1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Playing with dolls: what did you do with your doll today that made you happy? <3

Nov 12, 2017

    1. Restyled some of my girls who hadn't had an outfit change for a bit (I love little clothes :kitty2)

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    2. I changed Vallant and Oshidori's poses a little bit. Still don't want to disturb them. :kitty2

      I recently received 1/3 wings for my dolls... got some time today to try them on Justinian and explore action poses. These wings are tough to handle, but it was a fun challenge and I'm quite pleased with so far.

      Playing with dolls is so much fun~

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    3. I spent several hours last night trying new outfits from Mandarake on my Dearmine girl. It's been a while since I just sat down and tried a bunch of outfits on, I missed it. The outfits were a bit of a gamble, fit-wise, but luckily all of them fit!
      I'm so glad she has new clothes, I got rid of her entire wardrobe a while back and regretted it immensely.
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    4. Yesterday I re-strung a doll that was strung up way too tight
      And I also did a faceup on her!
      Today I'm thinking of wiping that faceup and trying again with a different sealant applying technique
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    5. A bunch of shoes arrived today for the gang and Nuoyi got to try them all :D

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    6. Today I redressed Suha! Her faceup got dinged up and her eyelashes were coming loose, so she'd been in PJs to say "sorry, not in a state for going out!" I touched up the faceup over the weekend and today, she's dressed again. Minus shoes because I can't find a pair that looks right with the outfit. Ah well.

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    7. Yesterday I successfully glued in eyelashes on a doll, without any of the usual drama or teeth-gnashing. I felt so proud of myself, lol.
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    8. I've had a photo theme buzzing in my brain for a while... finally got some time today to pull out the big doll couch, pose two dolls on it, and take pics. Also took nice pics of the others. Cheered me right up!

      I also made Oshidori some bracelets from jewellery wire and beads. I'm happy with how this design turned out.
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    9. I changed eyes for the first time! It was a thrilling experience to say the least.
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    10. I got 2 dolls in today!
      Changed out the eyes in one
      And got to dress up the other
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    11. Some days it's so little but it makes me happy. Three of them have been sitting text to the tv in my bedroom and looking at them while watching tv I feel like it's more of a watch-party :XD:
      Today I just held Marina for a little bit looking at her with approval. Moving her hair around because this wig is very soft and pliable. Just thinking my thoughts about her and her story and her as the object and that her outfit is very stylish. :kitty2 I guess just small daydreams and gratitude.
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    12. I got the most perfect face-up mock-up for my Impldoll Imara, and it's exactly what I was thinking for her.
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    13. I have 3 peeps hanging out on my desk while I work today. I love fiddling around with their hands and adjusting their poses for procrastination :3
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    14. I got a new wig for my Iplehouse Elysia today, and when I put it on it looked perfect for her. I love it when i find a doll the right wig for them.
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    15. Finally got to try out and make a wig out of viscose for a doll!
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    16. I washed a human-hair wig I grabbed from the thrift store *mumble mumble* years ago and plopped it on Iris's head. I think it looks amazing!
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    17. Today has been a rather negative day, but I got to unwind with Mina after dinner... There's something therapeutic about brushing doll hair.
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    18. Yesterday I did my first photo shoot with one of my girls (the Smart Doll, since I'm this close to putting my SartoriaJ MSD girl fully together, but she's missing a top still, oops!). Super fun, and I can totally understand why so many people love posing and doing photo stories in this hobby. It was really fun, even without a plan, but I'm sure I'll develop some as I get more used to doing it.
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    19. Got all of my dolls out before I have to pack them for my move. Please excuse crappy late afternoon flash photo.

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    20. Actually took one out of a box. He had no eyes, and it was just to check some dyed fiber against his skintone for a potential wig project (fail btw, colour was all wrong), but it did feel good holding a doll who hasn’t seen the light of day in a good six months!
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