1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Raccoon Doll Discussion - Part 6

Jan 15, 2021

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    1. It's fascinating how she really reminds me so much of a good friend of mine! She looks so sweet~
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    2. @Seed-Singer Thank you! I guess you just mean her looks, not the story :D
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    3. @luluna Thank you :). I had a little mishap with her, I chipped her nose before I even posted her introduction. It could be fixed, but her nose looks a little different now. I hope it's not very visible. I had Nina on my wish list for a long time. And she's even lovelier in person than I imagined.
    4. I just bought a RD Laetitia second hand from a friend. She is missing her headcap because my friend had a fire but was able to save most of her dolls (thankfully). Would RD sell me a replacement headcap? I have the COA to prove she is legit from them.
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    5. They're usually very attentive and efficient answering in their q&a board, so I guess you can try!
    6. If they say no maybe make a headcap? here's a link to a tutorial:
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    7. [​IMG]

      Pauline & Antonia...
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    8. They are very cute together :)
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    9. Just bought a 1/3 blank Violet on layaway in NS with jeans, light top, earrings, blazer. They will send a free brown wig and pink ruched dress. I have had two of their I/3 heads for years. I wonder if the older head will fit. I hope I can make Violet look Korean like my crew. I have Yumi so I’ve been impressed with the body posing.
      Here is Yumi in milk mocha with her boyfriend Garam.
      Kathy P on Instagram: "I had some visitors tonight. They paid attention to me about five minutes before focusing on each other the rest of the time. Oh well. #dollsinlove #raccoondollyumi #ruggedrealismaquilo #asianballjointeddolls #balljointeddolls #balljointeddollphotography #bjds #bjdsofinstagram #bjdstagram #dollsofinstagram #dollstagram #dollphotography #bjdphotography"
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    10. Try Amazon or ACBJD. Or try Fatiao on Etsy.
      All the best

      That colour suits her very well. Lovely!

      I have been trying to find which of my doll “Girl” Jenny fits in with. I have IH JIDs, KIDs and BIDs but she doesn’t look right with them. I’ve tried her next to FL LittleFees - no go. She doesn’t even look right next to a Raccoon BeBe! I come to realise that it is the size of her head. It’s at least an inch smaller than the others and she’s altogether too slim. So going by Resin Raptures blog and these pages (plus the ones on the “Girl” thread), I have finally ordered a Sweet Moche Nana in SM with a Natural Pose slim body and a company face-up. She was the only one that has a mouth similar to Jenny’s (and I’ve spent hours looking at RD’s Woman 45 and IH FIDs).
      I’ll put a few comparison shots of my girls up on Flickr when I have the time.
      #452 EmanonUK, Feb 13, 2024
      Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2024
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    11. @EmanonUK Congrats on ordering Nana! I thought you knew that these kids were especially designed to work proportionally with the fashion doll sized dolls, like Raccoon, Iplehouse FID and Sartoriaj dolls. Those are all 1/4 scale but have a much smaller head than the average 1/4 scale dolls. It wasn't possible to find kid sized dolls that had a matching head, so we asked Raccoon to create one. But maybe you start a new collection with your Nana. I got hooked and almost neglect my big dolls since I started to focus on the fashion doll size.
    12. Hi, thanks for that Resin Rapture, I didn’t actually realise (stupid of me, I know). I knew the girls worked with them but didn’t realise they were specifically made for that reason (obviously missed something there). I have a couple of JIDs but up to now I hadn’t looked at the FIDs and I don’t want anything bigger (I’m having enough trouble finding beds for everyone as it is) but I am looking at the larger sized ladies now. Nina is on 4 month layaway so will take a while:...(. Thank goodness for your blog:)
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    13. Congratulations on your Nana!!! Yes, they really won't work with the larger headed dolls, which is most MSD and YoSD, just the fashion size with the 5-6" heads. Hopefully you will enjoy exploring this new size though, Nana is lovely!!!

      For myself, even though I have MANY Raccoondolls already, somehow none of them look quite like they could be the mother to my GIRL Ada. So now I'm contemplating getting Smiling Gene - I don't think I've seen anyone else who owns one, and I must admit she didn't really grab me in the make up in the promo shots, but seeing the blank head, I really like her! She seems like she is kind and gentle with that smile, I think she has a lot of possibilities. So now that's another doll to save up for, oh dear!!! :D
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    14. [​IMG]
      More Nina... Pauline in one of her new shirts.
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    15. [​IMG]

      Pauline loves to dance. Swing, Rock'n'Roll ...
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    16. Ooooh Raccoondoll have posted teasers for two new 45cm girls on their instagram and they look really pretty!!! Can’t wait to see more of them!
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    17. I loved both of the newest adult dolls...on my wish list now :) In the meantime a little photo shoot with Hina with curls :)

      [​IMG]Raccoondoll Hina by LyanneNZ, on Flickr
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