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Resin Best Friend or Resin Army? The pros and cons of having a few dolls vs tons

Apr 21, 2011

    1. Guys, this is a discussion and not a debate. I'm really not trying to fuel a fire here, I just wanted to make you guys ponder a random question and go for it.

      I really did this because I was thinking about this question in terms of myself, and I wanted to hear some reasons for why people chose which. That and the discussion forum is lacking new threads. ^^;;
    2. I can assure you that really isn't the case. All of mine receive equal attention - even my floating head (who presently is sitting on a flute stand next to me as I write). It may be true that you, personally, might find yourself playing favourites if you had more than 10 - but that does not hold true of everyone with a large collection.
    3. Fully clothed and accessorized resin army.

      While it's true some dolls will receive more attention because I like the characters more, every single one is important to create the whole family. I'd consider my collection incomplete without them all.
    4. Have we, indeed.

      Well, why can't you have a resin army AND resin best friends? I don't have a huge collection- five and a floating head- but I love them all dearly each in their own ways. What's more, they are all "character" dolls- as I get another character, I get another doll, depending on how strong the urge to shell them is. Most of my dolls have one specific outfit, which I'm fine with- none of them are really fashion-crazy princesses, after all, so it's not like their characters require them to have many looks.

      I personally don't feel quite right getting a new doll when one isn't finished, and luckily most of the dolls I like aren't limited so I can afford to take my time. I don't know how many dolls I will end up with- less than ten or over fifty, it just depends on which characters present themselves to me. One thing is for sure though- they will all be loved and cherished as individuals, even if there is an army of them. And they will all have clothes, unless of course they prefer being naked.
    5. i have 9 dolls with one on the way. all but one is finished [i had issues with the face up artist who was supposed to do his face up] and i give them all attention...i have plans to get more as well and THEY will get attention too. i would love to have a resin army of best friends XD
    6. Personally, I plan on having very few dolls, with multiple wigs, outfits, ect. I don't need an army, and my BJD hobby originated because I want to make clothing for the dolls, not because I need shells for my characters.
      So I think I'm just going to find one or two sculpts that really agree with me, and them build up a wardrobe. :)

      On the other hand, if I were insanely rich, I would buy a bojillion dolls just so that I could have a room full of nothing but them. I'd arrange them all to stare right at the door, and then I'd lead people into the room and watch them freak out. But THAT is just a bit off-topic and has little to do with my BJD hobby. ;)
    7. I have alot of dolls. I found that I could not keep upo with the sewing of clothes for so many and after awhile several of them were less appealing than in the b eginning. I love them all, but now I've traded some so most of my dolls are yosd size. Everyone gets to wear the shoes, wigs and clothes.
    8. I like the idea of a resin 'army'. I have over ten Build-A-Bears accumulated in 4yrs time, as well as 'armies' of other OT dolls, so I'm used to bulk. If I had the money right now, every doll on my list would be in the process of being here, I promise.:lol:
    9. Having had only one doll for years I think I'm firmly in the 'few dolls' camp.
      But I also think that having 2 or 3 would be the best, that way there is a little interaction in photo shoots and the like.
      I also like my doll to have many clothes options that I can change to fit my mood, and that wouldn't be practical if I was raising an army. =]
    10. I compare this hobby to my love of dogs a lot, and before my dog came to stay with me full time I was always wanting more, more, more! But now that she's home I'm so happy to have one, and I feel like I'd rather have three or four dolls perhaps at the most rather than an army. But I also like the idea of a doll town, yet I feel that maybe DoA is that in a way, without having to have tons of dolls to populate. I also really like dressing up and changing clothes of things, whatever I can find (online dress-up dolls and the like) and I'd like to have a few outfits for each doll. One plus to this versus dogs is that I can ignore them if I don't feel up to walking or whatnot. :P I wouldn't for more than a day or two though!
    11. I rather to have smaller resin family because BJD`s are not the only dolls that I collect and they are not my only hobby. If I wouldn't have other hobbies or some inexpensive ones, I would probably have `finished resin army` but with other expensive hobbies I dont want to spend all hobby funds just on dolls.
    12. I think there are so many different people here that some go well with tons of dollies, and some want to have few very dear dolls (not saying that those who have many dolls don´t consider all their dolls dear to them). But I have to say for myself, that I don´t think I could manage with more than 5 dolls. I wouldn´t simply have the time for them, and gradually some would be "forgotten". Plus I don´t want to have that much expensive dolls just laying around. But never say never. Sometimes hobbies have minds of their own :D So don´t be suprised if someday I have 10 or more dollies :D
    13. I like variety, so I'd pick the option of more dolls with fewer accessories from the two choices provided. I have quite a few dolls and all of them have multiple pairs of eyes, wigs and outfits - none of them are being neglected. Although I don't create characters, all have basic biographies and get equal play time. I have owned all of my dolls for over 7 years now and I have never considered them "finished" - I constantly experiment with different eye colors, hair colors, outfits, etc. If a doll ever reaches the point of being "finished", I'll probably lose interest and sell her. This is how I've been enjoying this hobby for the past 7 years, and I plan to continue in the same fashion :D
    14. ^I disagree with you there; in fact, I had been thinking about this very topic yesterday, I think. For me, at least, I think I'd risk playing favorites with as little as 3. It's like, you have your favorite, you have the one you don't spend *as much* time with, and then there's the one you still love, but end up not spending a lot of time with. At least, this is the set-up I tend to have when I have 3 or more of anything. I have almost 20 Build-a-Bears, and after a time, I would spend one day with them, then they went with all the others.
    15. Well, it dependson what you term a resin 'army' ...there are some people I know who have over 20 dolls, all with complete clothing, wigs, shoes, and their own bedrooms/doll room and a town with characters created to boot....there are also some friends of mine who are satisfied with just one, or two or three dolls and those dolls are special friends as well, with complete outfit, wigs, furniture to boot. I myself have seven bjd's - oh my goodness- 7!! and would now like to work on getting an SD for an adult doll. My tinies are at 4 count, but I know another tiny make themselves known and I will get them. Not all of my dolls have the needed wigs, clothes, etc. but I enjoy them because of their characters.

      I think lot of your question is a little flawed because my point is- I know collectors with a regular army and some with a few resin friends, but they are all well cared for, toted everywhere in purses, knapsacks etc. So it amounts to how serious the person is who is collecting, and how much of a completist they are. I myself, am seeming to now fall into the catagory with an army and few pieces of clothing, so am constantly sewing...
    16. I have close to 30 complete dolls. They all have multiple outfits, wigs, eyes, shoes, and even underwear. So I guess I have a resin army of best friends. I try to divide my time among them equally, rotate who goes to meetups and who gets photo shoots, etc.
    17. I would rather have fewer dolls with more accessories for them to have. I wouldn't want to have so many dolls to the point where I'd be wondering where to put them. I would also like to be able to bring my dolls with me to different places, maybe not all of them but at least most of them. I also think that dolls are really expensive, and their clothes are too... But clothes cost less than dolls, so I would feel better "financially."
    18. I currently have 7 full dolls, 2 more on the way and about 6 floating heads (Eeek seems really bad when I add it up!), and pretty much love all of them. They all have outfits and accessories and spares, except for Spinel. The guy only remains partially clothed because he's hard to get for and I want quite specific period clothing so I am going to have to make it. When I started in this hobby I assumed that I would just have one doll and lots of outfits, but actually I hate having outfits sat in a box with no-one to show them off, so more dolls arrived!

      I don't really neglect any of them, it's just that one will become the focus of my attention for a week or so and then another will catch my eye. I roam around between them all like a resin loving bumble bee and I'm happy with them all right now. :)
    19. I only have two dolls as of the moment and I'm contented with what I have right now. Less dolls are much easier to take care of. My attention is limited to two dolls and I consider it as an advantage..