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Receiving doll on "bad" day...does this change your attitude toward it?

Jun 14, 2012

    1. I had the stomach flue, was forced to go to work anyway, then was singled out and humiliated during a "team building exercise" the day my Soom Sard arrived.

      I was deeply grateful that something good happened that day. If anything, it made me love him that much more.
    2. Yes, and if anything it made me love the doll even more. I had a birthday that was spent in a fruitless fiasco at the DMV (for those of you outside the US, think of the most banal, inefficient and obnoxious govt. office you can imagine!) and I was sulky afterward but then my Minifee arrived in the mail and improved the day considerably!
    3. I don't know if this will work the same for you as for me but you could try it this way: try making positive associations with the doll, positive experiences. Take her to places that have significance for you (just in the bag, she doesn't need to come out, just be there with you), put her in the hands of someone you care about and who can look at her with love (I imagine a young daughter/niece/grandchild). Little things to build a positive 'past' with her. After a while you might feel that and she might become something you can love again. Even the fact that she was 'there' when you got the bad news might eventually become something meaningful, the way friends and family that you have experienced not just good but also bad times with have a different and often deeper meaning then people you only ever had fun with.
    4. I've received several dolls on really crappy days and they have never failed to pick me back up.

      I've ended up racing out the door getting the dolls and tearing into the packages as fast as I can (that's why I can't post box openings - it takes to damn long to stop and take photos and I want my pressie now). I had a crappy upbringing so every time I receive a doll it's like getting the Xmas I never had as a child
    5. 1. I don't remember, perhaps yes.
      2. So far, I felt bad about a doll not because I'm having a bad day, but because of something worst.
      3. Actually, getting a new doll, or having my doll back from face up artist will change my mood into a good one, or into the best. That if I don't have problems with the doll company or the face up artist.
    6. Luckily my doll arrived on a good day. When I have a bad day, I let my negativity affect everything and it wouldn't have been a very fun experience opening her up. If I had gotten her on a day that I was especially grumpy, I would have waited to open her.
    7. Have you ever received a doll on a "bad" day in your life?
      Actually my latest doll arrived on a very bad day. I had gone to the hospital for some tests and they wound up being a lot more invasive and uncomfortable than originally planned. I was in a pretty bleak mood for the rest of the day and feeling absolutely physically beat...and then my new boy arrived!

      Did this affect the way you felt toward the doll? It did I think-I felt almost instantly attached to him, which is odd because I don't normally 'bond' with a doll untl I've worked on their face-up etc. But this little guy seemed to swoop in and steal my heart the moment I opened the box lol. I think it made him a touch more special BECAUSE he arrived on a bad day.

      If there was a change in feelings toward the doll, were they good are bad? Definately good :) I had really needed something happy in my life and getting a new BJD provided it

      *on a side note-if I recieved a doll on the day a personal tragedy occured, (a family member or close friend passing etc), I'm not so sure how I would react. I have a feeling I would react negatively because I would feel some how guilty about it...if that makes any sense..?
    8. Have you ever received a doll on a "bad" day in your life? I'm sure I have, but most memorable to me was ordering Heath on a "bad" day. I also got Amir right after my cousin died suddenly.

      Did this affect the way you felt toward the doll? It does, for the better

      If there was a change in feelings toward the doll, were they good are bad? They're good. Like the doll is my little ray of sunshine in a weary world. :) For Amir, I got him right after my cousin died unexpectedly from a drug overdose. There was so much bad going on, but getting him gave me something good. Just holding him took my mind away from the pain and let it go elsewhere. Heath was actually the result of a bad day! Work was unbelievably stressful, I was sick, i was upset, and anything that could go wrong that day did. My husband called and I told him about it and he asked what would help make it better. And I pouted and off the top of my head said "BlueBlood Draven...." never expecting to actually get one, especially since I was broke and there was only one left in stock. Three days later, Heath was home. THAT certainly cheered me up!
    9. Receiving a new doll or dolly stuff on a bad day always makes it better!! its so nice to play with new stuff and it distracts you from all the bad that happens. heck even impulse buying makes it better!! lol
    10. Getting a doll makes my day better -- I would say the doll influences how I feel about the day not the other way around.
    11. Wow,some of y'all's post helps me see from a different perspectice! Although our news was definitely bad, it wasn't a death or serious health news.

      A big hug goes out to all of y'all!

      It's now been over 2 1/2 weeks since my really bad news day... I actually took my doll out and wigged her and put an outfit on her. I am beginning to feel a bit better about her but I think her name will remain the same. It seems fitting for some reason.

      Thanks so much for sharing your stories! I really appreciate them. :)
    12. Unfortunately, I have to vote Yes on this.

      I was recovering from the flu when my LE Souldoll Tarot Lemkin arrived and I assumed it would help me feel better by lifting my spirits. It did not.

      Instead, I "happily" opened him, and then just put him aside. Then even when I felt better, dressed and wigged him, I just kind of felt "blah" about him.
      I don't know if my illness contributed or if I would have felt that way anyway because he didn't seem to properly fill a certain character.

      I did end up selling him, which also ended up being a horrible experience.
    13. I will not open a doll on a bad day. If I have to wait an extra day or two, I will. My doll world has nothing to do with any temporary negative energy that may exist in my life for whatever reason. My dolls are meant to be a source of happiness and peace and so I never force myself to play with them when the mood does not strike me or when I feel I cannot bring joy and happiness to the table. :chocoberry
    14. My mood at the time I receive a doll has absolutely no impact in my ownership of the doll.
    15. Have you ever received a doll on a "bad" day in your life?

      Not so much a bad day as a bad few months. I received my MSD f-06 while a lot of horrible stuff was going on in my life, which forced me to drop out of college and move house among other things. I was really heartbroken.

      However, if anything, I think it made my affection for her far stronger. She was the one really good thing that happened to me at that time and had been my 'dream doll' for about a year before getting her. I had a lot of time to bond with her and she is still the doll I feel the strongest connection to, five years later I still adore her and spoil her rotten!
    16. Have you ever received a doll on a "bad" day in your life?
      Yes, my first one.

      Did this affect the way you felt toward the doll?
      Yes, I wasn't THAT happy, you know?

      If there was a change in feelings toward the doll, were they good are bad?
      I felt like "that's it? this IS a bjd?" because I never saw one before. Some days later I was like "OMG! She's the most beautiful thing in the world!" hahahaha.

      My second doll arrived at morning, so my day started great.

      My third doll arrived while I was having some problems, but she made me happier and optimist about everything, so I guess I kind off learned about the first time.
    17. Have you ever received a doll on a "bad" day in your life?
      Yeah, my first doll arrived at a time I had major quarrel with mu mom, partly because of the doll too. I was really depressed.
      Did this affect the way you felt toward the doll?
      Actually it made me feel better and stronger, as I made my point and did as I decided.
      If there was a change in feelings toward the doll, were they good are bad?

      I got tired of it and sold it. It was an elf who was really distant and cold-looking. I felt uncomfortable near him.
    18. Yes, I have received a doll on a "bad" day, and it cheered me right up :D

      Other crap going on in my life does not affect my feelings toward my dolls.
    19. Have you ever received a doll on a "bad" day in your life?
      Yes and it is surprising how much better receiving that package made me feel then. A very upsetting event took place the day before I received my first SD17 Williams. I was gutted out when the incident took place but somehow, the doll made things so much better.

      Did this affect the way you felt toward the doll?
      Nope! Not at all. :)
    20. Yes I have. I received my boy Sid on a "bad" day, on top the bag he came with was torn and some other issues. It was all a little to much to take for me.
      But the moment I unwrapped him, I took him in my arms and it was the biggest comfort I could feel at that given moment. It created an instant bond with him and ever since he's my special boy. He will always be.