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Pets for your BJDs / finding or making one

Jan 16, 2005

    1. I think I have the perfect thing! My art store sells those artist models, made out of wood, fully posable, IN ANIMALS! They have dogs and cats,and are to scale and everything, at least for MSDs. If they aren't at your art store, maybe you could get one on line? I don't have a doll yet, but I got one. It doesn't take care of the fur, but at least it's posable :)
    2. I've seen some SD-scale posable plush dogs at Target and Fred Myers... I thought pretty hard about buying the black poodle for Tien Jen. It's about the right size to be a Miniature poodle for him. It would be close to Standard poodle size for an MSD. Also, Bryer makes posable plush horses that are the perfect size for MSDs. They have pretty stout internal armatures and can stand and pose with a doll on their back. (Nezumitoo's daughter's doll, Persephone, has one.)

      That said, I do wish sometimes that my guys' pets (A cat, a fawn, a sleeping dog, a panda, an owl, and a whole horde of foxes... All of which came from here.) were posable. It would be really nice if Suzhu could pose as freely as Seimei does or if Jimaru could curl up on Crane's lap.
    3. I find them their pets--it doesn't bother me that the animals are non bjd, and I managed to find Liam a very nice looking cat. If you look around enough, there are some nice animals out there.
    4. munkie has the baby twin mice from calico critters. they aren't super realistic mice but i think they work for her, as pippitans aren't uber-real looking bjd anyway.
    5. My kids have gerbils, which I got from the Littlest Pet Shop range. It doesn't bother me much that they're not posable, since all they do is sit in the kids' hands or on their shoulders/heads.
    6. I use my old childhood toys as pets for my bjd's. Then again I had odd tastes in toys... mostly dinosaurs. Rawr!
    7. For those who don't know, "Michaels" carries itty bitty teddy bears that would be appropriate as a pet, I suppose... they also carry doll sized hats *grin*
    8. Luka has claimed one of my small Cthuluhus as his...but he insists it's his "minion". (I just wish they all had armatures like the Narlotep and the blue one)
    9. I was thinking of fur just for more variety/possibility. We had a hairless guinea pig once! :)
    10. I have never seen that in a store here, and wouldn't have thought of it. Modifying one of those does sound perfect! I will look around online, thanks for the suggestion.
    11. I want a Fluffbeast for Keikai... He really wants one, but I can't find one anywhere =\
    12. *laughs* As acexkeikai said just above, I think fluffbeasts are a good answer to the posing problem -- just because the little things have a tail and no other limbs! Just being a ball made of fluff adds to the little thing's charm, somehow.
    13. I actually have some kind of a fluffbeast :) I'ts not the same as TEH fluffbeasts though, it's some kind of mobile hang thingie... but it's fluffy, it has the same face and a pink/purple tail :)

      I still gotta make pictures of it... *makes mental note*
    14. Well, I make mini plushie companions for dolls - mostly though, to date they've been either stuffed animals for the dolls, or fabric dolls to give the doll their own doll.. heh. ;) I think the only one I had was a chibi wyvern...

      Anyhow! :)
      If you are looking specifically for run of the mill pets, say cats and dogs, I think you've gotten some great suggestions already. You -can- also sew your own, and give it a posable wire armature. I think if you wanted it ball jointed like the Dolls though, your best bet is, as someone suggested, an artist's mini mannequin. As for how to give it fur -- well, there's a couple of ideas.

      1- you could try and just fashion one out of faux fur, almost like a fursuit. A fair amount of work, and not as easy as it sounds.

      2. Go to a dollar store, see if you find a stuffed cat/dog that you like, very carefully undo the stitching and try and fit it over the armature. You will probably have to re-stuff some of it to give him a little weight though. ;)

      Hope that helps!
    15. let me state just for the record that my dolls like their hydrocephalic petrified pets just fine ;)
    16. It wouldn't be realistic but use model clay or something but have pipe cleaners/wire in the joints -shrug-
      I'm not good at that sort of stuff.
      My doll has a teddybear that came with him from Angel Region <2
    17. My Keibhan has a little psudo-plush beanie-babie that I'd won at a festival the saturday before he arrived... It isn't particularly posable in the same what that he is, nor is it amazingly realistic, but he has me convinced that it is a real tiger and not, in fact a plushie.

      Hey... If Calvin and Hobbs could do it...
    18. I used handmade ones from Ebay that I randomly found, more like toys than proper pets and the littlest pet shop have some very cute cats :)
    19. I use my old TY beanie babies. My Nara is surrounded by puppies.
    20. This might've been asked before and if so, i'm sorry but I couldn't find any previous threads mentioning it.

      Do your dolls have any pets? If so, what kind of pets do they have?

      I'm thinking of buying a little dog or cat for my girls but I have no idea where to buy one.