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Raurencio Studio's New 40cm Line of Dolls

Mar 3, 2011

    1. Oh, I think I have a wishlist again. Karel is a very interestin mold!
      Is someone know what the color of their resin? I think it's normal but it seems pretty clear, almost white accordint to some photos of other dolls.
    2. Hi Ksuden! The resin is white. Very nice and smooth too.
    3. Any pics of the body?
    4. Thanks PacificBlue! She's a cutie!
    5. Guh. I'm not into the white skin so... I'll wait some time to see if there will be some option about skin color. But thank you very much for the informations! ^w^
    6. Joshua is definitely on my *want* list. I also like Karel, Daisy and Ted. They're all lovely, really, but I think Joshua would make a good friend for the girls I already have. :)
    7. I think Joshua is definitely my favorite boy so far. ^^
    8. I think Karel is absolutely beautiful. I love her eyes and innocent face. *adds to wishlist* :)
    9. Ordered Joshua today on a short layaway. I can't wait to get him! He's going to be my Stella's son. Now to do some clothes shopping.....
    10. Hi everyone,

      I just found the new Raurencio Studio 40cm bodies thanks to this thread. This is such a cute and well-made body! I like its graceful lines and lovely proportions. I am interested in getting one or more for my Iplehouse JID girls, so I was disappointed to read that the Raurencio Studio resin was white in colour. So I wrote to them to find out exactly what colour it is, and apparently it is normal skin tone. Here is my question and their reply:

    11. This is great to know! Thank you Valentinegirl! When the company started production on their Ladies' Line last year white was the only resin choice available. It's good they are listening to their buyers' suggestions of making a resin choice option. ^^
    12. It's great they've added normal skin, I agree!

      Those are really sweet little outfits!
    13. The outfits are so sweet with very nice little details. I wish they made girl versions of the sets.

      Are you thinking of getting the green one for your Joshua, PacificBlue?
    14. I am pixelity! I am waiting for their reply as to where I can get those cute shoes they are wearing as well. ^^ I think the outfits would work on the girls as well don't you think?
    15. Actually, I think you're right! The 40cm girl body has quite a small chest, so the shirts should fit fine. But don't tempt me! ;)

      Ya know, I'm comparing the Taki and Karel head and I don't think there's any difference between them. Hmmm...

      I wish there were more pictures of the RS 40cm dolls on DoA. I'm very interested in getting one, although I'm not sure which one just yet. I can't wait for your Joshua. :)
    16. I'm a bad influence I know. But aren't the outfits soooo cute?!

      I don't think there is a difference between them either. It's amazing what a faceup and outfit can do to change a doll's gender huh?

      I can't wait for Joshua either! I wish there were more pics as well. As far as I can tell I'm one of 3 members on the Forum that has one of Raurencio's Ladies who has posted pics. People are undecided since the company was quiet for awhile and then BOOM! a bunch of new dolls. The owner employed some new sculptors last year hence the increased productivity. I am totally loving their stuff!
    17. [​IMG]

      Spam of paul
    18. TTYA, that's a very cute photo of your little guy! I love his realistic outfit!

      Would you be able to do some body and resin comparison photos for those of us thinking about buying Raurencio Studio dolls? I would love to see how his resin compares to Iplehouse resin if you have any, and also shots of his body without clothing. What is his posing ability like?