1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Pets and BJDs - Positive and Negative Encounters

Dec 18, 2012

    1. My dogs generally don't seem to be bothered by my girls, but they sometimes get curious about them. I have 2 dachshunds and one of them is fairly certain that he is king of the house. He does this thing, when he wants to get your attention to play, where he kicks his back foot like a bull lol. It hilarious. So I would say the funniest experience I have ever had with my pets and dolls, was that my dog was wanting to play and for some reason I think he was trying to get my dolls attention lol so he was kicking his foot and looking at her. He wasn't trying to get her or anything, I think he was actually wanting her to play with him. It was pretty funny though. He's a goofball.
    2. When I first took out my BJD from her box, my dog was immediately curious ('oh, new stuff!') and came over to sniff her, but because the doll clearly wasn't food Kiana immediately lost interest. Basically, if you're not going to pet or feed her, Kiana will walk away from you..

      Maybe my dog's reaction will change once I get my BJD a proper wig and faceup!
    3. My cats don't really mess with my dolls. If my dolls are on their shelf the cats stay away, but my oldest cat will come over and try to lay next to my Iplehouse boy, if I have him down and I'm doing something with him. He is the only doll she has any interest him, and she has even tried to give him kisses before(though I of course quickly moved him away because I know resin and sealant can be dangerous to pets).
    4. Both my cats will rub against my dolls for attention as if they are people. One of them is rather confused because the dolls never react to his "love rubs" My dogs, I'm not sure what they would do. They are small, so cannot reach the dolls or climb on the shelves. They do love to chew up new items, so I don't want to try out my luck.
    5. My little guy hates them... he walks semi-circles around them and glares at them and hates it when I hold them and just does not look happy when he knows they are in the room. My little girl however loves them, she meows at them and then sits by them and purrs. She never touches them, just happily sits near them. (:
    6. i think im pretty lucky when it comes to my dolls and cat. she sniffed at my minifee once and never bothered with them again, thank you kitty for not shoving her off the shelf haha.
    7. One of my dogs is terrified of my dolls! It's really funny. Whenever I bring one of them downstairs she runs away and cowers. I guess dogs can be affected by the uncanny valley phenomenon as well?
      My other dog will sniff my dolls if I bring them around him. My dolls are usually in my room with the door closed, and my pets aren't in there without my supervision. I have a cat who comes in here sometimes, but she's never shown interest in my dolls.
      Kinda related, I've seen pictures of people's tarantulas with their BJDs and I think it's so cute! I really want a tarantula ;w;
    8. One of my dogs is totally indifferent. The other is scared them. She goes to the other side of the room until I put the dolls away.
    9. I keep my hamster Remy away from my dolls because he always investigates new things by testing them with his teeth, which would be terrible for him and the dolls :sweat He can be very destructive if I don't keep a close eye on him when he's out of his enclosure.
    10. Lego gets really funny about them...
      He was very chill about my setting Vince against him for a photoshoot (taken... oof, forever ago), but he HATES my sister's first doll. He is so jealous of that doll-- every time she brings her dolls out to work with them, sew for them, just sit with them, he'll glare at her like crazy. Usually doesn't care about what I do with mine, though when I had them set out mid-project recently he was interested in sniffing them. But he's only consistently jealous of hers.
    11. My dog Sem is well behaved around dolls. I pose dolls with him sometimes and afterwards I reward him with attention. He has tried to sneakily snatch wigs and also tried to lick them. Lol. Luckily he knows plushies are for him, not dolls. So he tries to steal them from my nephew instead.

      My budgies passed away, but I did manage to shoot pictures with the youngest one who was slighty afraid, so I had to be fast. Paying attention to the bird because I didn't want to put a lot of stress on him.

      Not sure what my dog would do if I left a doll unattented on the floor though. Would also depend on wether or not he was sleeping or otherwise engaged. Not gonna try my luck. ;)
    12. My cat quite likes my dolls but she is super nosy. My eldest dog isn't all that phased by them but the youngest is freaked out by everything. Poor bubby! I try to keep the dogs and dolls separate anyway as I don't want them chewed...hopefully the cat won't chew them like she did some of my crafting tools :/
    13. My dogs have been pretty chill about my dogs and didn't mind when I posed some of my dolls with them. They will usually sniff the doll a few times if I'm taking photos. Otherwise they usually ignore my dolls.

      However, they have managed to chew on the following when I wasn't paying attention:
      • one old DZ pet fox body ( chewed on, might be able to fix it a bit by boiling. Head wasn't on at the time thankfully )
      • one DD peace hand ( chewed on, not too noticeable. Might be able to gently boil this... )
      • one Dollheart corset-top that I had initially wanted to sell... :doh ( Not damaged as far as I can see, but will need to be well cleaned... Might not sell it in the end )
      Thankfully they haven't chewed on anything more expensive;;;
    14. There's only pet fish in my house so unless I throw my dolls into the tank they won't be able to do anything :XD:
    15. With two cats in my house, one of which is a born troublemaker, I'll have to keep my eye on everything.
      I haven't received my doll yet so it's too early to tell how it'll go. But I am legitimately scared of how my pain-in-the-rear cat will be with him.
      He sits on anything you leave for five seconds l; bags, paper, tablets, anything and everything.
    16. Thankfully i only have mice and geckos (maybe soon a frog as well)
    17. I am pretty sure when my dolls come in I will have one dog who doesn't care anything about it and one who will be terrified. The chiweenie is really a big baby about most things. He gives a disgusted bark at anything he doesn't recognize so I'm sure the dolls will provoke the same reaction. My rat terrier mix though won't care at all. He only cares about food.
    18. My pug Berry is indifferent to my dolls for the most part . . . at least the dolls themselves. However, she likes to hover nearby when I am clothing them or changing wigs. If a wig hits the floor look out! She takes off with it, and by the time I wrestle it away from her it is pretty messed up. Which is why most of my wigs are chintzy, hand-made needle-felted things, or, if purchased, not over 10 or 15 bucks. That pug is lucky she is so darn cute. Sometimes I think I should have named her "Lucky" (to be alive still).
      • x 1
    19. Our family's flat-coated retriever got really suspicious of my Souldoll Chiron and even barked a bit at him when I did a photoshoot once. I did manage to get the dumb dog to lay still in order to take a cute picture of my dolls gently petting him though. :kitty1
    20. My BJDs have to stay in their box while at home :( my cat thinks they're edible and i'd rather not get cat fur all over the clothes too.