1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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"PRETTY please?": the art of obtaining.

Apr 28, 2005

    1. Gah - great thread. :XD:
      -Got into BJDs a year ago after seeing Serenia's girl Sane
      -Realized the price of pretty dollies was high. Dies a bit on the inside.
      -Browsed DoA and doll sites anyway
      -Continuously finds way back to oggle at DOD
      -Falls for Shall >.<
      -Realizes there's no hope in fighting it and begins writing a story for said Shall - hence named Nezumi.
      -Falls upon a stroke of luck when Aunt says dolls are pretty :D
      -Introduces mom to BJDs - thanks the gods that mother falls in love with Shall mold too. :fangirl:
      -Gets father to back the idea of dolly by having him fall for a picture of one. He thinks doll in picture is human. Muwahaha - I had him fall for it. ;)
      -Father admits dolls are good for nice photography, he allows it. =D
      -I order my Shall and the wait begins. *_*
      -More waiting.
      -Still waiting.
      -Nezumi finally arrives. Dies of happy. :)
      -Story expands. Soon Nezi needs her boyfriend.
      -Ordered Kane.
      -One month later "Hi Kane! <3"
      -Falls for MNF Ryeon many months later :love
      -It's too late, MNF Ryeon already has a story and a name. Welcome to the bunch Sadhana. :XD:
      -Orders Sadhana for birthday under the agreement money will be paid back (as with other two dolls).

      *_* And that is how I've collected my doll family. I paid for all of them with my own money; my mother ordered them and I paid her back in increments from my paychecks. ^_^; It's all worth it though, I love them to bits. :aheartbea
    2. Woot! I Like This Subject!
      My first doll was really easy to obtain since I didn't get to choose her...as well as my second doll. My Mom bought my first one as a Christmas Present. My Second Doll was an impulse buy from my Mother (she was reading a Vampire book and the Dollzone Wing reminded her of the character)

      But my third one (a Dollzone Yuu) took a little push to happen. (Him and Wing aren't home yet, but Wing is on his way *does happy dance*)

      My Dz Yuu:
      ~ Sees that Mother has ordered a DZ Wing from a friend of hers on another doll forum.
      ~ *Is excited*
      ~ Scrolls down and notices that the woman has a Yuu also for sale.
      ~ Somewhat frowns because Yuu has been a doll I have lusted after for MONTHS!
      ~ Points out that Yuu is amazing, and shows uncountable amounts of pictures of Yuu on DOA to my Mom.
      ~ Then I talked about Yuu for another couple weeks.
      ~ Hint was FINALLY taken, and mom ordered him too.

      It was love.

    3. -See dolls at con, wonder what the heck.
      -Stumble across DoA.
      -Get caught up in school for a year. :(
      -Half-way through the year, dig around again.
      -Find Vera randomly, fall in love.
      -Blow next paycheck for Vera. ;)
    4. rofl! Doogi's ultimate evil other half!? :lol:

      Seeing as Doogi is the ultimate in Nice and Friendly in customer relations... I shudder to think what a polar opposite might be! Someone who throws your doll at you instead of mailing it? :sweat

      And so I give you:

      A Detailed Timeline of the Fall to Madness

      -8/2007 See first BJD, don't really care that much
      -9/2007 Discover Abadon of Luts... *drool
      -9/2007 Search Google and see a hilarious DoA thread that I can't find now... it had somebody asking if they should get a Yukinojo or a Lati boy, and many DoA'ers had posted a bunch of hot Yukinojo photos to tempt the poster into trying to get one. LOL
      -9/2007 Sign up for DoA, in fever to get a Yukinojo.
      -10/2007 Realize that even though he is on Japanese site, Yukinojo is a limited and no longer available without selling vital appendages! D:"
      -10/2007 Fall for SDF Dion
      -11/2007 Fall for SDF Abadon
      -12/2007 Fall for SDF Ethan
      -1/2008 Try to sculpt first BJD
      -1/2008 Utterly fail! hahahah and find that it is so expensive to do this! so"
      -2/2008 Order first doll!... SDF Ethan :sweat

      I didn't last very long, did I? lol.
    5. My first guy:
      "Hey ma, I'm buying this doll."

      My second guy:
      "Hey ma, I'm buying this other doll."

      My third guy:
      ............*doll arrives*
      "Oh yeah. I bought another doll."

      My fourth guy:
      "Hey ma, I'm buying a puki."
      "Okay. Oh, cute!"

      My fifth guy:
      "Hey ma, I'm buying this doll. He's just a head though."

      My sixth guy:
      "...so buy him then."
      "I can't afford him! TT___TT"
      "So go get a credit card."
      "Okay!! :D"

      My ma is supportive of my hobby as long as I can continue paying rent. :)
    6. I don't really have to clear it with anyone, I just have to clear it with myself and I'm way harder than anyone else. ;)

      -Sees doll
      -Questions self about 'doll lust'
      -Spends a few days trying to talk self out of it.
      -Waits few more days to make sure it's the real thing for us.
      -Buys doll
    7. Heh..

      Mine was like this:

      • Big kid starts nagging about some large dolls.
      • Me, knowing she has never been into dolls before thinks it's just a passing, crazy idea
      • Big kid starts saying she'll use her own savings on a doll
      • Big kid tells me there's someone she knows from a danish doll forum that wants to sell her doll
      • Big kid claims she'll DIE if she doesn't get that doll
      • I cave in, still unsure of WTF anyone wants a doll for
      • I contact the seller and arranges pickup of said doll
      • Big kid unwraps the doll with me looking on it.
      • I get instantly hooked on resin dolls!
      • Tells hubby I'll DIE if I don't get one of my own
      • Starts looking for a Snape-like doll
      • Reluctantly discards Dollshe's Van as too expensive (boy talk about regretting a decision!)
      • Finally settles on DollZone's Ying
      • Gets Doll home and finds out he can't possibly be alone...........

      and the rest.. is history.. Tomorrow I'm going to pick up my doll number 7 - not counting my floating head... and I have one more on the way...

      Oh and all this started back in the beginning of February, this year... >_<
    8. I earned it all on my own. No money was donated to me aside from what I got doing chores. It took me a realllly long time.

      I wish I was lucky enough to "just get it" like some of you. Maybe this christmas I'll get a surprise?
    9. Wouldn't this be called systems art? Uhm anyways.... Presenting:
      -Saw DoD Website whilst looking for Cartoon Dolls.
      -Found Twingkey mold, fell in love with it, decided against getting her, too much money. -Find friend on Gaia, who has the exact same mold, and freaked out. [Talk about your crazy coincidences.]
      -Asked mum politley a couple times, poked her, nudged her, then told her about sweet 16 she promised me but I never got.
      -August 26th, ordered doll.
      - Long wait in between -insert elevator music here-
      - October first, had one of the best days of my life, and then SURPRISE! Doll came in Mail. Talk about your days on Cloud 9. xD
    10. -Friend shows me BJD on some random page.
      -Look it up and end out watching pictures of them every day.
      -Try to convince parents to get it for christmas and birthday and stuff, no success.
      -around 2 years later:Gets enough money because of my grades and random working, the option is 1.a BJD 2.one year in Japan.
      -Choosed to go one year in Japan instead.. with the joke "I'll get a doll when I get there, Hahhah".
      -Well, guess how it turned out? x3 He's on his way to me here in japan now x3
    11. Loved Tiny BJD's for a year or so
      Put off buying due to price and bought a dozen other dolls that were vinyl and jointed. Including a Goodreau Rumor vinyl...too big and too pale!
      Finally ordered a BBB from DDE
      SOLD several vinyls to buy another CH Bisou
      Rinse and repeat...
      Puki on layaway
      Eyed the Bleuettes to see who could go
      Lati Special White from eBay
      OD Dong from DOA

      Happiness...and the remaining vinyls and porcelains are quivering in terror....

      (I really don't care for flan tho...;).)

    12. This made me spit Pepsi all over my monitor! ROFL!!!
    13. I haven't actually got mine yet....

      But my story so far is:

      Christmas 2 years ago - Grandma gives me a little phone strap with dolls *that I still don't know the name of* on it saying "I thought it might be something you'd like..." - Wondered why they all looked like girls, then wondered why I didn't know about them
      Time passes
      - Friend shows me Japanese amazon, discover obitsu dolls
      - Look through her Gothic Lolita Bible
      More Time Passes - Last year
      - I go to Japan for fun with friends, passion reignited with volks and obitsu
      - Sad that I can't afford them
      - Mope until I go to Japan again
      Even More time passes - This year
      - New Goth Loli stuff is looked through in shopping trip, definitely want a doll now I say
      - Go back to look at Obitsu and Volks, decide I don't like them that much
      - Come back to Perth
      - One day see on dA people mentioning BJDs, wonder what it is, research, discover what I've been wanting since I was 4 - An anatomically correct male doll to huggle, screw puppies, I want a doll to lick my face when I'm sad!
      - Discover Dollmore, the best place for eyes. OMFG.
      - Through severe browsing, find other BJD sites, my favorite becoming Iplehouse, stumble across DoA
      - Begin months of research
      - Start pining for a doll - Chosen dolls
      - Buy Eyes and some tools from Dollmore
      - Buy shoes on ebay
      - Buy clothes from Cheerydoll
      - Order MigiRyu head and buy LATI L head

      That's all up to today... I've been trying to perhaps suggest to my parents "Hey... for my birthday..." But I know they'll say no, and I'm pretty sure they don't want me getting into more debt with them... so I'm doing this the hard way... one pay packet at a time... but then I think I'll feel much happier knowing the blood sweat and tears that will go into them...

      My sister says she wants one now too... and only 2 months ago she freaked out and didn't want to see another nude boy after the emotional body... Hehehe... but now she's like "oh... he's hot... NOW I WANT ONE! D:"
    14. 3 years ago,
      browsing through Vampirefreaks, sees a girl cosplaying. clicks on it. sees her friend with dolls. not really into them.
      on cosplay.com sees Aimee clicks sees awesome looking dolls recognises them finds more about them. not realy into them.
      finds DoA, get's more into them.
      goes crazy adding dolls to doll wish list.
      realises that she can't really have them all.
      waits, doesn't tell parents.
      tells parents, then parents say she could have one.
      chooses Dollmore liebe klum.
      gets doll!
      wants another finds pukis and chooses a pukisha.
      gets pukisha and sends it off to be the dream doll.
      now finds a few more, and is saving.

      my boyfriend's promised a doll for my birthday, now i'm trying to think of which one.
    15. Great thread! It makes me feel better to see how other people have similar stories to my own spiral of obsession. Let's see....

      - loves to sew, joins craftster
      - sees people sewing for dolls, thinks hmmm.....
      - sees BJDs. expensive. moves on.
      - sees Blythes. scary. moves on.
      - sees Pullips. likes. buys.
      - one Pullip turns into like, fifteen.
      - stumbles across Vampire Red on JunkySpot while looking for Obitsus for Pullips. Dies.
      - Google is my friend, but is my bank account's enemy
      - discover various vampire BJDs. Dies. Wants.
      - starts telling fiance about them.
      - inserts "pretty!" into almost every conversation with fiance.
      - buys DZ Hid. Fiance doesn't know.
      - still shopping for "pretty vampire boy"
      - decides to sell most of Pullip collection for BJD funds.
      - Joins DoA
      - dies. so many lovely dolls!
      - continues to ramble about "pretty vampire boy", fiance asks why I don't just buy it. explain cost. fiance chokes on beer. me: laughs.
      - DZ Hid arrives. Love!
      - finds CP Shiwoo Special. DIES 10000000 times! LOVELOVELOVE!!!!!
      - checks credit card balance.
      - prepares to buy.
      - happy!

      And that is pretty much it, so far. I am so totally in love with these guys!
    16. Let's see how mine works...

      2 years ago: Stumble across SuperDollfies on the internet. Pretty! Oooh, big dolls are awkward. And expensive! Pass. Crosses mind occasionally.

      1 1/2 years ago: Find Pullip on unrelated forum. Cuuuute! And small.

      1 year ago: Join anime club, new friend has doll. Explains that she had made its whole outfit. Quite impressed. Continues bringing doll to every meeting. Fascination continues.

      10 months ago: Found out you could buy "cheap" Pullips on eBay. Bought one. The addiction begins.

      Over the course of the last 10 months: Pullip family grows from one doll to fifteen. Member of several doll forums. Discovered Lati and Puki; LOVE, WANT, but they're tiny so they "don't count". Continue looking at dolly blogs... BJDs pop up occasionally...

      1 month ago: Okay, I give up. Honey, I want this doll. This is how much it costs: (Insert large dollar amount here). Much to my surprise, I'm given permission to save money. A "good Christmas" is hinted at. Excitement ensues!

      And that's pretty much where I am right now.
    17. - Discovered doll pics on DA in the spring. Thought it would be kinda neat to have a doll representation of my avatar.
      - Stopped browsing random doll pics. Thinks it's a personal fad. Will go away.
      - Doesn't go away :[
      - Discovered DoA is "the place to be" for doll knowledge
      - Fell in love with a B&G Rin. Died a little inside from the price.
      - Introduced husband to Rin. Husband notices the price. Get stink eye from husband.
      - Lightbulb! Remind husband that he's getting a new laptop this year for Christmas. And wouldn't you know, the price is about the same!
      - Husband rolls eyes and orders Rin
      - Order eyes, wigs and clothes.
      - Not-so-patiently still waiting for Rin.
    18. - Spring of '07 : See BJDs for first time at Animazement. "Ooh, pretty"
      - Forgot for a while, fleetingly saw pics and a tiny bit of research. "At that price? Nah. I don't even LIKE dolls!"
      - Influx of BJDs on dA. "OMG PRETTY". Heavy research began.
      - Early '08 : - Almost bought 1/6 Dollfie. Came to senses and looked at different BJD companies than Volks.
      - Joined DoA and Obsessed over the pretties for a while :3
      - Saw Tynan!
      - Printed out pics of many pretty BJDs and handed to parents. "I want one of these." Pulls out pic of Tynan, AoD Chi. "I want this one!" Parents, "Okay!"
      - Sells soul for dorrie money.
      - Orders, waits, ARRIVAL! Yay!
      - Obsesses over other pretties. Sacrifices Japan Trip Money for Dollies!
      - Parents ask for help w/ ordering Puki for b-day present for me!
      - Orders Puki, waits a while, sees Bobobie/Resin Soul has new sculpts "OMG PRETTY!"
      - Orders RS Song and Mei.
      - Currently: Waiting for Puki/Song/Mei :3
      And that's where I am now~
    19. For me it was more like.
      Me: Ken I know what I want for my B-Day, Christmas, anniversary...
      DH: Does it eat, is it alive, does it need to be taken to vet?
      Me: No it's a Doll.
      DH: How much?
      Me: Shocking amount, but if it covers either a major celebration or covers 3-4 it's usually..
      DH: Your sure this is what you want?
      Me: Yes!
      DH: Ok Sure.

      Joyous dancing on my part because one I get a doll, and 2 if it isn't what I want I can sell it and get another and he seldome recalls who he bought. :)
    20. It is money. Times are tough forlots of parents right now. Lots of money issues, let alone the National Presidential election, which will be a turning point in the economy. What we do in November will impact us for several years.
      Try making clothing for dolls and selling the clothing, or crochet or knit wearor props out of sculpy.
      If you can make half the money for the doll perhaps your sugar will sweeten your parents and they will donate to the cause.

      I can stand on my head, say pretty please with sugar on top and strawberries and whipped cream and if the money is not there the answer is , "I would love for you to have what you want but right now it will not work out, maybe in a couple of months but not now." And that is my husband talking.:roll: