1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Raccoon Doll Discussion - Part 6

Jan 15, 2021

    1. The original women feet fit into Miniee A shoes. And there's a seller on ebay called he-meife who offers shoes that fit. Are you looking for flat or heels?
      TrickyBJDFeet: Mini Girls

      Minifee shoes are sold by Summomo on Etsy for example, and I think code noir has some as well.
      #421 ResinRapture, Oct 17, 2023
      Last edited: Oct 17, 2023
    2. Solveig loves bold patterns...
      It's funny, there's something so strong about this girl that she can wear patterns I wouldn't usually consider for a doll this size.

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    3. I had two new Raccoondoll arrivals so will share here :) I am sooo happy with them and the face ups are beautiful. I had a little posing/photo session with them yesterday and am hoping to do the same this afternoon. They felt very easy to work with and very cooperative. I am loving the new Natural Pose body. Both of my new girls are slim but will share them one at a time so as not to spam :) I love the new hands and feet. It's been a while since I had a new RD.

      [​IMG]Cindy by LyanneNZ, on Flickr

      Five shots of Cindy here...
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    4. Woah she's so expressive! I love how naturally she poses!
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    5. @LyanneNZ - I just love the way you dress, style and pose your dolls. Superfan. <3
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    6. There are teasers for new elves on Instagram!

      Honestly I would love some elf children as well lol.

      I saw something on maybe one of the Facebook groups where someone was saying their newer raccoondoll had a head that was small compared to those older raccoondoll . Can anyone confirm this? I can't seem to find the original post now of course.
    7. I have Yumi and even though I don’t have an older RD doll, I can tell her head is smaller. Hers is much smaller than my FID heads. I was expecting them to be closer. I still have her as a character in their family though. You can see a bit of the difference here.
      Kathy P on Instagram
    8. Hmm, I feel like some head sculpts of theirs are bigger than others, but I couldn’t say if it’s new versus old or not - like, my Laetitia has a bigger head than my Iris, for example, but I feel like it’s not a huge difference. Happy to take pictures if it would help you at all?
    9. Three new elf ladies are up, and all women dolls are $100 off again!!!
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    10. @Mahgiep what an adorable lil photo story :) yes I kind of see the difference in the head sizes, but I wouldnt have noticed unless I had been told I suppose.

      @morganatron interesting. I have an Iris and I feel like her head is a good size, maybe even a tad large. I suppose real heads come in different sizes too technically
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    11. I seem to recall at some point I promised to show a photo of my Laetitia army, so instead I decided to go all out and take a photo of my entire Fashion doll crew for Christmas!!! Here they are:
      Left to right:
      On the couch: RD Emma, RD Sleepy Laetitia head on FID curvy body, RD Iris, RD Sleepy Laetitia.
      Behind the couch: RD Erika head on DZ boy body, Iplehouse FID Dane
      In front of fire: RD GIRL Ada (and cat!)
      On the right: (left to right) SartoriaJ Jenice, RD Laetita head on FID curvy body, RD Sleepy Laetitia head on Iplehouse JID Glamour body, RD Sleepy Laetitia.

      So yes, that's, uh, 5 Laetitas! I may have a problem...
      I mean, one reason is that the Sleepy Laetitia head is one of the few available to buy separately, so when I was unhappy with an existing head I could sell it and buy one of them to make a hybrid instead. The other reason is that I just really like that sculpt!!!
      All clothes made by me. They don't all quite match as to which era they are in, but one day I'll get there with having them all the same style!!!
      #432 morganatron, Dec 17, 2023
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2023
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    12. @morganatron, all those ladies and one guy? All I got to say he's one lucky man.

      Lovely photo, and I love the outfits.
    13. Thank you!!!
      Ha, there actually is two guys - the hybrid one next to the FID guy is also a boy, I got a slimmer male body to be a younger looking guy (and the head sculpt is actually a female one) - he's a bit hard to see hidden behind the couch though!!! And I have just ordered a SartoriaJ guy, so soon he'll have more company!
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    14. Hi everyone. I'm shopping for an elf lady. Is there a place on the Rdoll site that shows the resin colors? I look at the various dolls, I see the mocha hand colors, but I'd like to find a more formal lineup of all colors.

      Thanks for any help. :candycane
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    15. @Seed-Singer - thanks. These are a few colors. There are 9 to choose from and I can search around the site for them, but it's not presented very well.

      I have a green Lucy. Now, maybe one of the mochas?
    16. I have a dark mocha Laetitia. I'd you want to see owner's pictures let me know!
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    17. I just received a Laetitia!!! Opened last night. She's been on my list for years. If you were thinking about ordering the NP body. Do it. Its absolutely divine. Posing, holding the pose, the aesthetic. I'm absolutely thrilled with it. I ordered her with small bust and glamourous body which is gorgeous. The small bust is very small, natural looking and would be maybe a B cup IRL. I have an Iris original slim. It is so good that RD has redone the feet and hands.
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    18. @Lelm Congrats! What a nice Christmas surprise.