1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Prettiest doll hands?

Jul 31, 2015

    1. Serenade Doll has the most gorgeous hands- so many different ones too...
    2. Hands are important to me too. I thought Iplehouse nYID hands were pretty much as good as it could get but their new EID (W) ones are absolutely beautiful. They are incredibly detailed, delicate and expressive.
    3. Favorite hands - Doll Legend. Already three of my boys bought them.

      [​IMG]Birthday , on Flickr
    4. The new Peak's Woods hands are GORGEOUS :D
    5. I love my Dollshe boy's hands, they're nice and detailed and the size makes them great to hold onto, when I'm stressed sometimes I'll hold or stroke his hands. Sophia's hands bother me a bit since they're not in a nice pose, I need to pick up more MNF option hands since I only have one pair and they're starting to bug me, I've got the No.8 ones and the open one I usually tuck behind her if I'm taking pictures. I know I could just boil it, but I'm too nervous to do it without a back-up pair just in case. I guess I've always liked hands though, it's always been a thing I've noticed.
    6. I really like jointed hands. There's just something about being able to gesticulate with the whole hand that opens up new dimensions for me. That being said, sometimes jointed hands look chunky with all the different pieces.
      I like what Doll Chateau offers than, with just a joint at the knuckles. Since their dolls are already rather petite and slim, the fingers get a sort of otherworldly appearance.
    7. Hands dollshe also my favorites.:)

    8. Cerisedoll, Fairyland and April Story dolls have some nice hands. Very delicate to me. I usually look for hands that look natural and relaxed, but at the same time expressive. That can be both on the "rough end" (Some Dollshe male hands or AprilStory) or the dainty end (MNF and Cerisedoll).

      Side note: Cerisedoll MSD doll hands are probably the most adorable ones I have ever seen Q.Q
    9. Has anyone mention the Souldoll Zenith hands yet? They are the most feminine and delicate bjd hands I've seen to date;

      • x 1
    10. Lovely hands are very important to me when deciding on a doll (as are the face, and knees). I think they can add a lot of beauty to poses too. My favorite right now, would have to be Fairyland minifee hands. I'd like to collect all of them. :)
    11. I love pretty hands, or nicely done masculine hands. Also nice hand-blushing. I just got an Iplehouse SID girl home yesterday and IH does amazing hand-blushing... very subtle, but perfect!

      IH does an amazing job with the male hands, too (blushes the veins!). Here's a not great photo of my girl's hands... Just love the nails!



      Great hands aren't a deal-killer. I probably won't replace hands I don't like so much, but when they are nice, I'm happier.

      I like the idea of jointed hands, but all the little joints don't look that great aesthetically, to me, so I don't own any.

      I do notice sculpts with nice hands. But won't go out of my way to get those for my dolls and it won't make me buy a doll just for that.

      I think most doll companies with good-quality dolls try and pay attention to hand-sculpts as much as the bodies and joints and heads... Outside of the face, most people tend to look at hands next, and they are very important to expression.
    12. [MENTION=69457]Dayme[/MENTION]: yes, the Souldoll Zenith hands are gorgeous!

      For female hands, my personal favourite are the YID ones. For Male, the Dollshe 28M classic ones with knuckle lines :o.
    13. beautiful hands
    14. I exploeded when I saw 5th motif hands at first sight. Before that I didn't pay much attention to hands. But I do love male hands with obvious veins and the contour of the skeletons.