chose too. Mine is named Braonán :kitty2
    2. Aw, thank you! Hehe, my daughter was asleep. So I figured I should seize the opportunity! ;)
      I'm trying to pin down just how I want to customize her. Too many ideas...but she looks so lovely blank, that it's not really so much trouble. Hehe. Have you figured out what hair color you want yet?
    3. @Lady Ravenswood You're welcome!
      Yes I have! As I can't choose between dead leaf colors, red-brown or black, I decide to mix everything :lol:

      I'll make her faceup after her wig. That way I can still search what I want for her perfect face. She is beautiful blank and I don't really know what to do to enhance her feature.
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    4. Hehe, that is certainly the way to indulge all your hair color ideas! ^__^
      It looks like it's coming out lovely already. The wig cap is really nicely fitted. Hehe, and she looks pretty even just like that!

      Out of curiosity, what torso is she on? It looks really interesting with the sculpted armor.
    5. The wig cap used to be nicely fitted. Once put on and pull off the head 5-6 times, he is less fitted! :XD:
      She is on a loongsoul torso. A limited one, for the Xyanuan doll if I remember well. The doll has a mechanical arm too. I modded the normal torso rather than using the sculpted one.
    6. Heheh. Aw, I could see how that would happen.

      I'm contemplating modding my Pan's headcap to have a growth of shelf mushrooms as a sort of "hair"...but I'm intimidated to actually mod such a wonderful doll. Maybe I'll see about making some sort of head cap with the mushrooms...or just bite the bullet eventually. :sweat
    7. Hey all. Thought this might be of interest to those here. It came up on Facebook and got me thinking again.
      I think we've all gotten the question, "Can Pan stand?"


      Yep. :lol:
      Unaided and in out of the box state.

      Haha, I don't recommend it under normal circumstances though. :sweat
      #27 Lady Ravenswood, Sep 27, 2016
      Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
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    8. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this @Lady Ravenswood
      I feel there is a huge difference between a doll who can technically stand and one who cannot. It's very good to know.
      She really is a beautiful doll.
    9. No problem, @AlisonVonderland. ^__^

      Yeah, it's definitely a very "technically" sort of position. Hehe.
      Once I had tweaked her just-so she just balanced like a rock (she had been teetering on the edge of balance for what felt like ages), but it was still pretty scary to see her standing on those delicate little hooves! I would say that while she can stand, the risk probably isn't worth it under the normal circumstances we'd have a doll stand. Her horns are already prone to slipping loose, I can only imagine her body flying in one direction, her horns each in their own, and the force of all that taking the head off the s-hook and sending it flying in yet a fourth direction. It would be a doll massacre. :horror:
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    10. @Lady Ravenswood Wow! Thank you so much for your picture. Do you think if I added magnets the bottom of her hooves she would be "sturdier" on a flat metal base? Rather than using a stand I mean? Or do her knees tend to buckle?
    11. @Arekushia: Umm....I don't know if that would help. Her knees don't buckle that easily. But there are just a LOT of joints in her legs where something could buckle over a longer period of time. I only had her standing long enough to snap about 3 photos with my hand near by, realize that I couldn't fit the whole doll in the frame from that distance, take a deep breath, mutter a wish and a hope that I wasn't about to destroy something beautiful, take my hand away, and snap two more photos. :lol:

      She seemed really stable...but just looking at that distribution of resin with SOOOO MUCH on the top and soooo little on the bottom...I can't imagine it's a sustainable pose for any real length of time. I really, really do recommend using a stand. Honestly. I don't wanna be the death of Pans around the world. Ack! :XD:
    12. Thank you very much :)
    13. Sure thing! ^__^
      Also, Pan is just soooo heavy. Magnets would certainly grip her somewhat, but doubt they'd be able to really hold her if she stared to tip. She's such a big doll. And those hooves are so little. I'm not sure if you could really squeeze magnets in there without hitting how they attach inside. Hmm...
    14. @Lady Ravenswood Wow, she is amazing when she stands alone! The position is a little.. strange, but it must have been soooooooooooo difficult to manage her standing without a stand. I'm impressed!
      I tried it for, what, 5 minutes and it was just a big " no way" :XD:

      Btw I've learn that if you wish to mix the two MSD made by Pathos Tale, it is possible. You need to ask it by mail, but it is possible.

      A little picture of my big Pan with wig and faceup ;) :

      by Follow-the-Wind, on Flickr​
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    15. Haha, yeah. It was a matter of leveling the hooves over and over and then adjusting each joint in turn, testing the balance, and then doing it all again. So by the end, the pose made itself. :lol:

      But oooooh my! Your Pan looks so lovely! Ahhh. :love
      Is it possible to get just a straight shot of her faceup? I'd love to get a better view of her different eyes and they way they play into the two halves of her faceup.
    16. Nooo... I think... I have regret :sorry I passed on Pan, but now I'm not so sure I should have!

      I actually like that Pan standing pose, haha! It's kinda dramatic

      Bump because I need more of her!!!

      Pathos Tale is definitely a company I'm keeping my eye on. Really cool stuff so far!
    17. I got a bunch of little flowers and berries while all the fall foliage stuff is on sale at the craft store. Hehe. I want to fill up my Pan's horns like a verdant cornucopia! I loved how Pathos Tale placed little things in her horns so much. :chocoheart
      I keep getting a Persephone theme with her (I almost named her Persephone) and would love to have dripping red little seeds like a pomegranate. I couldn't find anything with quite the translucency I wanted, but I have lots of things I can play around with...and I didn't end up naming her Persephone anyway...haha, unless she changes on me. *_*
    18. @Lady Ravenswood That sounds so sweet and festive/season appropriate <3 I can't wait to see what you end up doing! I also wanted to fill the horns with something -- my friend suggested putting little crystals in there *__* <3 Again, a little difficult to figure out just how it would work but I have a few thoughts on execution. Naming is really difficult (I still cant quite commit to a name myself *_*)... Did you end up deciding on a name for her?
    19. Hehe, yes. I named her Balqis.

      Crystals would be so fun! I had wondered about making them look like geodes too!
      It will be so much fun to see all the Pans when they are customized. :love
      Can't wait to see yours too, @strawberrie_strudel .
    20. Well, I have to admit that I'm having rather a lot of fun playing around with my Pan just blank. I did a couple of crazy photo edits today with a program I had downloaded so that I could make the GIF for the triathlon. I sort of love how watercolor-y they came out. It's making a little part of me not want to paint her. Hehe. Just a little part.

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