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Playing with dolls: what did you do with your doll today that made you happy? <3

Nov 12, 2017

    1. I was able to give a faceup to a doll I was thinking of selling. Gave her a wig and eyes and noooow. Looking like she's staying :XD:
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    2. @jennikey that is good to read, I have a girl like this as well and told myself I will give her a chance to stay with a new face-up too, mainly because she poses so well for me. Still not sure how it will go in the end because she doesn’t fit firmly yet into either of my 2 groups of other dolls similarly sized - but I’m playing with her and photographing her today to start sketching out her style.
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    3. @mimimontoya
      I totally get that! And I hope refreshing her style and doing things with her sparks that joy to keep her

      And on the topic of what I did with my dolls that made me happy is making an outfit for her!
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    4. Fixed her wig so it'll actually stay on her head :kitty2
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    5. Swapped wigs, changed outfits, took pictures. Always makes me happy. :whee:
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    6. Having Yukiko at my side while I play video games :hug:
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    7. I made some wigs finally :3 I'm not good at it but it's loads better then my first wig
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    8. I put one doll's arm around another doll's waist... and have a second couple in the house now. They've been in this pose for a while and I don't feel like disturbing them. :chibi

      I also made some jewellery for another doll. I'm not satisfied with the design (looked nice while I was making it but not so nice when on the doll), so I'll be designing and making something different. But I'm happy I actually finished crafting something for my crew -- something I haven't been able to succeed in a while. Feels good to make and finish stuff, I need to keep at it!
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    9. I like sticking a finger in their little resin hands - it feels like we're holding hands.
      Yes, I am one of those doll collectors. :lol:
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    10. @MaleficentMrsofEvil Me too. I'm completely not a doll kisser / hugger, but I love letting them hold my fingers. :chibi 1/3 doll hands are perfect size for that!
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    11. I never dress my dolls for holidays but I was inspired by ai to order an outfit in Christmas colors a few weeks ago. Today I decided to try it on one of my dolls and it made me happy, something to distract me from my delayed preorders. Maybe I can focus on a little holiday set up early enough to get one done this year.
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    12. Verdi's with me at work today. The job is grueling, but taking a little break to pose her with a couple of the little props I have at my desk really cheers me up when I need it!
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    13. Yesterday I sat my Yo-SD next to my cat and he really snuggled up to her. It made me so happy! :kitty2:aheartbea
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    14. I finished a faceup for the first time in months and got my new Reisner all finished today! He picked out a wig, stole a body, named himself, outfit set (for now..)...I'm so happy! Feeling lots of good resin vibes yesterday and today. :)
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    15. Sat her on my lap while I watched an old movie, sewed some tights onto her legs. Nice activity for a Sunday afternoon :daisy
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    16. A body I ordered for a character I’m making came in and I was able to at last attach her floating head to something lol.
      I also was able to immediately dress her in some underwear I bought for her, and after standing her up to face me I felt super happy. Just looking at her coming together made me wanna start sewing her some more clothes. I’m eager to take my girl out on the town!
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    17. I started making a wig for a grail im about to receive this week :D
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    18. Yesterday, I undressed a bunch of my MSD girls and compared their abilities to sit and kneel. Today, I redressed them in different outfits and wigs. :love
      It was awesome.
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    19. I love reading everyone's little wins.

      Yesterday I took Dmytro and finally restrung him (well?), he is now an unstoppably rigid, pose-holding brick. I've been wanting to love that body (resinsoul bigger/70) but between the slightly imperfect proportions for me and the chaotic flop I've been unsure... Well now he functions! I am considering modifying the shoulders still and then I think he'd be even better. It's a good feeling thinking he's going to work out perfectly because he's such a bargain basement much needed comfort.
      Afterwards I rooted around in his wardrobe and put him in a new outfit and just kind of admired him. :whee:


      He makes me very happy
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    20. Yesterday I made new shoes for Petronella and now she is keeping me company while I am crocheting a new shawl for her.
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