1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Preferring one gender of doll over another

Dec 9, 2012

    1. So far I have found way more girl sculpts I like than boys. Most boys I see look either angry or way to feminine for my taste. Theres no masculine but soft male sculpts. I am not opposed to male sculpts though; just picky.
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    2. I agree, there's tonnes of female sculpts I like, but the male sculpts are often more feminine and less square jawed for my personal taste, plus it's much harder working on a male face-up/hair ;)
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    3. Male dolls all the way for me. I have very little interest in female dolls, and don't plan on investing in any at this point. I don't enjoy female clothing nor do I really have a huge fondness for females in general, so it seems a bit counter productive to need to dress and plan for one.
    4. I have more male dolls than females! I have two girls and five boys! I would like more girls tho, but most of my characters are boys for some reason haha :)
    5. When all my current orders have arrived I’ll have 16 dolls: 14 boys and 2 girls (and one of those girls was free with no option to get a boy instead!)

      The one girl I bought is a character of mine, Saskia, who’s a complete tomboy anyway. In all honesty I prefer men’s clothes and I prefer men aesthetically. I also have more male characters than female characters in my novels. That said, I am on the lookout for one girl to be my character Jasira and she will actually be my first doll to wear a dress! She’s a lot more girly than Saskia in the books (a punch in the face is more girly than Saskia, though).

      Problem is, for Jas I’d need tan skin and a big nose, with a bump. Because her nose is mentioned in the books. I can’t find a sculpt to fit her, really. She’s also tall and thin, so since Saskia is 60cm (she’s tiny), Jas would have to be 65cm at least.
    6. When I started out in the hobby I only and exclusively looked at and only bought boy dolls. It's 2-3 years here I got the first ever girl doll, but only because it was Merida, she's the coolest, most kick-ass, bow and arrow slinging, medieval girl ever and I can't even begin to describe just how awesome I find her, so had to bring her home in resin form.
      I'm actually warming up to also looking at the girl sections of doll sites, not with the intention of buying, just looking. Else I'm guys only and have a single girl couple here, but those two I do adore to high heavens! Who knows, might get more girls home in the future, think me saying never bit me in the arse.
    7. So far, I've only been tempted by one male sculpt; the rest have all been female dolls of various brands. There just seem to be so many more options with the female dolls; more playful or emotive faces, cuter clothing, more options to buy rather than comission. That could just be me though ^^;
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    8. I have all girls except for some non-gendered elf types. I am very into fashion and the ladies have it all.
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    9. i remember when i first got interested in the hobby like 10 years ago all i wanted was boysboysboys lol. all i drew at the time was boys too. now both my doll preferences and art preferences lean towards girls and have been like that for awhile now. at this point i can't really see myself owning a boy doll but that might change? idk
      #829 nanaminore, Jan 12, 2018
      Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
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    10. I admit I'm a little bias towards the female dolls. I don't know what about it but I just prefer them over the males version. Maybe it's because I only know how to sew female clothes and like the fact that I can easily sew them something new and quick.
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    11. Practically all of my doll plans are for girls. The only boy I have specifically planned is incidentally a gender neutral cat sculpt, so no too sure if that counts.
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    12. I like both of them but I think the girl ones for me personally are more fun to collect clothes for I love all the glitter and beautiful dresses and high heeled shoes! =^_^= It takes a really special boys outfit for me to have to have it!
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    13. For some reason the idea of having a girl makes me uncomfortable? But I guarantee sooner or later I'll give that up and get one
    14. Not sure why, but I prefer girl dolls. More clothing options I guess?
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    15. I definately prefer male dolls, that's all I actually have XP There is one female character I want to shell, though the head I found that is perfect is a 70cm male dolls head xp so finding a large enough female body has been challenging
    16. I love both. But I have more facilities at take girls pictures.
    17. I have one BJD. One 1/6 seamless figure with a few heads (not all at once mind you). About 30-40 PVC anime figures. All female. No male dolls. No kids. So part of it is "attraction" I guess, or what I think is attractive. I've always considered the female form more beautiful than the male. I think it goes beyond a hetero thing. Not sure. Will have to ponder this......
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    18. Girl dolls all the way. I think they're beautiful, versatile, more fun to dress, and more fun to design characters and faceups for. I honestly can't see myself ever owning a male doll, even though I've seen plenty of beautiful male sculpts.
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    19. Girls! For the largest part because I naturally gravitate towards them without thinking about it (even tho I'm a straight girl) but there's a tiny part of me that's uncomfortable/emberassed at the thought of owning a male doll. I have this especially with more mature, realistic sculpts.
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    20. I prefer the girls. Boys... I don’t know how to dress them and what their personality is:doh
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