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Resin Soul Mini jointed hands (MSD or 1/4)

Feb 3, 2018

    1. Omg I would love to see how the hands look on your MNF! I just ordered a Rendia boy in the Motion Body in TS, and I've been researching for weeks which jointed hands would fit MNFs better. Alas, the information available is very little and not good enough to make a final decision. I am almost sure I wanna go for the RS hands, because besides Bimongs hands (which are the absolute perfect fit for MNF but unfortunately they're too expensive), I believe RS has the best ones I've seen so far.
      Is it too much to ask for a pic or two of your MNF sporting those beautiful hands?
      Also, at the risk of pushing my luck here, would it be ok to ask how to do that color matching thing in the RS website? Would love to have the exact color match his skin and don't have to worry about working on it myself later
    2. I was going to use the RS bodies with the MNF head. I haven't put it on yet. But here is a comparison with a mnf hand. Wow, my mnf came in a lot pinker than other dolls I have so the resin match isn't the best.


      But I have to say, a collection of minifee hands can cover a lot of poses and they make dressing a doll so much easier. Because they're more delicate, you can't put on/take off jointed hands without risking breaking them.
      • x 2
    3. Thank you very much for the pic! It helps a lot actually I think I'm gonna go for them. The size is not too different.
      About the color matching, is there a link where I can write down the color? Or is the a Note section during checkout like with Fairyland where I can specify the exact pantone number?
    4. You know, pantone doesn't hit the color exactly. It fits my older dolls a bit better. But this is what I did. I got the perfect color paint chip. It was Behr paint at home Depot. I discovered that behr's website will convert their paint chip colors to hex numbers like you use on a web page. Then you can Go to the pantone site and convert that hex number into a choice of pantone numbers. I got this :

      Note: the bigger color squares are all the same and the color of the paint chip I chose. If it looks different from one to the other, it's an illusion.

      I felt alternative 2. Was closest, though as you can see in my previous picture, the newest doll of mine is way pinker.

      I should try the process over again, see if I come up with a better color using my newer pinker resin :)
      • x 1
    5. That's a great idea
      Ok I'm gonna do that the moment my boy gets home! Thank you so much again!
      And I'm guessing once I know the exact pantone number I can just write it down on the checkout page of the order? So they know the tone I want exactly?
    6. @Chibimanager There might be a charge, or maybe not, but I'd also write to Sun to make sure they know. Also, as you can see from my example, Pantone doesn't always have the exact color, so by not sending a sample of the exact color, you'll have to be more flexible :)
      • x 1
    7. Alrighty I will do that thank you!
      I'm guessing the email is the one at the bottom of the page: [email protected] right? I tried writing to them since Friday and I'm still waiting for an answer. Hope they reply soon
    8. Yes, that's the correct email address :thumbup
      • x 1
    9. They already replied to me!
      Thanks for all the advice dude
      • x 1
    10. Awesome, Sun is so responsive and nice :D
    11. Anyone used them on a loong soul doll? I want to try on a 73 LS